Anglo French Codominium: Churchill's vision for a postwar Europe

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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If Churchill and de Gaulle had been able to agree on fusing the Nations of Britain and France together the Post war world would have been radically different. It would also have produced some interesting projects for our Secret Projects world.

I thought at this Christmas time when Britain and France seem to have fallen out yet again it would be fun to look on the positive side for a change and see what the two Nations might have gained if after the Fall of France in 1940 Churchill and De Gaulle had agreed to the birth of a new Nation.

Any takers?
This idea has been explored by this timeline
"The Sword of Freedom"

"France Fights On !" also toyed with that idea early one, but they decided it was too complicated, and went for Algier instead.
Archibald said:
This idea has been explored by this timeline
"The Sword of Freedom"

"France Fights On !" also toyed with that idea early one, but they decided it was too complicated, and went for Algier instead.

i made nice National flag of British-French nation for this TL

how beautiful it look like
but on long term is gonna be problem's
like Conservative British politician vrs modernism French politician
see how GB murder there space program and TSR.2
while France launch there rockets and build Mirage IV...

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