republic of finland

  1. blockhaj

    TA2000 (Taisteluajoneuvo 2000): Finnish BMP-1 replacement project

    Thought we could start a thread on this project by the finns to replace the BMP-1 in the late 90s and early 2000s, known as the TA2000 (Taisteluajoneuvo 2000, "Combat Vehicle 2000"). They produced some prototypes on different chassis, mainly fitted with Delco-25 (Bushmaster I) or Delco-30...
  2. gollevainen

    Finnish Turunmaa class Export proposals

    Althought intrestingly unique vessels and pride of our naval building capacities, the Turunmaa class Gunboat (or corvette in more international sense) never attracted any foreing sales, as didn't anything else we tried to market. Some proposals do have appeared, mostly just with different...
  3. hesham

    Light Aircraft Prototypes & Projects from Finland

    From Flying 1956-5, here is a Juhani Heinonen HK-1.
  4. CJGibson

    Soviet and Russian Research Vessels

    Could some-one in the know explain what the research ships Akademik Ioffee and Akademik Vavilov were built to do? I've just been on the Ioffe and there is some interesting kit still onboard. The standard answer was that they were built in 1989 for sound propagation trials, Ioffe the transmitter...
  5. Triton

    Rolls-Royce/VTT/Aalto University bridge 2025 concepts

    "Make it so: VTT and Rolls-Royce imagine the ship's bridge of 2025" by David Szondy March 17, 2014 Source:
  6. Apophenia

    Finnish Air Force Aircraft Codes

    Finnish Air Force Aircraft Codes - Two-Letter System I've been trying to compile a complete list of Finnish 2-letter aircraft codes. No doubt I'm reinventing the wheel and there's a full listing out there somewhere ... but I haven't been able to find it. The 2-letter system seems to be the...
  7. TinWing

    Unbuilt Kockums Submarines: Viking Class

    Despite having been cancelled nearly 5 years ago, a .pdf brochure is still online at the Kockums site:
  8. TsrJoe

    Valmet 'Puhuri'

    DELETED POST (please remove from the thread)
  9. TsrJoe

    'Tuuli' Prototype fast assault hovercraft

    'Tuuli' Prototype fast assault hovercraft
  10. TsrJoe

    VL. (Finnish) pre.1945 projects and prototypes

    VL. (Finnish) pre.1945 projects and prototypes
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