840-850 Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets


Crazy Researcher
Top Contributor
Senior Member
19 December 2006
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After much grinding, I finally got my own website:

www.alternatewars.com and uploaded my current SACs to it. Took me like 5 hours of straight uploading :p

I'm sure you just want to get to the straight dope:


NOTE: The total size of all the SACs is 2.45 GB! Please, Please PLEASE do not try to grab every single one in a single day! I have bandwidth bills to pay! Try to grab an aircraft series or so a day. If you really do want them all, contact me via private message on the forum, and I'll mail you a DVD with the latest updates....


Re: 500~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

thanks for sharing all this stuff - I will definitely grab some (and as you recommended, not all at once!) :)
Re: 500~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

Ryan, thanks a lot for sharing. I already picked some files. Great stuff.
Your website contents are promising, I'll keep an eye on it. Congratulations.

Re: 500~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

I do believe I've hit nerd heaven.
Re: 500~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

RyanCrierie said:
After much grinding, I finally got my own website:

www.alternatewars.com and uploaded my current SACs to it. Took me like 5 hours of straight uploading :p

I'm sure you just want to get to the straight dope:


NOTE: The total size of all the SACs is 2.45 GB! Please, Please PLEASE do not try to grab every single one in a single day! I have bandwidth bills to pay! Try to grab an aircraft series or so a day. If you really do want them all, contact me via private message on the forum, and I'll mail you a DVD with the latest updates....



Er. . .the one on the B-58 appears to be damaged. :-[
Re: 500~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets


You're right! And at 15 MB, man....not everyone has high speed internet...

Next update for this archive will add file sizes next to the HTML links, so you can tell easily if something's damaged....
Re: 500~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

RyanCrierie said:

You're right! And at 15 MB, man....not everyone has high speed internet...

Next update for this archive will add file sizes next to the HTML links, so you can tell easily if something's damaged....

Those are pretty sweet. Lotta work I image too. Thanks. :)
Re: 500~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

On December 04 2006, I asked in this website " Does anybody know any site which comprehensively shows the USAF version of "Standard Aircraft Characteristics" and "Characteristics Summary"?"

Finally you answered my wish.

Thank you so much Ryan!

I remember when I visited the Air Force Museum at Dayton 20 years ago, and spent several hours at the library finding Standard Aircraft Characteristics of XGAM-71 Buck Duck etc.

Kenji (eep1a)
Re: 500~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

EEP1A said:
Thank you so much Ryan!

No problem. The previous depository of SAC data on the intertubes Here was also by me, from severla visits to the Naval Historical Center.

I remember when I visited the Air Force Museum at Dayton 20 years ago, and spent several hours at the library finding Standard Aircraft Characteristics of XGAM-71 Buck Duck etc.

For me; I had to write the USAFM Historical Center; get permission to visit; and the guy in charge of it would pick me up each morning at the entrance to the USAF Museum, and drive me onto the base (post 9/11 restrictions etc). They then asked me what I wanted; and the staff went into the archives room (researchers are no longer allowed to browse teh records) got the stuff, and then delivered it to me.

I spent four days in the USAFM HC scanning whatever I could get my hands on; concentrating on the "big" aircraft -- due to time constraints I couldn't get everything; this is a fraction of what they have there.

And yes, driving for eight hours from Maryland to Ohio is no fun :mad:
Re: 600~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

Okay guys, it's update time!

Same Link, Same Bat Channel!

Standard Aircraft Characteristics Archive

I've got about uhm -- 60~ new stuff overall since I last posted on this; and we have new contributors to the archive!

You can find the new stuff all the way at the bottom of the page; I'll have the last four updates or so at the bottom, so that people can check in and find new stuff, without having to go line by line and remember which ones were up before...

Those that were not scanned by me, but given to me as gifts have that person's name in Parenthesis; such as (Tommy) for Tommy Thomason.

I've also started to work on trying to whittle down my pile of US Navy ones; posting those which are virtually all but complete, but missing a single page (this is very common at the NHC; you'll find stuff that's missing a page or so); instead of holding it offline; I've marked them as such in the list.

One special thing I must warn you on -- the Grumman Design 118 SAC Tommy gave me is about 48 MB. I tried various tricks to shrink the file size by cleaning up the images; but no matter what I tried; cleaning up the images obliterated their detail; so i decided to make an exception for this one.

New SACs (February 23, 2009)

AM-1Q Mauler ACP - 1 September 1947
AM-1 Mauler ACP - 1 March 1947 (Missing Page)
D-571-1 ACP - 25 June 1947 (Tommy - Very Incomplete)
F11F-1F Super Tiger CS - 21 February 1956 (Tommy - Incomplete)
F2G-2 Super Corsair ACP - 1 December 1944 (Tommy)
F4F-7 Wildcat PD - 15 August 1942 (Tommy)
F7F-3 Tigercat ACP - 1 March 1946 (Missing Page)
F8U-1 Crusader SAC - 15 April 1957 (Revised)
F8U-3 Crusader SAC - 31 January 1958 (Tommy)
FG-3 Corsair ACP - 1 July 1945 (Tommy)
FR-1 Fireball ACP - 1 February 1946 (Missing Page)
Grumman Design 118 SAC - 12 December 1955 (Tommy; warning, this is 48 MB!)
XF14C-1 PD - 1 November 1942 (Tommy)
XF2R-2 ACP - 1 January 1947 (Tommy)
XF4F-8 Wildcat PD - 1 November 1942 (Tommy)
XF4U-1 Airplane 1443 Performance (Tommy)
XF8B-1 Five-In-One ACP - 1 August 1944 (Tommy - Missing One Page)
XTB2D-1 Skypirate ACP - 1 February 1944 (Tommy)

New SACs (February 28, 2009)

A-7D Corsair II SAC - December 1986
A-7K Corsair II SAC - December 1986
AIM-4A Falcon SMC - September 1963
AIM-4C Falcon CS - September 1963
AIM-4C Falcon SMC - September 1963
AIM-4D Falcon SMC - September 1963
AIM-4E Falcon SMC - September 1963
AIM-4F Falcon SMC - September 1963
F-100C Super Sabre (J51-P-21) SAC - 2 November 1956
F-100C Super Sabre (J57-P-7 or P-39) SAC - 2 November 1956
F-16A Block 15 Falcon SAC - March 1984

New SACs (March 30, 2009)

B-50D Superfortress SAC - 11 July 1952
B-50D Superfortress SAC - 24 November 1950
B-52E Stratofortress SAC - January 1973
B-52F Stratofortress CS - August 1964
B-52F Stratofortress CS - November 1972
B-52G Stratofortess CS - May 1961
B-70 Valkyrie CS - 1 December 1959
DB-36H-II Peacemaker CS - 3 October 1955
DB-36H-II Peacemaker SAC - 3 October 1955
DB-36H Peacemaker CS - 20 April 1954
DB-36H Peacemaker SAC - 20 April 1954
F-51H Mustang SAC - 22 March 1949
F6F-3N Hellcat ACP - 1 October 1945
F6F-3 Hellcat ACP - 1 October 1945
SBD-6 Dauntless ACP - 1 October 1945
SM-62 Snark CS - 4 October 1955
SM-62 Snark SAC - 4 October 1955
USN ACP Addenum 14 (1 October 1945)
XB-52 Stratofortress SAC - 6 October 1950
XB-70A Valkyrie AV-1 CS - 11 May 1964
XB-70A Valkyrie AV-1 CS - April 1967
XB-70A Valkyrie AV-1 CS - February 1965
XB-70A Valkyrie AV-2 CS - 11 May 1964
XB-70A Valkyrie AV-2 CS - April 1967
XB-70A Valkyrie AV-2 CS - February 1965
XB-70A Valkyrie AV-2 CS - October 1965
XB-70B Valkyrie AV-3 CS - 9 May 1963
XB-70 Valkyrie AV-3 CS - 18 April 1962
XB-70 Valkyrie AV-3 CS - 20 December 1961
XB-70 Valkyrie CS - 20 December 1960
YB-35B Flying Wing SAC - 14 October 1949
YB-60 SAC - 11 July 1952
YB-60 SAC - 21 September 1951
YF-100 Sabre 45 SAC - 22 May 1953
Re: 676~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

New ones over the last week:

New SACs (April 1, 2009)

F-86F-1 Thru -20 Sabre (Slatted LE) SAC - 1 October 1956
F-86F-25 thru -40 Sabre SAC - 1 October 1956
F-94B Starfire SAC - 24 March 1952
F-94B Starfire SAC - 6 July 1951
GAR-4A Falcon CS - January 1963
GAR-4A Falcon SAC - 1 May 1959
KB-50J and K Superfortress CS - 4 December 1959
KB-50J and K Superfortress SAC - 4 December 1959
RB-36D Peacemaker SAC - 14 May 1954
RB-36H-III Peacemaker SAC - 21 March 1955
RB-36H Peacemaker SAC - 1 March 1954
RB-47H Stratojet SAC - 25 September 1956
RB-47H Stratojet SAC - July 1964
RF-101A Voodoo SAC - 14 May 1957
RF-101C Voodoo SAC - 2 September 1958
RF-105B Thunderchief SAC - 23 April 1956
SM-62A Snark CS - 12 October 1960
SM-62A Snark CS - 15 March 1957
SM-62A Snark CS - 16 August 1960
SM-62A Snark CS - 20 December 1960
SM-62A Snark CS - 3 November 1958
SM-64A Navaho CS - 11 May 1955
SM-64A Navaho CS - 1 May 1957
TM-61A and C Matador CS - 4 September 1956
XB-51 CS - 19 May 1950
XB-51 CS - 26 September 1949
XB-51 SAC - 19 May 1950
XB-52 Stratofortress SAC - 23 December 1949
XSM-65A CS - 26 November 1956

New SACs (April 6, 2009)

B-36B Peacemaker SAC - 13 April 1949
B-36B Peacemaker SAC - 20 October 1950
B-52C and D Stratofortress SAC - 24 March 1958
B-52C Stratofortress (Recon) SAC - 11 April 1956
F-100D (I) Super Sabre SAC - August 1972
F-100D Super Sabre SAC - 1 July 1957
F-108A Rapier CS - 12 June 1959
F-108A Rapier CS - 12 June 1959 (alt)
F-108A Rapier CS - 15 December 1958
F-108A Rapier CS - 1 October 1958
F-108A Rapier SAC - 12 June 1959
F-108A Rapier SAC - 15 December 1958
F-108A Rapier SAC - 1 October 1958
F-94C Starfire SAC - 28 July 1950 (Semi-cut off)
RB-47E (Range Extension) Stratojet CS - 18 December 1953
RB-47E Stratojet CS - 12 April 1961
RB-47E Stratojet SAC - 12 April 1961
RB-47E Stratojet SAC - 20 January 1954
XB-47D Stratojet SAC - 1 July 1955
XB-64 Navaho CS - 12 August 1953
XB-64 Navaho CS - 1 September 1954
XB-64 Navaho CS - 8 December 1953
XB-64 Navaho SAC - 12 August 1953
XB-64 Navaho SAC - 1 September 1954
XSM-65A Atlas SMC - 26 November 1956

Being uploaded as of right now (2:55 AM Eastern, 6 April); so may not be immediately available right just this moment. But in about 30 minutes after this post, they should be up.
Re: 690~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

Hi RyanCrierie!

Yes, very good information
If you can show Standard Aircraft Characteristics the different competitive projects/proposals
If you can show Standard Aircraft Characteristics the projects that participated in various competitions or initiative projects.
Re: 690~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

At the cost of being repetitive, thanks a bunch :)
Re: 690~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

nugo said:
If you can show Standard Aircraft Characteristics the different competitive projects/proposals
If you can show Standard Aircraft Characteristics the projects that participated in various competitions or initiative projects.

Most of the stuff up there is for production aircraft or aircraft that won their competitions (F-108). However, there are a few ones which could be considered "competitions"

Douglas Model 725 SAC - 15 August 1957 <----Might be an early proposal for Skyhawk

A4D-4 SAC - 14 November 1958 <---Stretched Super Skyhawk

Boeing Model 450-166-38 CS - 5 January 1954 <---B-47
Boeing Model 450-166-38 SAC - 5 January 1954 <---B-47

F11F-1F Super Tiger CS - 21 February 1956 (Tommy – Incomplete)
F12F-1 CS - 15 August 1955 (Not by Me)

Advanced F-89 CS - 3 December 1951
Advanced F-89 Scorpion SAC - 3 December 1951

1954 AWI (Republic) CS - 10 September 1951 <---AKA XF-103
1954 AWI - Model AP-57 SAC - 10 September 1951 <---AKA XF-103

Grumman Design 118 SAC - 12 December 1955 (Tommy; warning, this is 48 MB!)


Sorry I can't be more helpful in doing design proposals -- I was aiming to get as many production aircraft (or near production) as I could.
Re: 690~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

Hi RyanCrierie!

I believe that if you can find from time to time these various competitions or initiative proposals come to your wonderful site.
Re: 720~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

Visited the Naval Historical Center on Thursday, and finished cleaning up the SACs from that visit; about 30 are new from that visit:

F-111B Seavark SAC - August 1965
F-14A Tomcat SAC - July 1974
PB-1W Flying Fortress CS - 1 June 1949
PBN-1 Nomad ACP - 1 May 1944
PBN-1 Nomad PD - 6 May 1943 (Photonegative Reproduction)
PBO-1 Hudson PD - 12 October 1942
PBY-1 Catalina PD - 22 January 1943
PBY-2 Catalina PD - 22 January 1943
PBY-3 Catalina PD - 22 July 1942
PBY-4 Catalina PD - 22 January 1943
PBY-5A Catalina ACP - 1 September 1943
PBY-5 Catalina PD - 19 August 1942
PBY-6A Catalina ACP - 1 November 1944
PBY-6A Catalina SAC - 15 August 1948
T2V-1 Sea Star CS - 15 April 1957
T2V-1 Sea Star SAC - 15 February 1956
TBY-1 Sea Wolf ACP - 1 August 1943
TBY-2 Sea Wolf ACP - 1 September 1944
XP5Y-1 ACP - 1 October 1947
XP5Y-1 ACP - 4 February 1947
XP5Y-1 Page 5 from 1 February 1947 ACP
XPB2M-1R Mars PD - 1 April 1943
XTB2D-1 Skypirate ACP - 1 February 1944
XTB2D-1 Skypirate PD - 13 March 1943 (Photonegative)
XTB2D-1 Skypirate PD - 21 April 1943
XTB2F-1 ACP - 28 September 1943
XTB3F-1S ACP - 15 April 1947
XTB3F-1S ACP - 1 August 1947
XTB3F-2S ACP - 14 May 1947
XTB3F-2S ACP - 1 October 1947
XTBY-2 Sea Wolf ACP - 15 November 1943
XTE-1 ACP - 1 September 1946
XTSF-1 Tigercat ACP - 1 August 1944
Re: 790~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

Corrected a miscount I made; I actually have 790~ :eek:

Here's today's upload:

A-6E Intruder (TRAM) SAC - November 1979
A2D-1 Skyshark SAC - 1 October 1950
A3D-2 Skywarrior (Cleft Wing) CS - 1 October 1961
AD-2W Skyraider ACP - 11 June 1947
AD-5W Skyraider CS - 15 July 1956
AD-5W Skyraider SAC - 1 February 1956
D-558-I Skyrocket ACP - 1 May 1947 (Tommy)
F4D-1 Skyray and YAAM-N-6 Sparrow MSC - 1 July 1957
F4F-4 Wildcat ACP - 1 July 1943 (Tommy)
F5D-1 Skylancer CS - 12 November 1956 (Tommy)
F7U-1 Cutlass SAC - 1 June 1949
F9F-5 and -5P Panther SAC - 1 June 1952
F9F-6 and -6P Cougar (J-48-P-6A) SAC - 1 July 1953
F9F-6 and -6P Cougar (J-48-P-8) SAC - 1 July 1953
HSS-1N Seabat SAC - 15 March 1960
HSS-1 Seabat SAC - 15 March 1960
HSS-1 Seabat SAC - 15 May 1955
HSS-2 Sea King SAC - 30 July 1960
NAVAIR Request for Release sheet
PBJ-1J Mitchell ACP - 1 March 1945
R4Q-2 Packet SAC - 15 September 1957
R4Y-1 Samaritan CS - 30 April 1956
R4Y-1 Samaritan SAC - 30 April 1956
R4Y-2 Samaritan CS- 2 June 1958
R4Y-2 Samaritan SAC - 30 August 1958
R5D-1 Skymaster PD - 1 June 1943
R5O-2 Lodestar PD - 1 May 1943
R7V-1 Super Constellation CS - 1 July 1952
R7V-1 Super Constellation SAC - 1 July 1952
R7V-2 Constellation CS - 1 September 1953
R7V-2 Constellation SAC - 1 September 1953
RB- 1 Conestoga PD - 1 April 1943
WV-1 Constellation SAC - 1 March 1950
WV-1 Constellation SAC - 1 October 1955
WV-2 Super Constellation CS - 10 October 1957
WV-2 Super Constellation SAC - 15 September 1957
WV-2 Super Constellation SAC - 1 November 1951
XF14C-2 PD - 1 November 1942 (Tommy)
XF2M-1 Wildcat ACP - 1 May 1944 (Tommy)
Re: 790~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

The awesomeness of the information available here cannot be overstated. OUTSTANDING JOB!

All you need now are CSs/SMCs for the GAR-9/AIM-47... ;D
Re: 790~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

Ryan, thank you again for this altruistic and important work!
Re: 790~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

SOC said:
All you need now are CSs/SMCs for the GAR-9/AIM-47... ;D

Unfortunately all of the missile section at the NHC is locked up "pending review for declassification" -- I'm not sure how the process can be accelerated.

What happened was for a brief time period; you could have walked off with the whole thing in 1995/96 after that Executive Order; but then someone issued an amendment to it, which placed whole classes of information back under restrictions.

However; I did manage to get a peek at one of the Sparrow I folders via asking specifically for Sparrow I -- you can access the missile section via asking curators specifically for a specific missile model, one at a time; this way, the curators are be able to sift through that folder or two, and pull any restricted material out before giving it to you to peruse, something you can't do with a box of files...
Re: 790~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

RyanCrierie said:
SOC said:
All you need now are CSs/SMCs for the GAR-9/AIM-47... ;D

Unfortunately all of the missile section at the NHC is locked up "pending review for declassification" -- I'm not sure how the process can be accelerated.

I believe its possible to do a Mandatory Declassification Review request for them.
Re: 790~ Standard Aircraft Characteristics/Characteristics Sheets

Today's WIN:

Today I got a package in the mail containing I don't know how many xeroxed Characteristics Sheets from the Wright State University's holdings from a guy who I sent a DVD with my SACs out to. ;D

So here's the first results of that package:

AF Guide - January 1966 (Yip)
B-17G Flying Fortress CS - 17 May 1950 (Yip)
B-25J Mitchell CS - 17 May 1950 (Yip)
B-26B Invader (LEFT) CS - 17 May 1950 (Yip)
B-26B Invader CS - 11 July 1952 (Yip)
B-26C Invader CS - 17 May 1950 (Yip)
C-124A Globemaster II CS - 22 August 1952 (Yip)
C-124C Globemaster II CS - 14 September 1956 (Yip)
C-130A Hercules CS - 1 November 1956 (Yip)
C-130 BL Hercules CS - 1 September 1960 (Yip)
C-133A Cargomaster CS - 2 December 1957 (Yip)
C-46F Commando CS - 18 May 1950 (Yip)
C-47D Skytrain CS - 26 September 1952 (Yip)
C-54G Skymaster CS - 18 May 1950 (Yip)
C-54M Skymaster CS - 26 September 1952 (Yip)
C-74 Globemaster I CS - 23 May 1950 (Yip)
C-74 Globemaster I CS - 6 November 1952 (Yip)
C-82A Packet CS - 23 May 1950 (Yip)
C-97A Stratofreighter CS - 9 March 1956 (Yip)
C-97D Stratofreighter CS - 21 June 1956 (Yip)
F-47N Thunderbolt CS - 17 May 1950 (Yip)
F-86D Sabre (-17D Engine) CS - 1 October 1956 (Yip)
HUP-1 Retriever CS - 30 April 1956
HUP-1 Retriever SAC - 1 October 1950
KC-97E Stratofreighter CS - 9 March 1956 (Yip)
KC-97F Stratofreighter CS (Cargo Version) - 9 March 1956 (Yip)
KC-97F Stratofreighter CS - 4 September 1956 (Yip)
KC-97G Stratofreighter CS (Cargo Version) - 9 March 1956 (Yip)
KC-97G Stratofreighter CS (Supplemental) - 9 March 1956 (Yip)
KC-97G Stratofreighter CS - 9 March 1956 (Yip)
RB-29A Superfortress CS - 19 April 1950 (Yip)
VC-97D Stratocruiser CS - 23 March 1954
X-18 CS - 16 September 1960 (Yip)
X-3 Stilletto CS - 16 February 1953 (Yip)
X-3 Stilletto CS - 1 October 1953 (Yip)
XC-99 CS - 22 December 1949 (Yip)
YC-121F Super Constellation CS - 1 April 1957 (Yip)
YC-97J Stratofreighter CS - 4 September 1956 (Yip)
YH-32 Hornet CS - 11 May 1955 (Yip)

PHOTOS (From NHC Visit last week)

F8B Photo 1
F8B Photo 2
F8B Photo 3
F8B Photo 4
F8B Photo 5 (NAH-002565)
Latest update today:

AF-2S Guardian Drawing
AF-2S Guardian SAC - 15 February 1952
AF-2W Guardian Drawing
AF-2W Guardian SAC - 15 February 1952
C-118A Liftmaster CS - 1 August 1955 (Yip)
C-119G Packet CS - 3 October 1955 (Yip)
C-121C Super Constellation CS - 1 April 1955 (Yip)
C-131A CS - 4 September 1956 (Yip)
C-131B CS - 4 September 1956 (Yip)
C-131E CS - 28 March 1957 (Yip)
C-45H Expeditor CS - 2 April 1954 (Yip)
F-105D-31 Thunderchief SAC - June 1970
F-105D Thunderchief SAC - 16 July 1959
F8F-2 Bearcat SAC - 1 September 1949
H-25A Army Mule CS - 16 April 1956 (Yip)
HU-1E Huey SAC - 1 March 1964
HUK-1 CS - 1 October 1961
HUK-1 SAC - 30 July 1960
HUP-2 Retreiver CS - 30 April 1956
HUP-2 Retreiver SAC - 1 July 1952
OQ-19D CS - 1 September 1960 (Yip)
P2V-1 ACP - 1 April 1947 (Possibly missing page)
RF-84F Thunderflash (W-7) CS - 20 June 1956 (Yip)
TC-121C Constellation CS - 14 September 1960 (Yip)
UH-2A Seasprite SAC - 15 March 1963
VC-121B Constellation CS - 9 February 1954 (Yip)
XB-47D Stratojet SAC - 6 November 1952
XH-17 CS - 9 June 1954 (Yip)
XH-39 CS - 1 October 1956 (Yip)
XH-40 CS - 23 May 1957 (Yip)
XQ-10 CS - 1 March 1955 (Yip)
YH-16A CS - 16 February 1954 (Yip)
YH-41 CS - 11 July 1956 (Yip)
Hi Ryan Crierie!

As it does not go to New SACs (June 2, 2009) information.
Something on the site problem.
THanks for the notification, checked my page links, and there was a problem in all of them with %20 added to them (this is what Open Office converts a space to) Removed them now they work.
Special Announcement to make:

At around 8:54 PM Eastern, 5 June 2009, I finally finished scanning in and preparing all the raw scans from my August 2008 trip to the US Air Force Museum. I'd have done it faster, but I kept getting distracted by other things... ::)

So we've got a two-fer for this update:

New SACs (June 4, 2009)

B-36D-III Peacemaker SAC - 1 August 1955
B-36D Peacemaker SAC - 26 January 1951
B-52G Stratofortress SAC - 20 November 1958
B-52G Stratofortress SAC - July 1964
B-52G Stratofortress SAC - March 1990
C-119C Packet CS - 22 May 1952 (Yip)
C-119F Packet CS - 14 September 1956 (Yip)
C-119G Packet CS - 3 March 1958 (Yip)
C-45F Expeditor CS - 18 May 1950 (Yip)
F-105B-10 Thunderchief SAC - 17 October 1958
F-105B-20 Thunderchief SAC - 16 July 1959
GAR-2 Falcon SAC - 1 May 1959
GAR-4 Falcon CS - 16 June 1958
GAR-4 Falcon SAC - 16 June 1958
L-13A CS - 15 November 1949 (Yip)
Q-2A Firebee CS - 4 September 1956 (Yip)
SM-64A Navaho SAC - 14 September 1955
SM-64A Navaho SAC - 1 May 1957
XB-47D Stratojet CS - 13 July 1953
XB-47D Stratojet CS - 1 July 1955
XB-47D Stratojet CS - 6 November 1952
XB-47D Stratojet SAC - 13 July 1953
XSM-64A Navaho CS - 1 November 1956
XSM-64A Navaho CS - 8 February 1957
XSM-64A Navaho SAC - 1 May 1957
XSM-64A Navaho SAC - 1 November 1956
XSM-64 Navaho CS - 11 May 1955
XSM-64 Navaho CS - 14 September 1955
XSM-64 Navaho CS - 1 November 1956
YRB-49A Flying Wing SAC - 14 October 1949

New SACs (June 5, 2009)

Army Aircraft Characteristics Report - 1 April 1946 (Partial)
Army Contract Table
B-47E-II Stratojet SAC - August 1962
B-47E-IV Stratojet SAC - August 1962
B-47E Stratojet (Heavyweight) SAC - 7 June 1955
B-47E Stratojet (Range Extension) SAC - 18 December 1953
B-52B Stratofortress (-1WA Engines) SAC - 20 August 1957
B-52B Stratofortress (Reconnaisance Version) (-1WA Engine) SAC - 22 January 1958
B-52B Stratofortress SAC - 1 October 1958
B-52F Stratofortress SAC - 16 November 1959
B-52F Stratofortress SAC - January 1973
B-52F Stratofortress SAC - July 1964
F-101A Voodoo SAC - 14 October 1955
F-101A Voodoo SAC - November 1962
F-105A Thunderchief (J67 Engine) SAC - 12 January 1954
F-105A Thunderchief (J71 Engine) SAC - 12 January 1954
F-105A Thunderchief CS - 3 December 1952
F-105A Thunderchief SAC - 3 December 1952
F-89C Scorpion (-21B Engines) SAC - 3 September 1953
F-89C Scorpion (-33A Engines) SAC - 3 September 1953
F12F-1 CS - 15 August 1955 (Tommy)
Family Tree of the Superfort
GRB-36D-III and RF-84F CS - 24 October 1955
GRB-36D-III and RF-84F SAC - 24 October 1955
GRB-36D and RF-84F CS - 7 May 1954
GRB-36D and RF-84F SAC - 7 May 1954
L-13B CS - 15 November 1949 (Yip)
L-5G CS - 24 June 1949 (Yip)
OC-19B CS - 8 March 1954 (Yip)
OQ-19D CS - 8 March 1954 (Yip)
RB-36D-III Peacemaker CS - 26 August 1954
RB-36D and -36E (III) Peacemaker CS - 1 August 1955
RB-36D and -36E (III) Peacemaker SAC - 1 August 1955
RB-36D Peacemaker CS - 10 November 1950
RB-36D Peacemaker SAC - 26 January 1951
RB-52B Stratofortress (Bomber Version) CS - 26 June 1953
RB-52B Stratofortress (Bomber Version) SAC - 1 March 1955
RB-52B Stratofortress CS - 1 March 1955
RB-52B Stratofortress CS - 9 October 1953
RB-52B Stratofortress SAC - 9 October 1953
RF-84F Thunderflash (W-3 Engine) CS - 20 June 1956 (Yip)
U-1A Otter CS - 1 September 1960 (Yip)
USAFM Memo on Acquiring C-46
XB-51 SAC - 11 July 1952
XB-51 SAC - 26 September 1949
XSM-64 Navaho SAC - 11 May 1955
XSM-64 Navaho SAC - 14 September 1955
XSM-64 Navaho SAC - 1 November 1956
Hi RyanCrierie!

Very interesting will be Standard Aircraft Characteristics the next aircraft:

Boeing B-54 (proposal)
Beoing XB-55 (proposal)
Douglas XC-132 (proposal)
Lockheed YF-12A
Fairchild Hiller/Republic AVS (proposal)
Northrop YA-9A
Fairchild Hiller/Republic YA-10A
Fairchild Republic T-46A
Hughes XF-11
Republic XF-12
Republic YF-84J
Republic XF-84H

and if there is an opportunity to please show us.
Nugo, all of those are USAF Projects; and I don't live near the USAFM in Dayton. And I DID ask for anything they had on the YF-12 when I was there last year; but nothing on it. :'(

Anyway; tonights update features the following:

Basic SACs etc
A-5B Vigilante CS - 15 November 1962
A-5C Vigilante SAC - 15 August 1963
AGM-84A Harpoon SAC - August 1974
F-86L Sabre CS - 15 January 1957 (Yip)
F12F-1 CS - 15 August 1955
F2A-2 Buffalo PD - 1 May 1943
F2A-3 Buffalo PD - 1 December 1942
F5D-1 SAC - 23 December 1955
F6D-1 Missileer Press Release - 21 July 1960
F7F-1 Tigercat ACP - 1 May 1944
MH-53E SAC - November 1984
MV-22 Osprey SAC - June 1986 -- (Good quality one)
Lockheed GL 207-45 SAC - 27 January 1961 (Orionblamblam) (aka C-141 early proposal)
MA24-XEA Ramjet PCS - April 1973 (Orionblamblam)
Description Card for XTSF-1
XP4Y-1 Corregidor PD - 1 November 1942
P4Y-1 Corregidor PD - 1 February 1943
MX-1626 Version I (B-58) CS - 28 July 1951 (Orionblamblam)
RF-101A Voodoo CS - 1 September 1960 (Yip)
SAC Basic Issue Listing Sheet - February 1977
SB2A-2 and -3 Buccaneer PD - 1 March 1943
SB2A-4 Buccaneer PD - 1 March 1943
SB2D-1 PD - 1 December 1942
SB2U-1 and -2 Vindicator PD - 1 March 1943
SB2U-3 Vindicator PD - 4 December 1942
SBD-1 Dauntless PD - 30 November 1942
SBD-2 Dauntless PD - 30 November 1942
SBD-3 and SBD-4 Dauntless PD - 6 August 1942
SBD-5 Dauntless ACP - 1 June 1944
SBN-1 PD - 11 November 1942
Sikorsky S-62A Proposal SAC - 17 November 1961
TBU-1 Sea Wolf PD - 11 August 1942
TFX (WS-324A) CS - November 1962 (Orionblamblam)
VH-3A Sea King CS - 31 January 1963
XF15C-1 ACP - 1 February 1945
XSB2C-6 Helldiver ACP - 31 August 1944
XTB2D-1 Skypirate - Naval Aviation News Article
XTB2D-1 Skypirate Internal or External Torpedo Drawing (Bad Quality)

P6M Seamaster
YP6M-1 Seamaster SAC - 15 April 1957
FOIA on P6M Seamaster Entrants

F5F Skyrocket
Notes on the History of the XF5F-1
XF5F-1 and XFL-1 PD - 26 December 1942

VF Seaplane Fighter (What became F2Y Seadart)
F2Y Sea Dart Single Engine Version Performance (J57-P-4) 15 December 1953
Armament of Curtiss Entry into F2Y Project
Convair Skate SAC - 20 January 1949 (Orionblamblam)
Model VF Seaplane Night Fighter (5 April 1949) Discussion
Seadart Restoration Begins - 7 November 1977
YF2Y-1 Seadart Drawing

Recommendation of Cancellation of XTB2F - 20 May 1944
VTB Design Comments (TB2F)
XTB2F-1 Mockup Report
Quick note, AGM-84 is typoed on your site as AGM-28. This is all still fantastically awesome though. Don't suppose UGM-27, AGM-53, or AIM-54 are in the mix by any chance?

The radar output on the Harpoon confuses me. 35 kilowatts peak and 684 watts average which is more than double what the AWG-9 puts out peak for comparison. How exactly does that work?
Rosdivan said:
Quick note, AGM-84 is typoed on your site as AGM-28. This is all still fantastically awesome though. Don't suppose UGM-27, AGM-53, or AIM-54 are in the mix by any chance?

Nope. I tried to find AIM-54 stuff, but no go on SAC/SMCs for it. I did find a basic issue plan document for the Phoenix; which details the planning assumptions behind how they would allot it to the Fleet.

The radar output on the Harpoon confuses me. 35 kilowatts peak and 684 watts average which is more than double what the AWG-9 puts out peak for comparison. How exactly does that work?

Keep in mind the harpoon radar:

1.) Is a One shot job; it only has to work for about what is it 20 minutes; compared to an AWG-9 which must work for 30 years.
2.) Has to burn through a lot more intense jamming than an AWG-9 (ships can toss out more ECM than a MiG-21)
A very interesting site, with great technical data / specifications!

I found some info which I have not seen before

such as -

Martin P6M SeaMaster

Ordinance Load

Bombs & Mines

Ordinance Designation Ordinance No.
Type Weight Carried

Photoflash 154 (M120)(T9E8) 154 lb 27
Mine MK36 Mod 1 1,001 lb 28
Mine MK25 Mod 2 2,030 lb 15
Mine MK50 504 lb 36
Mine MK52 Mod 1,2,3,4,5,6 1,348 lb 15
Mine MK39 2,025 lb 8
Mine MK19 Mod 2 540 lb 15
Mine MK10 Mod 9 1,960 lb 5
Bomb MK91 3,500 lb 2
Bomb MK28 1,800 lb 1

Latest update --- not a lot today.......

New SACs (July 14, 2009

F7F-3 Bureau Numbers and Modifications (in HMTL)
Flying Qualities of the XB-15 - 31 July 1939 (in HMTL)
Fuel Consumption of XB-15 - 16 June 1939 (in HMTL)
Improved Radar for F8U-3 (in HMTL)
J79-GE-10 Turbojet AECS - August 1968
J79-GE-8, -8A, -8B, -8C Turbojet AECS - August 1968
Mockup Inspection of Navy XTB2F-1 Airplane - 22 May 1944 (in HMTL)
PBM-1 Mariner PD - 7 September 1942
R-3350-26WC, -26WD AECS - August 1968
SB2C-2 Helldiver PD - 28 January 1943
SB2C-5 Use in WW2 (in HMTL)
SD-260 - Detail Specification for XF5F-1 (Excerpts) - 5 May 1938 (in HMTL)
Service Test Requirements, XB-15 - 1 July 1938 (in HMTL)
SO3C-2 Seamew PD - 7 November 1942
T40 Development History (in HMTL)
TBF-1 Memorandum on Range Extension - 3 November 1942 (in HMTL)
TBU Establishment of Program For - 14 November 1942 (in HMTL)
TF30-P-1, -1A Turbofan AECS - August 1968
TF30-P-12, -12A Turbofan AECS - August 1968
W2V-1 CS - 15 July 1956
W2V-1 CS - 15 July 1957
XBTM-1 Mauler ACP - 1 December 1945
XBTM-1 Mauler ACP - 1 November 1944
XHCH-1 CS - 15 February 1957
XHCH-1 CS - 1 November 1951
XHCH-1 CS - 21 February 1956
XHCH-1 CS - 30 April 1956
XPBB-1 Sea Ranger PD - 1 May 1943
How interested in designation documents are you guys? I have a load of stuff now:

A3J-3 Designation.htm
AJ3-2 Vigilante Model Designation, 26 April 1962.pdf
Approval of Y designation for F2Y-1 - 18 March 1954.pdf
Aviation Circular Letter 61-48 - Engine Designations.pdf
Aviation Circular Letter No 102-46 (XF7U-1).pdf
Aviation Circular Letter No 75-46 (XTE-1).pdf
Aviation Circular Letter No 78-48 (F7U-1) (alt).pdf
Aviation Circular Letter No 78-48 (F7U-1).pdf
Aviation Circular Letter No 86-45 - Discontinuation of F for Flagship suffix.pdf
Aviation Circular Letter No 88-49 (F7U-2, F3D-2, and TO-2).pdf
Aviation Circular Letter No 9-51 - Special Suffix to Model Designation for A-C involved in Conversion.pdf
Aviation Planning Directive 101-A-44 (TBF-TBM Designations) - 9 November 1944.pdf
Aviation Planning Directive 109-A-44 (F2G-2 Designation).pdf
Aviation Planning Directive 12-A-45 (XBTK-1 and XBTM-1).pdf
Aviation Planning Directive 16-A-45 (XBT2C-1 and BT2C-1) (alt).pdf
Aviation Planning Directive 16-A-45 (XBT2C-1 and BT2C-1).pdf
Aviation Planning Directive 86-A-45 - Designation of XF2R-2 - 5 December 1945.pdf
BuWeps Notice 8800 - Assignment of Version Numbers for Rockets and Guided Missiles.pdf
F-8H Crusader Designation - 13 May 1966.pdf
F-8J Crusader Designation - 17 May 1966.pdf
F-8L Crusader Model Designation - 7 March 1967.pdf
F-8M Crusader Designation - 8 March 1967.pdf
JANR - Army and Navy Adopt New Aircraft Naming Policy - 17 January 1944.pdf
Letter on V for Fixed Wing - 28 March 1984.pdf
M Series Designations (MSD 1970).pdf
Memo - Model Designation of Naval Aircraft - 3 June 1941.pdf
Memo on Use of Popular Names for Naval Aircraft - 26 July 1961.pdf
Memorandum on Naming of Aircraft - 23 November 1953.pdf
Missile Redesignations.pdf
Model Designation, A-6B Intruder - 10 November 1965.pdf
Model Designation, A-6E Intruder - 10 November 1969.pdf
Model Designation, CH-53G - 21 November 1969.pdf
Model Designation, RA-5C Vigilante - 16 May 1963.pdf
Model Designation, YP-3C Orion - 22 June 1966.pdf
NAVAER 00-25Q-13 - SH-3AR - Model Designation of Naval Aircraft - April 1945.pdf
NAVAER 00-25Q-13 - SH-3AY - Model Designation of Naval Aircraft - October 1947 (actually from Andreas' Parsch's Website).
NAVAIR Notice 13100 - 1 November 1976.pdf
Navy Press Release - Navy Gives Fighting Names to Planes - 1 October 1941.pdf
Of Hosenoses, Stoofs, and Lefthanded Spads (Proceedings Article)
Planning Directive 88-A-43 (SB2C, SBW-2, and SBF-2).pdf
Press Release 2064-62 - Uniform System of Designating Rockets, Guided Missiles Established.pdf
QF-8A Crusader Model Designation - 20 December 1963.pdf
RF-8G Crusader Designation - 25 June 1964.pdf
Uniform Aircraft Classification - 30 October 1947.pdf
Use of Suffix Letters in Model Designation of Naval Aircraft - May 1955 Monograph.pdf
X-22A Model Designation - 21 August 1962.pdf
XP6M-1 Designation Notice - 16 October 1952.pdf
XTSF-1 Designation - 22 July 1944.pdf

Plus, I also have some design competition cards:

A-7A Corsair Design Competition.pdf
A2F-1 Intruder Design Competition.pdf
CH-53A Design Competition.pdf
F6D-1 Missileer Design Competition (Alt).pdf
F6D-1 Missileer Design Competition.pdf
F8U Bid Letters.pdf
F8U-1 Crusader Design Competition.pdf
F8U-3 Crusader III Design Competition.pdf
XA3D-1 Skywarrior Design Competition.pdf
XAAM-N-10 Eagle Design Competition.pdf
XASM-N-8 Corvus Design Competition.pdf
XF4H-1 Phantom II Design Competition.pdf
XF8U-3 Crusader III Design Competition.pdf
XFV and XFY Design Competition.pdf
XP6Y-1 Design Competition.pdf

Which basically go:




Type Spec

Operational Rqmt.
AD-10501 issued 11 July 1955 with Appendix 5, DC AD-10501 issued 13 May 1959

Invitation to Bid
Initially restricted to 5 with recent combat carrier aircraft design experience (requested by AER, AER-3) namely: Chance Vought, Douglas, Grumman, McDonnell, North American. Subsequently, Boeing and Convair requested, and were granted inclusion, on bidders list. Just prior to mailing RFP No. Aer-24770-0 dtd 11 Dec 1959, CT(BuWeps) informally canvassed other contractors and received expression of interest only from Bell and Martin, in addition to the 7 previously listed.

Bids Received
Boeing, Chance Vought, Douglas, Grumman, McDonnell, North American

Total Designs

Total Bidders


Bids Requested
11 December 1959

Bids Received

Engrg. Recom.

24 May 1960 - Paul D. Stroop, Chief, BUWEPS

Cont'rs. Notified
20 July 1960
How interested in designation documents are you guys?

Everything looks exciting!

Thanks a lot for sharing

RyanCrierie said:
How interested in designation documents are you guys?
Is this a rhetorical question!? ;D

Thank you very much for scanning and uploading all the files :)!
Andreas Parsch said:
Is this a rhetorical question!? ;D

Well, other than you? :p

BTW; got a bunch of stuff that specifically concern your website on my last couple visits. ;D
RyanCrierie said:
BTW; got a bunch of stuff that specifically concern your website on my last couple visits. ;D
Sounds great ;D! Unless you upload everything to your webspace anyway, you can contact be by e-mail with a list of designations-related documents you have. I already have a small repository of documents, which could easily hold additional files.

And anything about guided missiles (SMC etc.) is of course interesting, too ... ;)
Andreas Parsch said:
Sounds great ;D! Unless you upload everything to your webspace anyway, you can contact be by e-mail with a list of designations-related documents you have.

I upload pretty much everything -- except for some really big 600 DPI greyscale or color uncompressed TIF scans of stuff. That kind of stuff is like 25-50 MB each file :eek:

I already have a small repository of documents, which could easily hold additional files.

A rough estimate of my "to do folder" shows I have about 30~ or so designation documents left to do.

And anything about guided missiles (SMC etc.) is of course interesting, too ... ;)

Have you looked at my SAC archive yet? ;D

Not a lot of SMCs/SACs for missiles due to the fact that a lot of them apparently are still classified -- damn the AIM-9, AIM-7, and AIM-47/54 for lasting so long. :mad: But there's some interesting stuff there, like I think a complete set of AIM-4/GAR-4 documents; a AIM-26 SMC, etc.

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