"Stealthy, huh?"

Gaps and filler.

I am not sure this is a flyer.

I thought the general assumption was that this isn't a flying example? Rather a mock-up of some sort (possibly with parts from a static test frame or something along those lines)
Dunno. I simply read what's written (or said) - nothing more, nothing less.
Maybe this is the "Maximum Configuration" and $30 mil is a base price for the Basic configuration. The only option i see.
Explaining to the customers that they don't really need something may end with them buying from someone else.
And placing every whistle and bell you have into "affordable fighter jet", you, for sure, will end up with another one F-35.
What would be the appropriate way to describe the tail configuration of this design? Is it a Pelikan type tail or just a V-tail?

Not a true pelican tail.

More like a v-tail with horizontal control surfaces in-between?
Dunno. I simply read what's written (or said) - nothing more, nothing less.

Explaining to the customers that they don't really need something may end with them buying from someone else.
Maybe this is the "Maximum Configuration" and $30 mil is a base price for the Basic configuration. The only option i see.

Which might make sense if the most basic configuration only has interfaces with the engine but comes with no radar, EOTS, defence suite etc. My guess earlier about the 'minimal, basic, full load' line was that it referred to the modular design giving an ability to buy the airframe and then fit avionics from other sources (which would help with export for a number of reasons).
Which might make sense if the most basic configuration only has interfaces with the engine but comes with no radar, EOTS, defence suite etc.
Why no radar?! Just as well as MiG-21, in its basic A2A configuration, LTS may be equipped with radar, IRST, RWR and expendable ECM measures, as chaffs, flares, RF-decoys. A classical A2A fighter for Air Space protection and intercepts, as MiG-21 was.

After all, even overpriced F-35 has onle one IIR sighting station, IRST/EOTS. And the "affordable" LTS will have both??? It's a $4-7 million to its price tag. Only for IIR sights.
Sounds not realistic and not logical, at all.
Bold claim https://www.rt.com/russia/529762-check-mate-fighter-stealth-jet/

Sukhoi and the Russian military-industrial conglomerate Rostec have revealed a single-engine supersonic stealth fighter. Dubbed ‘Checkmate’, the new design resembles the US F-35, but is intended to be superior – and far cheaper.
Unveiled at the MAKS 2021 Air Show in Moscow on Tuesday, the Checkmate uses technologies tested under real-world combat conditions. Digital design helped Sukhoi develop it in record time.
While the computer-assisted development process only took about a year, the first test flight is not expected until 2023, with further prototypes being produced through 2025, with the goal of serial production starting as early as 2026.

The jet is intended to be stealthy, usable under almost any weather conditions and deployed in any climate. It is supposed to be capable of continuous supersonic flight, at speeds of up to Mach 1.8, and operating in conditions of enemy air superiority.

According to Rostec, the Checkmate is supposed to have a range of up to 2,800 kilometers (1,740 miles) and a maximum payload capacity of 7,400 kilograms (16,300 pounds).

Checkmate is intended to be capable of short – but not vertical – takeoff, and is fitted with modular weapon bays that can be equipped with the full array of current anti-aircraft missiles, gun pods, bombs, and guided missiles. A drone version is also currently under development.

Between its general shape, single-engine configuration, and even the computerized logistics system – dubbed ‘Matryoshka’ after the famous Russian nesting dolls – the new jet has drawn comparisons to Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter. However, Sukhoi and Rostec insist it is “in principle a completely different airplane.”

“It is a unique airplane,” they told reporters, adding that the Checkmate is faster, has longer range, smaller radar signature, and can carry more ordnance than the F-35.

Rostec head Sergey Chemezov told reporters behind the scenes that the Checkmate is intended to be a more effective and affordable alternative to the F-35, SAAB’s Gripen, and France’s Dassault Rafale, which cost from $60 to $90 million apiece.

"Our price, I hope, will be between $25 and $30 million each,” Chemezov said.

Market analysis has projected a demand of about 300 planes from existing export clients in Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Latin America, United Aircraft Corporation CEO Yury Slyusar said at the show.

While the number shown on the body of the jet at the MAKS-2021 hangar has led to speculation that the Checkmate will be designated Su-75, Sukhoi’s representatives dispelled the rumors, saying that the company considers those numbers “lucky.” As the Russian Aerospace Forces have not yet signed a contract for the new jet, it has not been given an official designation.
Full capability for an affordable price, to be exact.
Utopia of the TV-shop level. "Only today, for only 30 bucks you will getall these nice things!..." Bull****

I think it is pretty early into this program and remember he was talking to a clearly grumpy Putin and was being optimistic af. Plus we don't know the model of purchase. I do agree that having most of the bells and whistles will raise the cost per plane by a lot but as I said we don't really know what is going on. But the cynicism is healthy as MICs across the world aren't exactly truth tellers and it's good to eyeball them like scrooge mcduck looking at a chocolate coin.
Continuous supersonic flight.

Is this meant as supercruise?

Nope, Russian version sounds the same.
Well, often, in Russian sources, supercruise is described exactly as an ability of airplane to perform continuous/prolonged supersonic flight. But i'm not sure if this may be applied here.
Ok, so what's the difference between Continuous supersonic flight and Supercruise?

Afterburner use with one and not with other?
Ok, so what's the difference between Continuous supersonic flight and Supercruise?
Honestly, i don't know.)) I just remember i met such definition in some sources. But the others, and probably most of them, specifying "without afterburner".
So it needed to be explained by UAC, what do they mean, exactly, in this particular case.
It has a refuelling probe:
LMAO, that's the original refueling probe from T-50 which was changed on later airframes. Did they outright cannibalized some of old ground airframes of T-50 to make this thing?!


I have a strong feeling this is not, of course, a real flyer, but not a mockup, in its traditional way, as well. It looks like an eggshell of the real airframe, without any expensive components and systems. After all, first prototypes are always using for static/ground tests. And this may explain why LTS maiden flight is scheduled to 2023.

LMAO, that's the original refueling probe from T-50 which was changed on later airframes. Did they outright cannibalized some of old ground airframes of T-50 to make this thing?!

I've come to wonder the same thing... are the current whereabouts of T-50KNS accounted for?!
I have a strong feeling this is not, of course, a real flyer, but not a mockup, in its traditional way, as well. It looks like an eggshell of the real airframe, without any expensive components and systems. After all, first prototypes are always using for static/ground tests. And this may explain why LTS maiden flight is scheduled to 2023.

View attachment 661157
Yeah they look like NAS1102 or NAS517 aero grade screws (I spent 3 years on a wing assembly robot drilling research project - I have an entire book on countersinking....I'm the guy to talk to at parties!)
Ah, i missed the most important and was right at the same time! During his speech Slyusar confirmed this is not a mockup but an exact airframe(an eggshell, as i described it) which will take the flight in 2023, after it recieve all the components and pass the ground tests!
Recommend more research from what they say such as more ordinance than F-35. They gave a number of 7.4 tons F-35 is 9.5 ton. Only a bomb bay and two small ones for short range missiles. F-35 carries two medium ones, 6 in total vs 3 medium and 2 short range ones if I am correct there? Air to ground mission its limited to carry only for short range missiles.

I think the Radome on the new aircraft is at least made in the same way as the one in this picture - you can see the fore-aft triangular section shapes in the moulding.

I do hope so, so it gets bumped up at least to a 1500 T/R+ count to match what billie flynn said on the F-35's statement of saying he can see the enemy from 200 miles, If so and the costs stay consistent it will be interesting. I don't know about the stealth part before it becomes like an annoyance that we would need a Sukhoi LTS RCS thread?
so which was everyones favorite unveil so far this year? the KF-21 or the Checkmate?
the only major thing remaining is the new Chinese bomber
so which was everyones favorite unveil so far this year? the KF-21 or the Checkmate?
the only major thing remaining is the new Chinese bomber
Hello time traveller from the future. How was the the B-21 unveiling?

With first flight of B-21 now scheduled for 2022, are you 100% sure B-21 could not be unveiled (somewhat) this year?
(B-2 first flight 17 July 1989, B-2 unveiling 22 November 1988)

Zhukovsky. July 20. INTERFAX – The cost of the flight hour of the new Russian fifth-generation fighter Checkmate will be seven times less than that of the American F-35, said the head of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) Yuri Slyusar.
"An important advantage of the new aircraft is the low cost of the flight hour. This is often a crucial moment for success in the market. We have it projected at about 7 times less than that of such an aircraft as the F-35, and is comparable to the cost of a Flight Hour Gripen NG. At the same time, the combat capabilities of the Checkmate LTS are significantly higher than the latter," Slyusar said in an interview with Interfax.
According to him, the aircraft also "has low visibility, unique characteristics of on-board equipment, outstanding for aircraft of its class range, speed, carrying capacity."
Earlier, the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, said that the cost of the aircraft is estimated at 25-30 million dollars.
The new light fighter "Checkmate" of the 5th generation was presented on Tuesday to Putin. "LTS is a light single-engine fighter of the fifth generation, which has no analogues in Russia yet. It combines innovative solutions and technologies, including support for the pilot's work by means of artificial intelligence, as well as proven solutions that have already proven themselves in practice," Rostec said after showing the aircraft to the president.
The first flight of the light single-engine fighter of the 5th generation is expected in 2023. "2023 - the first flight of the LTS, 2024-2025 - the construction of prototypes, 2026 - the launch of the installation batch," the presentation says.
"Checkmate" will be able to accelerate to two speeds of sound, the mass of the combat load of the fighter will be 7400 kg, the flight range of the fighter will be 3 thousand km. "Placement in the weapons compartments of modern weapons," the presentation says.
1svi mi
so which was everyones favorite unveil so far this year? the KF-21 or the Checkmate?
the only major thing remaining is the new Chinese bomber
Hello time traveller from the future. How was the the B-21 unveiling?

With first flight of B-21 now scheduled for 2022, are you 100% sure B-21 could not be unveiled (somewhat) this year?
(B-2 first flight 17 July 1989, B-2 unveiling 22 November 1988)
Key keyword from original post: "so far this year"
With first flight of B-21 now scheduled for 2022, are you 100% sure B-21 could not be unveiled (somewhat) this year?

Personally, I interpret 'unveiling an aircraft' as 'to show the aircraft', and 'a roll-out' to me is 'rolling the aircraft outside the hanger'.
But I might be wrong.
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I am not comparing things. I am guessing that it will have 68 Cm diameter antenna. NOT comparing radar. and that 68 cm diameter antenna can carry about 1100 modules.
A 68cm antenna should be able to carry more than 1100 modules.
Yes, but this also depend on available technology and some constraint like cooling plates, structures etc to. fill the array and there is assumption about what frequency being used as center frequency of the array. It's not only TRM that is in the antenna.

One can actually pack more modules by going into higher frequency, but then the cost of the module also scales as frequency is increased due to the fact more precision is required. to build the module. Otherwise is to go into more miniaturization which is why we have "tile" architecture, which can use more antenna area but with some challenge in thermal management.

Now for my 68 cm diameter antenna. With assumption of 9500 MHz center frequency one can actually fits about 1456 Modules there. But as you see this never really achieved in real world. The original Zhuk AE prototype with 57 cm diameter antenna can actually pack 1023 modules but as you see it doesnt have that many.

Thus i applied a "fill factor" based on existing design. To get this "fill factor" i make use of existing antenna of known size e.g N036 with some 1552 TRM and dimension of 90 x 70 cm. This corresponds to antenna area of 0.5 sqm. This in theory with that 9500 MHz frequency assumption can be filled with 1986 TRM. But as you see there is only about 1552 or 1552/1986 = 0.78.

Using that 0.78 as fill factor then 1456 * 0.78 = 1136 TRM.
Recommend more research from what they say such as more ordinance than F-35. They gave a number of 7.4 tons F-35 is 9.5 ton. Only a bomb bay and two small ones for short range missiles. F-35 carries two medium ones, 6 in total vs 3 medium and 2 short range ones if I am correct there? Air to ground mission its limited to carry only for short range missiles.
In promo they said more ordinance (or the max) in his class. F-35 is NOT a light/medium fighter.
WRT to the 8G rating, because I've seen many people bring this up on various platforms, it's most likely due to it being a mostly tailless fighter. I say mostly, because the canted out vertical tails can still provide some pitch authority, but being mainly a tailless design, it's going to have limited pitch authority compared to a tailed design. I know back in the late 70's early 80's, that was something noted on Northrop tailless designs that used only TV for pitch control. They were generally limited to 7G as a result of limited control power. It wouldn't be any different for this design.
It has the elevators at the sides of the nozzle in the end.
Do you mean, that the existing surfaces are not sufficient to provide 9 g despite being an unstable design and maybe corner speed being higher than in a tailed design?
Recommend more research from what they say such as more ordinance than F-35. They gave a number of 7.4 tons F-35 is 9.5 ton. Only a bomb bay and two small ones for short range missiles. F-35 carries two medium ones, 6 in total vs 3 medium and 2 short range ones if I am correct there? Air to ground mission its limited to carry only for short range missiles.

I think the Radome on the new aircraft is at least made in the same way as the one in this picture - you can see the fore-aft triangular section shapes in the moulding.

I do hope so, so it gets bumped up at least to a 1500 T/R+ count to match what billie flynn said on the F-35's statement of saying he can see the enemy from 200 miles, If so and the costs stay consistent it will be interesting. I don't know about the stealth part before it becomes like an annoyance that we would need a Sukhoi LTS RCS thread?

If the central bay can carry groms, kh38s, and especially kh69s than I wouldn't necessarily call its A2G game as short range. I think even the ruskies are doing wrong in comparing it to f35. It is truly a light weight stealth fighter.

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