A wager of ONE DOLLAR!


ACCESS: Top Secret
16 January 2008
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I got a bet going with a fellow Navy Reservist about two aviation issues he vehemently swears are fact. I call bulls**t. So, like the guys in Trading Places, I made a friendly wager of ONE DOLLAR.

OK so here's what we bet on...


Buddy swears up and down that the third XB-70 was completed and given the name "Rosse Weiss" (White Rose). See my problem is that the issue of XB-70, number AV-3, has explored, hashed and re-hashed again out during the whole Blackstar noise of 2006. And somehow I doubt it will go away.

Where he thinks a German name was assigned to an XB-70 is beyond me unless they sold XB-70's to the Luftwaffe. Right. So I call BS on that.



He's fully convinced that the Me-262, HG-III was actually built and flown. I give him that they designed the HG-III, we've seen it on here once or twice. But a flown version? I wave my BS flag on that too.

Outside of a CGI, I really doubt that. if I'm mistaken.....please feel free to correct me. Perhaps Justo can jump on here and help me with that one.

And that's about it. Bear in mind my buddy also has a great love for the BV-141 and thinks it's one of the best aicraft designs of all time. Me, I'm more of a Horten/Northrop flying wing kinda guy.

So that's it. I ask
BS on the XB-70. Some parts of it were built as I recall but nothing at all resembling a complete aircraft. See Landis's Valkyrie book.
Some of the parts for A/V-3 were actually used to repair the first or second XB-70. I think one of the main gear assemblies was used to replace one on A/V-1 that got seriously messed up. And I want to say that one of the canards from A/V-3 was used for something, as was a fuselage component (I think that one was for thermal testing by NASA), but I can't remember if that's right or not. Regardless, A/V-3 components did certainly fly, just as replacements on the other XB-70s.
But not as a completed vehicle. As a completed vehicle named Rosse Weiss, no less. I knew it. I even told him about the big Blackstar brouhaha od '06 and how the AV-3 myth has been de-bunked already but he still didnt believe me.
XP67_Moonbat said:
But not as a completed vehicle. As a completed vehicle named Rosse Weiss, no less. I knew it. I even told him about the big Blackstar brouhaha od '06 and how the AV-3 myth has been de-bunked already but he still didnt believe me.

Well you could ask him for evidence of his claim. ;)
XP67_Moonbat said:
".....and given the name "Rosse Weiss" (White Rose).

Also, AFAIK (any native German-speakers out there are more than welcome to correct me), the name "White Rose" translated into German would be "Weisser Rose".

It always amuses me when people try to invent names for something in a foreign language that they don't actually speak (and obviously hope no one else does, either - are you listening, Rob Arndt ?).

Regards & all,

Thomas L. Nielsen
The german translation for "White rose" actually is "weisse Rose". And to give this name to
a military aircraft, is without any doubt an idea, no political correct german would ever dare!
"Weisse Rose" (or "Weiße Rose" in the older spelling) was the name given to the german
resistance group around Hans and Sophie Scholl, which lasted from, I think late 1941 until
their execution in 1943. To use it as an official name would be similar to renaming the Leopard
tank into "Osama Bin Laden" to improve its export chances ! ;D
Jemiba said:
The german translation for "White rose" actually is "weisse Rose". And to give this name to
a military aircraft, is without any doubt an idea, no political correct german would ever dare!
"Weisse Rose" (or "Weiße Rose" in the older spelling) was the name given to the german
resistance group around Hans and Sophie Scholl, which lasted from, I think late 1941 until
their execution in 1943. To use it as an official name would be similar to renaming the Leopard
tank into "Osama Bin Laden" to improve its export chances ! ;D
Or having the next Indian light fighter called "Mahatma Gandhi". :p
Lauge said:
XP67_Moonbat said:
".....and given the name "Rosse Weiss" (White Rose).

Also, AFAIK (any native German-speakers out there are more than welcome to correct me), the name "White Rose" translated into German would be "Weisser Rose".
For "white rose = weiße Rose", see jemiba's Posting.

"Rosse Weiss" actually translates (well, sort of :D ) into "Horses white" ;D!
According to my research into the XB-70 Valkyrie; Number 62-001 had 83 flights and is in a museum.
Number 62-0207 had 46 flights, the pilot of the F-104 wanted to know what would happen if another aircraft hit it.
Number 62-0208 was the advanced prototype cancelled whilst in manufacturing.
Yeah he's full of it....no third XB-70 ever took flight. I keep telling him I call BS on his statements. And convieniently enough, when I ask him to back his claims up, the books he says back his claim up are back at his parents' house in upstate NY.

I want my dollar!
Across the pond in the UK. All books published over here have a ISBN code and a copy must be sent to the British Library and have a copyright registration. I'm not too sure if the same applies in America, as you could look up the title of your mates' book and get a copy.
I hope this helps.
The whole thing about the third XB-70 is a big piece of crap!
Besides, the B-70 is not exactly the kind of airplane that could go flying for very long without getting noticed...

As for the Blackstar (or whatever Aviation Week & ST came up with back in 2005), I do not know what part of it was true (if any) but if there is such a program, it probably has as little to do with the Valkyrie as the Tomcat has to do with the F-111. Same type of general configuration, period. (isn't it strange that the letters "BS" can describe both "bull***t" AND "Blackstar"? ;D )

As for the Me 262 I couldn't say.

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