A daring boast!


ACCESS: Top Secret
6 June 2008
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Here is my call - Air-breathing hypersonic-cruising aircraft, particularly passenger aircraft, will never be a thing (possibly outside of "black" research/military applications).

The two critical difficulties are keeping the engines lit and stopping the aircraft from melting, for hours on end. The SR-71 required a lot of compromises just to be able to sustain Mach 3 (taking off leaking like a sieve, struggling to slow down to the speed of its jet tanker and then racing to accelerate to a speed where expansion would stop the fuel from leaking out) and that was a two-place military aircraft that didn't have to recoup costs. Mach 5-plus is much worse.

Right now, and I predict for the foreseeable future, I suspect it is actually a technically easier (and in the long term possibly less expensive) proposition to go directly to space with rocket power and suffer the relatively brief indignity of re-entry heat.

Needless to say, I would be very pleased to be proved wrong in my lifetime!
As a former member of BIS, who followed HOTOL, then SABRE's filament heat-exchanger (*) with its extra-ordinary P/W, I still hope for 'Fly To Orbit' in my remaining life-time...

But, like 'industrial' fusion and true AI, 'FTO' seems several decades away...

*) FWIW, when I first read of that heat exchanger, I contacted RE and asked if they'd considered spectrum-analysis of the core's 'Aeolian Harping' as an engineering aid. They neither confirmed nor denied, but sent me a BIG Smiley...

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