Black Widow Spiders Infest Navy Warship

Grey Havoc

Senior Member
9 October 2009
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BATH, Maine (AP) – A Navy shipbuilder in Maine says it had to fumigate a warehouse and part of a warship because a shipment of parts from the West Coast contained about two-dozen venomous black widow spiders.

Grey Havoc said:
Hmmm, might need some minor genetic tampering for full effect. [evil cackling echoes]

Getting a little off topic, but so long as genetic engineering is involved, I can think of few things more appropraite than...
Orionblamblam said:
Getting a little off topic, but so long as genetic engineering is involved, I can think of few things more appropraite than...

I liked the spider joke, but let's not take the joke too far... The last thing that one should hope for in a war is for a weapon that would hurt the populations.
I am probably very naive, but I still believe that if the golden rule (Do not do unto others what you wouldn't have them do unto you) was applied, the world would be better for it.
None of us would like to see enemy UAVs dropping chemicals on us, so let's hope our military never resorts to such nonsense once again. Agent Orange remains a sad episode in the American wartime record.
Uh, my Norton firewall blocked your attachment. Seems there is hope in the war against THEM !!
( Whatever THEY were... ;- )

Slightly off-topic but, when EMP bombs and Things came through their portals, where were you ? How did you fare ??
Big Bad Bugs
I was in England
I can't wait until some school children in Canada are blown up by a booby-trapped UAV....

It is one of those things - conventional weapons and flame throwers are bad enough - I'm not afraid of black widows (heck my friends find them often enough). Anyway, the sad thing about hitting infrastructure and populations is the long term effect. Half a century later the forest cover hasn't returned in many of the areas hard hit by Agent Orange (something like 30% of the countries forest areas) and I remember keenly a documentary which showed the still shell-shocked faces of villagers who got caught in the cross-fire of the Ho Chi Min trail. The costs of war are about the only thing that can justify armies.

So it is good that the ship is now safe for her crews.
Stargazer2006 said:
I liked the spider joke, but let's not take the joke too far... The last thing that one should hope for in a war is for a weapon that would hurt the populations.

You're right. Best to just go in and behead all the soldiering-age males. It's accepted practice in that region of the world, so...

I am probably very naive, but I still believe that if the golden rule (Do not do unto others what you wouldn't have them do unto you) was applied, the world would be better for it.

Do unto them before they do unto you.
Grey Havoc said:
BATH, Maine (AP) – A Navy shipbuilder in Maine says it had to fumigate a warehouse and part of a warship because a shipment of parts from the West Coast contained about two-dozen venomous black widow spiders.


So, did they check the spiders for PLAN armbands? Or large deposits of Yuan in their bank accounts? Just saying.....(damn fifth-columnist spider infiltration...mumble-mumble...[reaches for tinfoil hat]).

Regards & all, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Thomas L. Nielsen
Interestingly Black Widows have a global mid-latitude to tropical distribution - so they are perfect infiltrators. Unsurprisingly, the South African ones make especially good mercenaries (being the only species with mandibles strong enough to penetrate human skin before delivering the toxin). Sneaky buggers...
I recall from the early 90s a load of classic cars shipped in from California to East Midlands Airport that had black widows as stowaways. Had to be fumigated, which boosted the cost of the rust-free Triumph Spitfires. Oddly enough, I'm always wary of sacks of mud chemicals shipped from the States for the very same reason. Stems back to my time in west Africa, you never knew what was lurking in the sack store...some toted G3s!


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