Belyayev EI, EOI and OI-2 fighters and PBI dive-bomber


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26 May 2006
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the Belyayev EI (fighter pilot) or PI (interceptor fighter) was unusual fighter; The pilot was placed in front of a cabin, equipped with automotive-type door on the right side. Immediately behind the cab was the engine, rotating propeller, which seemed to cut the fuselage.
Through the gear motor passed a steel shaft, which connected the front and rear fuselage. Under the terms of the layout of the wing spar was held in front of the engine, so to obtain the necessary alignment of the wing gave a pronounced sweep.
Approximately 2 / 3 span, it was broken and even more slant back, Belyaev suggested using a special wing laminizirovanny Profile ╧ 2409
with a thickness of 9%. In a memorandum to the draft stated that one of the aspirations of the designer is laminizatsiya flow of airframe in order to obtain a record top speed.

The design of the wing mixed: spar and power units, steel, all other elements of wood in various combinations. Wooden assumed, and the front of the fuselage.

Tail unit is equipped with three small keels, which enabled to reach a compromise between the necessary directional stability, the size of a landing angle of the plane and torque rear fuselage. Weaponry in the basic version consisted of two guns 20 or 23 mm, placed on the left side of the fuselage. There was also a plant of heavy machine guns or Berezin SHKAS.


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Good Gnu! That looks like something out of my "Crimson Skies" game! Did it actually fly?

Nice fighter design,it shows that the Russians were already at that time very innovative aircraft designers! allthough it has some similarities with the Dutch Schelde S-21 design from 1939
Unusual indeed. Must have a proper look at those links later.
Bit more quality ;)
Source: Aviation & Time 2008-04


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Also add-on - EOI fighter

Source: Aviation & Time 2008-04


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And - OI-2 fighter

Source: Heavy Fighters of WWII, part 1 - airplanes of USSR, 2003


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Thank you.

That mid-bodied-prop design was seriously weird, but the twin was unexpectedly elegant.

the Belyaev EOI Model.


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Reply #12 [/size]the Belyaev EOI Model.
This latest iteration of the I-370 (EOI) with the motor M-107.
Preceding it with a configuration engine M-105 and M-107.
Just reconstruction dive bomber "360" based DB-LK (two of the four options)


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This wind tunnel model of dive bomber PB-LK (on based DB-LK, one of four variants)
see :,10549.0/all.html Reply #13
From Le FANA 498.


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Hi , i like Belyaev's concepts. Here is good info about hiz projects:

Source: АиВ №4, 2008

Later i post more


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You'l see! Here is a contunie:


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Hi! EI fighter.
"A sketched project of this 1-seat cannon fighter with an M-105, equipped with two turbo TC-2, Belyaev prepared in September 1939, EI was a cantilever monoplane mixed structure with a paved wing, 3-rack chassis with a bow wheel. It was to have a mass of 2640 kg, a maximum speed of 712 km/h (at an altitude of 10000 m) and a practical ceiling of 11600 m. The pilot was stationed in front of a sealed cabin with a vehicle-type door on the starboard side.
The main option consisted of two weapons with a calibre of 20 or 23 mm placed on the left board of the fuselage. It was also intended to install calibre machine-guns Beresina or Shkasov. The representative of the Expert Commission, Ncap Stepan, said, when considering a sketched draft EI, "Resistance is calculated with possible accuracy and greater knowledge of the case." This causes full trust to be given to the results obtained in the sketch project. "Moreover, the data obtained in the calculations are likely to be surpassed."
After the EI project was not approved, Belyaev redesigned it to boom a variant with the M-105PTK at 1000 horsepower at a height of 8500 m and pusher three screw ZSMV-2. Now the plane was called EOC (experimental, same-engine fighter). According to the main APC, it was to be practically consistent with the predecessor. The profile of the wing was also Laminizirovannyj, but its relative thickness was increased to 12%. The pilot's seat and the control system were located on the console metal farm, and the entire bow portion of the dome could be separated in the mounting and repair."

But this drawing shows normal exhaust nozzles, nevertheless EI had turbocharger. ???


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Hi! EOI fighter.

"The EOI had the cockpit in the nose, almost perfectly streamlined, with armament in the same location. Possibly for the first time in history, Belyayev designed the entire front section of the aircraft to be separated in emergency, so that the pilot would not have to bail out ahead of the propeller. The latter was to be driven by a Klimov M-105 engine, rated at l,100hp and fitted with a TK-2 tur­bocharger. In the original scheme, like fight­ers of 1917 by Gallaudet in the USA and Dufaux in France, the propeller was to have a large-diameter hub through which passed a tube carrying the rear fuselage. Some of the ‘370’ drawings are reproduced overleaf. One shows the proposed cockpit, armament of two underfloor VYa-23 cannon and location of the cartridge-severed attachments. Anoth­er drawing shows the unique arrangement in which the wing was to be provided with a slat. This auxiliary surface was normally
housed in a recess immediately ahead of the flap or aileron. For take-off and landing it was to be swung down and forward to adopt a leading-edge-down attitude ahead of the leading edge of the wing. Thus, it was a bold­er precursor of today’s Krueger flap. Whether or not this aerodynamically powerful idea was abandoned is unknown, but Belyayev certainly abandoned the original rear fuse­lage. By late 1939 he had decided to use con­ventional twin tail booms. The specification overleaf applies to this revised scheme."

Another site.

EOI wing plan form is mystery for me. PBI mockup picture shows partial wing plan shape.
There are drawing and picture of straight wing EOI, simple swept-back wing EOI and double swept-back wing EOI.
What is the relation between EI fighter and EOI fighter?
Some document says that single fuselage pusher fighter is EI and twin boom fighter is EOI. :-[


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borovik-san's contribution(bottom one) for single fuselage pusher EOI fighter shows straight wing and normal exhaust nozzles.
I can see slat at the wing leading edge. But I can't find radiator. Bottom of the fuselage?;topic=10549.0;attach=174860;image

"Another option for EOI fighter aircraft could be PBI (Bomber fighter bomber). On this aircraft, with a mass of 2850 kg, was planning to set up a promising engine m-107, use the brake bars to ensure exit from the dive. The weapons included the Taubina-Baburin gun and one machine-gun shkac, bombs up to 500 kg and rockets of the RS-132. It was emphasized that, once the bombing had been executed, the aircraft could be used as a fighter.

A sketched PBI project was presented for consideration in November 1940. PBI's assessment followed the conclusion that PBI was not consistent with the classification of fighter aircraft in the 1941 Air Force plan, it was believed that the rise of 500 kg of bombs required increased strength, which would increase the flying weight and flight characteristics of the aircraft. It was proposed to increase the area of the horizontal plume by 55%. In an air Force opinion of 5 December 1940, PBI was not recommended for inclusion in the plan of prototype construction, deferring a decision until the results of the EOI tests were obtained. The work on PBI completed with the fabrication of the full layout."

"Wingspan : 10.40m, Length : 8.67m, Area of wing : 16.11 square meter
Mass(Maximum Flight) : 2850kg
Engine : 1 POA m-107
Crew : person 1
Weapons: One cannon Taubina-Baburin, One 7.62 machine gun SHKAC
Bombs up to 500 kg"

I can see double swept leading edge wing in the top picture. Also I can see some round device at the starboard side of the fuselage in the second picture.
I can't find a radiator and slat. ???


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