British Secret Projects Volume 4:Bombers 1935-1950 by Tony Buttler


ACCESS: Confidential
17 February 2013
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This book completes the process of revising Tony Buttler’s successful British Secret Projects titles, which have described the design and development of the UK’s military aircraft since the mid-1930s. The original single volume has now been split into two separate titles; the already published British Secret Projects 3 Fighters 1935-1950 and this new book examining the design and development of the British bomber from roughly the introduction of monoplane designs through to the start of the jet era. This split has allowed space for the inclusion of much new information and many additional photographs.
Concentrating on designs that were never built, the projects and programmes explored here start with designs that were prepared in the knowledge that war was approaching and go right through to the last generation of British piston-engined bombers that appeared after the war had ended. As well as the ‘heavies’, this book also includes medium and light bombers, torpedo bombers for the Navy and anti-submarine types including flying boats.
The book includes many three-view drawings plus numerous photographs of models or original artist’s impressions to show how these unbuilt designs would have appeared, all ideal reference material for modellers in particular. The text includes full data available on the various types while additional appendices summarise the projects and their covering contracts and specifications
ISBN: 9781910809341
Binding: Hardback
Dimensions: 280mm x 210mm
Pages: 224
Photos/Illus: 300 photos & artwork


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Looking good so far. Going to be highly interesting as I missed the previous version. :cool:
So, if this is the new BSP4, what will we call the old BSP4, the hypersonics one . . . ?

I hope they re-do the hypersonic‘s secret projects book, that was my favourite book in the series.
The BSP1, 2, 3, 4 labels on the original editions were never official titles, only shorthand on this forum I think. Crecy certainly don't refer to them as such. Perhaps the new titling is a result of our shorthand on here.

That's what I was trying to get at, we have used BSP4 as shorthand for the Hypersonics volume on this forum for quite some time, however when the new book is published, BSP4 will instead refer to British Bombers 1935-50 . . .

BSP:4a for the new one or BSP:4H for the old?
I suppose really that the old one will have to remain as BSP4, or otherwise somebody will have go back through all the old threads and edit them . . . :eek:
If the new one was BSP4b, or BSP4B, then the 'B/b' would indicate both the second incarnation of this abbreviation, and 'Bombers' . . .

BSP4 - British Bombers 1935 - 1950 is going to be available in early July, according to their Facebook page post yesterday. Good news :)
I have a most worrying problem. The shelf I have all my Secret Projects series book on has run out of room and with 3 more to buy...
Marry a librarian. They'll sort you out.

I'm currently weeding my the loft. Raining outside

Just checked Crecy's web site-publication date has moved to Jul 31, 2020
My wants list has just moved from unlikely to very unlikely to be filled.
My wants list has just moved from unlikely to very unlikely to be filled.
Why so negative? It went through layout and proof reading in late May so its well down the pipeline. Print and distribution is bound to be disrupted to some extent in the current circumstances.
Looks at wallet. Looks at total planned expenditures on books. Calculates current wants against other recent (5 year backlog) books. The buck stops, that is, runs out, at some point. Oh yes, things get rearranged from time time. Not negative, just practical.
Cheers, Crecy website not changed date so i was hopeful that it would.
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The book is back in stock at Amazon Germany.
Price: 28,02€
Delivery time: 10 to 14 days from Great Britain
I ordered it on Sunday and it was delivered today on Friday.
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Just ordered on UK/Ireland Amazon.
It still hasn't shown up on, so I ordered it from (I think it's on every Amazon site except the U.S. one!)
My copy has just literally landed on my doormat.

It looks good. It follows the same formula of the Fighters volume in being the same familiar layout but with updated information and new finds. The additional GA drawings, models and photos really do make this a much more complete volume and finishes it off beautifully, as does the larger reproduction of the images previously used. It is well worth updating your library if you have the original.

Spoiler alert: don't stop flicking through after you reach the index, there are 4 pages of full size photos lurking behind the index that you might otherwise miss.
Just got my copy, made it to Canada in a commendably short time-frame. On first pass it looks excellent with significantly more illustrations and information than in the original volume. I'm looking forward to diving deeper into the text.
Have my copy also. There are indeed a fair number of 'things' unseen before.
Four revised books already..... Great job Mr.Buttler !

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