Brazilian Air Force receives updgraded C-95 and P-95 Embraer Bandeirante models


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31 December 2008
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An interesting development extending the service life of the venerable Embraer Bandeirante in both transport and maritime patrol variants.... I have tweaked the Google translation below for obvious errors. See the link for many more photos.


Aviation in Florianopolis

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Phoenix Squadron receives its first modernized P-95

The date September 15, 2015 certainly represented a new chapter in the history of the Second Squadron of the Seventh Aviation Group (2nd / 7th GAv), one of three Air Units of the Brazilian Air Force dedicated to the mission of Maritime Patrol and based in Florianópolis Air Force Base (BAFL).

Today the Phoenix Squadron, as it is known, was the first of a total of four modernized P-95 Bandeirante Patrol models, which will form part of its operational complement. At the moment the aircraft, with the registration FAB 7103 (c/n 110488) is under evaluation and testing by the members of the Air Unit and should soon be fully able to perform all operational mission. In addition to Florianopolis, the Neptune Squadron (3rd / 7th GAv), based in Belém (PA), will also receive four copies of the modernized P-95.

Prepared by the Brazilian Air Force and executed by Embraer and other companies associated with the project, the modernization process includes altogether 50 airframes, 42 of the C-95 Bandeirante model (dedicated to transport missions) and 08 P-95 Bandeirante patrol version, all of the P-95B model. The main changes common to the two versions are the adoption of a panel of digital instruments with multifunction displays within the concept called "glass cockpit" and to replace the analog panel, new communication system and a complete revitalization and reinforcement of the aircraft structure.

In the specific case of P-95, in addition to these improvements, a new search radar, SeaSpray 5000E, in included and capable of detecting large ships up to 370 miles away along with the incorporation of a new navigation system and sensors dedicated to the maritime patrol mission, bringing the aircraft up to P-95BM standard.

In addition to the new paint in a similar shade of gray to that used by the P-3AM Orion, what draws the most attention outside the P-95BM is the presence of a bubble-shaped window to facilitates the observers' work on sea or land search missions.

The blog Aviation in Florianopolis could not remain indifferent to this fact, therefore, can register this morning (23/09), some images of the "Phoenix 03" on the main track from Hercílio Luz International Airport (FLN / SBFL). These are to take photos that make up this matter and that we share with our readers. We hope to soon bring a comprehensive and full report and many other aircraft photos.

The morning of today was reserved for the realization of touch and go exercises, also known by the acronym TGL, English, Touch and Go Landing, where the Squadron members train approach procedures and also to become familiar with the new equipment aircraft.

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