surface effect ship

  1. Grey Havoc

    Skjold-class fast missile corvette

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  2. uk 75

    Saunders Roe Hovercraft Aircraft Carrier

    On page 241 of "The Decline of British Seapower" by Desmond Wettern, the then Minister of Aviation (Julian Amery) told a Business Dinner on 9 September 1964 that the Government were considering building an ocean-going "hovership" for the RN. His Ministry and the MOD would make preliminary...
  3. Triton

    US Navy Mine Sweeper Hunter (MSH) Surface Effect Ship (SES)

    From, an artist's concept of the Bell Aerospace Textron Mine Sweeper Hunter (MSH). In Fiscal Year 1984, the US Navy embarked upon a program to construct 17 minesweeper hunters of some 470 tons displacement that utilized surface-effect-ship and glass-reinforced plastic hull...
  4. flateric

    Aerojet SES-100A

    I'll really appreciate your help in finding pictorial information and technical drawings/cutaways of the thing from the open press. Thank you.
  5. JAZZ

    SES concepts 1990's

    A number of SES concpts were proposed in the 1990's - France built a demonstrator, so did Germany, and of course Norway put a minecounter measures boat and FAC into production and sweden developed an experimental stealth SES.
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