space race

  1. Michel Van

    Cats in Zero G

    This Soviet video show experiment with Cats in "Vomit Comet" kind aircraft it's interesting to see how the cat adapt to situation
  2. Flyaway

    KH-11 KENNEN

    New article from AW, including an image captioned 'This accurate model show the original KH-11 design that, like Hubble, carried about a 8-ft. mirror but with a shorter instrument base section.' Just looks like an image of Hubble to me & it would be a first for an image of it to be reproduced of...
  3. A

    British Secret Projects 5: Britain's Space Shuttle by Dan Sharp
  4. F

    1965 Gemini Video

    From a 1965 BBC "Man In Space" documentary featuring an extensive look inside the Gemini capsule.
  5. V

    Ehricke Space Lifeboat model

    Hi, here is my card model by Arnold Ehricke dubbed "Space Lifeboat" Mayby for some one it will be interesting! P.S. many thanks for Justo Miranda!
  6. Grey Havoc

    Edgar Mitchell, last surviving member of Apollo 14 mission, passes away
  7. hesham

    NASA Mars Unmanned Aircraft

  8. RAP

    Boeing-Lockheed Space Shuttle Concept?
  9. Triton

    High Frontier (SDI)

    Published on Sep 27, 2012 High Frontier was a private company that promoted space-based strategic defense against nuclear ICBMs. It was founded by Daniel O. Graham, a retired lieutenant general in the U.S. Army who is often called the "father of SDI". This film promotes Graham's initiative: a...
  10. Michel Van

    False Steps: The Space Race as It Might Have Been by Paul Drye

    who knows Paul Drye blog False Steps: The Space Race as It Might Have Been He has produce a Ebook with 366 Pages about space programs that never were and for good price of 1.99 euro or US$1.99. for all systems more here
  11. Graham1973

    Rocketdyne (Rockwell) - Linear Aerospike Test Beds (1970 - 1973)

    A two stage program to test the linear aerospike concept, the first test bed proved the basic concept, the second test bed explored the use of thrust vectoring. Linear test bed. Volume 1: Test bed no. 1. (Aerospike test bed with segmented combustor)...
  12. Graham1973

    NA/R - Solar Electric Spacecraft for Asteroid Belt Exploration (1970)

    A design by North American/Rockwell for the same contract as the TRW 'Solar Electric Multi Mission Spacecraft'. Unlike that vehicle, which was intended for use for a variety of missions, this spacecraft was optimised for untargeted asteroid belt exploration, though with it's particle and fields...
  13. Graham1973

    TRW - Solar Electric Multi Mission Spacecraft (1970)

    Proposed design for a Multi-Mission bus using ion engines for propulsion. Suggested missions included an untargeted asteroid belt flyby, a targeted asteroid belt flyby, a Jupiter flyby (With or without use of gravity assist to reach an out-of-ecliptic orbit following the flyby.) and a...
  14. O

    Song video using Apollo footage

    Discovered this today.. Chris Staples "Dark Side of the Moon".. First, its not the Pink Floyd song, so don't be surprised. Second, great set decoration making the ultimate late 60's apartment. Third, I'm curious about the clip at 3:15 showing the...
  15. Michel Van

    Airliner from 2001: A space Odyssey

    This link give you the frontpage from the new York times, Frank Poole was reading in Discovery. The Front news talks of missing airliner with 2304 people on board ! the craft label HEP/COMM 11-Z4 got twelve engine and take 2500 passengers and crew of 199 it make 2400 mph in 70000 feet...
  16. Orionblamblam

    US Launch Vehicle Projects

    Issue #01 of US Launch Vehicle Projects has just come out: Pre-Saturn Phase III Vehicles: 1958 concept for clustered Atlas boosters Boeing “Big Onion”: an SSTO to launch SPS Northrop TAV: an in-flight propellant transfer spaceplane Martin...
  17. Triton

    Space: 1959 "Space Age" concept poster on cardboard

    Poster printed on cardboard featuring many space concepts by Dr. Werner von Braun and Krafft Ehricke circa 1959 found on eBay. Seller's description:
  18. Michel Van

    ERNO Large Ariane 5 Return Capsule (LaReCa)

    As ESA discuss European Manned Spaceflight was a battle between Hermes Shuttle and Capsule Fraction Here the 1989 Proposal of ERNO "LaReCa" short for Large Ariane 5 Return Capsule It feature: -A large reusable Capsule for various mission -The use of full potential of Ariane 5 rocket...
  19. Graham1973

    JPL - Mars Polar Orbiter/Penetrator (1976)

    Requirements and capabilities for planetary missions. Volume 2: Mars polar orbiter penetrator 1981 For details on the penetrators planned to be used see the thread "Hughes/Sandia - Pioneer Mars Orbiter (1974)"...
  20. hesham

    Janus Manned Orbital Spacecraft with Stage Re-Entry

    Hi, the Janus was created by TRW Space Technology Laboratories,Redondo Beach,California in USA,and it was a manned orbital spacecraft with a delta wing stage as a re-entry vehicle. Anyone wants this file,please send to me a private massage with...
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