1. Y

    Beeper as a Weapon

    Most odd attack happened today in Lebanon. There are reports on exploding beepers throughout Lebanon allegedly targeting Hezbollah members. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/dozens-hezbollah-members-wounded-lebanon-when-pagers-exploded-sources-witnesses-2024-09-17/...
  2. Grey Havoc

    23rd Anniversary of 9/11

    https://www.911memorial.org/connect/commemoration/23rd-anniversary-commemoration View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPQ7EeNO2M0 https://apnews.com/article/sept-11-anniversary-ceremony-children-reading-names-ed7dcd42524dca1c5098b6b3364aca91...
  3. W

    RTX (Raytheon) fined $200m for 750 technical document leaks to China and Russia

    RTX has come forward and voluntarily admitted 750 violations of ITAR pertaining to leaks of military information between August 2017 and September 2023. This includes the VC-25 (Air Force One), F-22 Raptor, F-35 Lightning II and the B-2 Spirit stealth, B-1B Lancer and the F/A-18, F-15 and F-16...
  4. Grey Havoc

    International Ayr Show Festival of Flight 2024 - Friday Night

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3R_pvi0NkM
  5. Grey Havoc

    Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) puts out request for Geoengineering proposals

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/08/31/how-taxpayers-cash-funnelled-climate-manipulation/ Yet another scheme by the new UK government that is unlikely to end well.
  6. Grey Havoc

    LIVE: Bournemouth Air Festival 2024 - Day & Night Flying - Thursday (29/08/24)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJTbiMuwNYI
  7. E

    Largest US police force is using drones to curb a Central Park crime spree

  8. Grey Havoc

    Model steam train firm to close after 88 years because of anti-terror ‘red tape’ (The Daily Telegraph)

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/19/model-steam-train-firm-mamod-close-88-years/ :mad: https://www.mamod.co.uk/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mamod
  9. Grey Havoc

    Superyacht 'Bayesian' reportedly sunk by tornado

    https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/19/how-sicily-superyacht-survivor-saved-daughter/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/19/four-britons-missing-yacht-sicily-live-latest/
  10. Grey Havoc

    In-Orbit Refueling Technology for unprepared and prepared satellites (INORT)

  11. CJGibson

    RAF Historical Society seminar - Normandy

    The RAF Historical Society is holding a seminar on Air Power and Normandy/Overlord at RAF Museum Midlands (Cosford to you and me) on 18th September 2024. Tickers and details are available here: https://royalairforcemuseum.digitickets.co.uk/event-tickets/58576?branches.branchID=2048 Chris
  12. L

    1931 Makhonine MAK-10

    MAK-10 was made by a russian aviator designer who moved to France. This plane have many designideas influenced by typical typical russian designs of the earlyer times. But had a very unique style anyway. It doesnt have a very wide body, rather a bit thin one vs. the length. That gave some...
  13. E

    Video game performers will go on strike over artificial intelligence concerns

  14. M

    MBDA's new MANPAD.

  15. overscan (PaulMM)

    Crowdstrike causes world-wide IT outages

    So, our new security manager was talking about bringing in Crowdstrike where I work. Hopefully this idea will now be kiboshed after Crowdstrike deployed an update which 1) made Windows servers and desktops crash 2) rendered Windows servers and desktops unable to boot The only fix is to boot...
  16. southwestforests

    NASA wants fresh ideas for recycling garbage on the moon

    Hey Y'all; just saw this, NASA wants fresh ideas for recycling garbage on the moon News By Samantha Mathewson published 18 July 2024 With crewed Artemis launches on the horizon, NASA is searching for sustainable solutions for waste management during long-term missions on the moon...
  17. Grey Havoc

    MH17 passengers’ relatives mark 10 years since plane was shot down over Ukraine, killing 298 (CNN)

  18. Grey Havoc

    European Long-Range Strike Approach

  19. Flyaway

    Ramses - ESA Mission to the Apophis Asteroid

    View: https://twitter.com/esa/status/1813167089340862849 Introducing Ramses, ESA’s mission to asteroid Apophis
  20. Grey Havoc

    Alliance of Sahel States

    https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cp38v5p6g35o View: https://x.com/CapitaineIb226/status/1809583603124158638
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