Carl Gustaf before WWII: what happens?


ACCESS: Top Secret
1 June 2019
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The Carl Gustaf, a popular weapon for the last half century, missed WWII just by a mere 3 years.

So lets look at an alternate world where this weapon is imagined and developed with demonstration of well designed HEAT warhead in 1938, and sold/marketed/etc to the world by the time WWII breaks out. Note that the locals can clone the design or make changes to suit their needs (larger weapon for larger HEAT warhead for example).

What happens to tank design and tactics? What happens to infantry tactics? What happens to field guns?
Start by reviewing the Carl Gustav Pvg. fm42 recoil-less anti-tank rifle in 20 millimeter. It was developed between 1940 and 1942 and purchased by the Swedish Army in small numbers.
Start by reviewing the Carl Gustav Pvg. fm42 recoil-less anti-tank rifle in 20 millimeter. It was developed between 1940 and 1942 and purchased by the Swedish Army in small numbers.
There are Youtube videos of the thing being fired--terrifying backblast.
I could imagine this in a scenario Were German Empire survive WW1
and 1940s Europe face threat by Communist USSR who want to export the Revolution by Invasion.
Then in 1941 the Soviets invade East Europe, German Empire and Scandinavia
Here Sweden joins the Anticommunist fraction
The Carl Gustav Pvg. fm42 recoil-less anti-tank rifle get mass produced and copy by Germans, Poland, Finnland
While the Germans get bug out the rifle and perfected the HEAT warhead

the gun in detail

The gun in action
I could imagine this in a scenario Were German Empire survive WW1
and 1940s Europe face threat by Communist USSR who want to export the Revolution by Invasion.
Then in 1941 the Soviets invade East Europe, German Empire and Scandinavia
Here Sweden joins the Anticommunist fraction
The Carl Gustav Pvg. fm42 recoil-less anti-tank rifle get mass produced and copy by Germans, Poland, Finnland
While the Germans get bug out the rifle and perfected the HEAT warhead

the gun in detail

The gun in action
How soon until civilian shooters start wearing full-face helmets?

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