Boeing MER/TER & Integrated Conformal Carriage projects

I think,I saw a design,looks like to Boeing Integrated Conformal Carriage aircraft,
and may be,it wasn't from Boeing,but where ?.
Is that a tailless swing wing design? How does the vertical tail at the end of the swing wing work? Does the vertical tail somehow pivot about the wing tip to accommodate the swing?

The yawing moment from one of those tails getting stuck as the wings swing all the way forward is probably leathal.
I wonder if it's an all-moving vertical surface. If it has to rotate as the wing sweeps anyway, why not move the whole tail for flight control as well?

OK, I looked at the rest of that paper, and there's just enough detail in one image to see what's happening. Basically, the tail is attached to a small horizontal structure that seems to be pivoted at the leading edge. As the wing moves forward, the back part of this structure slides into a slot in the wingtip. So yes, it is a bit tricky, though not much worse than the normal swing mechanism.

It seems to be the same basic shape that Boeing offered for one of the pre-ATF studies:,398.msg162543.html#msg162543

Earlier in that thread, the same integrated conformal carriege is shown on a more conventional airframe:,398.msg2554.html#msg2554

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