The AIM-9 Sidewinder family


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18 May 2019
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I'm found some interesting...
remember mysterious AIM-9X Block II PLUS (AIM-9X-3)

In FY17 the program will begin to produce a third variant of the missile labeled the AIM-9X Block II PLUS (Block II+) to meet survivability requirements inherent to the 5th generation aircraft platforms. The Block II+ will be procured only for specific critical mission area and the balance of the AIM-9X inventory will be continue to be produced as regular Block II missiles to meet munitions requirement. AIM-9X Block II+ is being procured in 2017 for a 2019 delivery.

I think found related equipment for this Sidewinder:




AAAP (SUU-?) is not the same that AAP (SUU-96/A):

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AIM-9A was also known as XAAM-N-7 Sidewinder 1. About 300 produced for USN.
AIM-9B was the initial production missile. Its original designations were AAM-N-7 Sidewinder 1A (USN) and GAR-8 (USAF). About 71,700 of the 155-lb missiles were built,
beginning in 1951; IOC was 1956 at a unit cost of $3,000. Swedish designation was Rb 24. The 24.5-in long guidance control section (GCS) had an uncooled, lead-sulphide (PbS) IR seeker, covered by a glass dome, and had 15-in (38-cm) span fins. 13.5-in (34-cm) long, 10-lb, Mk 8 blast-fragmentation warhead. 3-in (7.6-cm) long Mk 303 (contact) and Mk 304 (influence) fuze section. 75-in (190-cm) long Mk 17 rocket motor (2.3-nm/4.24-km range) with 22-in (56-cm) span wings.
AIM-9B FGW Mod 2 was a European-built AIM-9B that weighed 167 lb. Its Swedish designation was Rb 324. Some 9,200 were built. GCS had improved electronics,
carbon-dioxide (CO ) cooled seeker and silicon (Si) dome.2
AIM-9B-2 was an AIM-9B with 75-in (190-cm) long improved-performance SR116 rocket motor.
AIM-9C was a USN-developed SARH variant, similar in appearance to the AIM-9B. The original designation of this 185-lb missile was Sidewinder 1B. One thousand were built for
the USN. 25.5-in (65-cm) long seeker with 16-in (40-cm) span BSU-14 fins. Eventually modified for use as AGM-122 seekers. 6.5-in (16.5-cm) long Mk 15 target detection device
(TDD). Positioning of warhead and fuze reversed from AIM-9B. 11.5-in (29-cm) long, 22.4-lb, Mk 48 continuous-rod warhead. 71-in (180-cm) long Mk 36 rocket motor (11-nm/52-km maximum range) with 25-in (64-cm) span Mk 1 wings.
AIM-9D was an AIM-9C except with an IR seeker. This 194-lb missile's original designation was Sidewinder 1C. Some 1,000 were built for USN beginning in 1956. 24-in (60-cm) long Mk 18 GCS had a ogive-shaped, anodized nose. PbS seeker, covered by a magnesium-floride (MgF ) dome. GCS was nitrogen (N ) cooled from a bottle contained within the LAU-7 launcher rail.
AIM-9E About 5,000 AIM-9Bs were modified to this 164-lb configuration for the USAF beginning in 1967. 26.5-in (67-cm) long GCS had ogive nose and a Peltier thermoelectric
AIM-9E-2 was an AIM-9E with SR116 rocket motor.
AIM-9F This designation reserved for possible USAF purchase of FGW Mod 2 variant known as the Mod 14K.
AIM-9G was an AIM-9D with improved GCS. A total of 2,120 of these 191-lb missiles was built for the USN. Incorporated the off-boresight, Sidewinder expanded acquisition
mode (SEAM).
AIM-9H was an AIM-9G with solid-state GCS, decreasing the missile's weight to 186 lb. Some 7,720 were built for the USN from 1972. Believed to have been used by Sweden
with designation of Rb 24H.
AIM-9I was not assigned as a designation.
AIM-9J About 13,000 built from 1970, both AIM-9B/E/J modifications and new-builds. Approximate weight was 172 lb. 30.5-in (77-cm) long GCS with modified servo, electronics
and 130211 double-delta fins. 3-in (7.6-cm) long Mk 303/304 TDD or Mk 303 Mod 4 with combined functions. 75-in (190-cm) long Mk 17 motor. AIM-9J-1 was a modified AIM-9J
with 25.5-in (65-cm) long GCS which incorporated rate bias and solid state electronics. Over 7,000 were produced. 3-in (7.6-cm) long target detecting device unit (DSU)-21/B active
optical target detector (AOTD) which utilized gallium-arsenide (GaAs) lasers.
AIM-9J-2 was an AIM-9J with 75-in (190-cm) long SR116 rocket motor.
AIM-9J-3 was an AIM-9J-1 with SR116 rocket motor.
AIM-9K China Lake developed alternative to AIM-9L. Not produced
AIM-9L Introduced in 1977, with about 16,000 of this 188-lb missile were built for the USN and USAF ($97,600 each), 3,500 for Europe. Swedish designation was initially Rb 24L, but changed to Rb 74, with initial 1,000 being purchased in 1984 for use with JA 37 Viggens. 25.5-in (65-cm) long AN/DSQ-29 GCS has an indium-antimony (InSb) seeker
which gives it an all aspect capability. BSU-32/B 22-in span 'pointy' fins. USAF versions are argon (A) cooled from a bottle contained in the missile while USN versions are N2 cooled
from a launcher rail bottle. 6.5-in (16.5-cm) long DSU-15/B AOTD. 11.5-in (29-cm) long WDU-17 annular blast-fragmentation (ABF) warhead. 71-in (180-cm) long Mk 36 rocket motor (2,660-lb/11.83-kN thrust) with Mk 1 wings.
AIM-9M Originally AIM-9L product improvement program (PIP). Over 12,000 of these 192-lb missile were built from 1982, with a unit cost quoted as $108,000 in 1994. Modified with closed cycle cooling, improved infra-red counter countermeasures (IRCCM) and background discrimination. Reduced-smoke version of Mk 36 rocket motor. Three hundred
were approved for sale to Saudi Arabia in 1992.
AIM-9N About 23,000 AIM-9B/Es modified for foreign military sales (FMS) from 1973. Swedish designation was Rb 24J. 30.5-in (77-cm) long GCS with same features as AIM-9J-1 GCS. Same TDD options as AIM-9J. 13.5-in (34-cm) long Mk 54 blast-fragmentation warhead. Mk 17 rocket motor.
AIM-9N-1 was an AIM-9N with DSU-21/B fuze.
AIM-9N-2 was an AIM-9N with SR116 rocket motor.
AIM-9N-3 was an AIM-9N-1 with SR116 rocket motor.
AIM-9O was not assigned as a designation.
AIM-9P was a re designation of the AIM-J-1.
AIM-9P-1 was an AIM-9P with DSU-21/B TDD.
AIM-9P-2 was an AIM-9P with SR116 rocket motor. Introduced in 1976.
AIM-9P-3 was an AIM-9P-1 with SR116 rocket motor. Introduced in 1976.
AIM-9P-4 was an AIM-9J GCS modified to be all-aspect capable, DSU-21/B TDD, Mk 8 warhead and an improved SR116 rocket motor. FMS only; introduced in 1986 ($32,900).
AIM-9P-5 was an AIM-9P-4 with improved IRCCM features, also introduced in 1986, with about 8,000 P-4/5s having been delivered through FMS programs.
AIM-9JULI was a German program to upgrade AIM-9J/N/Ps to AIM-9L performance standards.
AIM-9Q was not assigned as a designation.
AIM-9R was a Loral-developed AIM-9M with a daytime only EO GCS developed from a commercial video camera. This seeker would not have required a refrigeration system. Canceled in favor of AIM-9X in 1992, after costs exceeded $125,000 per missile. However, development and testing continued for some time after cancellation, with hopes of producing the missile for the Navy until the AIM-9X can be fielded. Flight test designations for this design included AIM-9R EM, AIM-9R ET, and AIM-9R PM. These
missiles were also evaluated with the LAU-127 AMRAAM-capable launcher beginning in late 1991. Using the 'Box Office' airframe described below has been considered.
AIM-9S was a Raytheon-developed AIM-9L modification for FMS. Contains most features of the AIM-9M, except for IRCCM. These include an improved seeker and the low-smoke
motor.Flight testing began in mid-1990, and 300 were approved for sale to Saudi Arabia in 1992.

AIM-9X was a program to develop a vastly more efficient missile capable of internal-carriage on the F-22. After a cost and operational effectiveness analysis (COEA) was completed in late 1993, a request for proposals (RFP) encouraging foreign participation was released in mid-1994. This led to Hughes and Raytheon being awarded
demonstration and validation (Dem/Eval) contracts to be completed by June 1996. The CPIF contract awards were for $22.096 million to Hughes/TI (80/20 per cent) and $24.921 million to Raytheon. Hughes' other partner, British Aerospace (BAe), also participated in the missile design. During the 18-month Dem/Eval program, infra-red missile seeker/computer processor components were prototyped and tested. Missile design and fighter aircraft integration studies were also conducted. Hughes' offering was partially based on their Tophat seeker/tracker flight demonstration, but also drew from their work on the Navy's Lightweight Exoatmospheric Projectile (Leap) anti-theater ballistic missile project, which employed a staring imaging seeker and miniaturized, low-cost processing. Their efforts also encompassed missile system designs including helmet-mounted sights (HMS), airframes (including the Boa, Box Office, and derivatives of both), as well as other concepts, including approaches to airframe maneuverability beyond simple thrust vector control (TVC). Some of these technologies included canards plus TVC, and the use of active control thrusters around the missile body to enable a missile to change direction more quickly.

Raytheon was expected to continue flight testing of advanced wide-angle focal plane array seekers on Box Office airframes. In addition to the Hughes/Raytheon competition, foreign missile technology was examined for possible insertion in the AIM-9X program during mid-1996. The alternatives considered included: a foreign comparative test (FCT) of components purchased from foreign builders, the inclusion of foreign partners on US teams, and some sort of international cooperative effort. Competition with foreign competitors, in particular the British AIM-131, French Mica, Israeli Python and Russian AA-11 was also considered so long as it "could prove worthwhile" in uncovering new technology that could be adopted by the US. By 1995, Britain had spent about $1 billion on the AIM-131 ASRAAM program. Livefire and flight tests began in mid-1995 using an F-16 at the Eglin AFB, FL range facilities, with guided tests in the fall. This provided chances to have ASRAAM technology evaluated both as part of the Hughes AIM-9X team and again through the Pentagon-sponsored FCT. In the latter program, it was proposed to buy and test ASRAAM's motor, casing and warhead. In January 1997, a single 5.5-year, $528 million contract for engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) was awarded. This design entered flight test in late 1997 or early 1998, with IOC expected in 2003.
Concerns about existing AIM-9 shortcomings after it was tested against former East German 'Fulcrums' equipped with the Russian-built AA-11 'Archer' secured widespread
support for the AIM-9X program . The combination of a HMS and a seeker with 140-180 degree field of regard (compared to 40 degree for AIM-9L/Ms) gave Archer-equipped fighters a considerable advantage in a close-in dogfight. The Israeli Python 4 also had a similar seeker. The goal of the AIM-9X program was to 'meet or exceed' these capabilities. Navy programs called helmet-mounted cueing/display (HMC/DS) and high off boresight seeker (HOBS) to develop possible solutions to these
problems began in October 1993.

The final version of the AIM-9X was expected to combine either a IIR staring focal plane array or pseudo imaging seeker with 90 degree gimbal angles to create a 180 degree
field of regard, and have improved IRCCM to counter new flares. Against a blue sky background, the former would be able to detect a target at 10 nm (18.4 km), while the
latter's best performance would be about 8 nm (15 km). Both seekers had about a 4-nm (7 km) detection range against a ground clutter background. The advantage of the pseudo
imager was that, with only 12 to 200 detectors, it was less costly and complex, and had lower processing demands than the 16,000 detector staring focal plane array. Martin
Marietta developed a multispectral seeker between 1988 and 1993 to meet this set of requirements. Using a clear, segmented nosecone similar to that used by the British
Firestreak AAM, the seeker's computer processed its spatial, spectral, and temporal inputs, including those from three separate IR wavelengths, to enable it to discriminate
between a target and its background clutter, day or night. To save costs, the existing AIM-9L/M's BSU-15 AOTD, WDU-17 warhead and Mk 36
rocket motor were retained. About 8,000-12,000 AIM-9L/Ms and German AIM-9I/Ls would be
converted to AIM-9X standards at a unit cost of about $170,000 by the 5,000th missile. US needs were expected to require an initial production run of 8,000 to 10,000 missiles.
Three missiles were used to test new control concepts, with the Raytheon and General Dynamics versions expected to participate in the dem/eval:
• Raytheon began developing the USAF-supported ' Box Office ' tail-controlled Sidewinder in 1988. It had movable tail fins with smaller surfaces than the AIM-9M, but no canards. The 11-in (28-cm) span X-shaped fins could fit in a 7.8-in (20-cm) square box instead of the 18-in (45-cm) square box of the AIM-9M. A digital roll control autopilot linked to an inertial reference unit provided the stability needed to control the missile with small tail surfaces. Eight successful live firings of the airframe were conducted during its development. Compared to an AIM-9M, the missile had half the drag, twice the range and g available, and a speed advantage of 1.2 to 1.3 Mach anywhere in the flyout.
• General Dynamics/NWC ' Boa-M ', featuring an AIM-9M with 16-in (40-cm) spanwings and AIM-9D canards controlled by a digital autopilot.
• Hughes/Texas Instruments ' Tophat ' was another USAF-supported program. It featured a 3-5-micron, mid-wave infra-red staring focal plane array seeker integrated with
a Texas Instruments tracker. This IIR GCS was contained in a 115-in (292-cm) long, 5.6-in (14-cm) diameter airframe, using control surfaces similar to the AIM-120.

In the spring of 1994, competing teams included Loral/BGT (using either Box Office or Boa configurations), Hughes/BAe (with the AIM-132), and Raytheon (using their Box
Office airframe). The Loral/BGT team was eliminated by the early 1995 Dem/Eval decision, despite having had a 10-12 per cent lower bid than Raytheon, because of technological
growth issues, not technical shortcomings. Loral had offered a scanning seeker which was cheaper, but often produced less information and sensitivity than a staring focal plane array-based seeker. This restricted growth potential for intercepting stealthy targets, or defeating targets in ground clutter, or protected by new countermeasures.
Following an Air Force challenge, a two-year, contractor-funded, technology demonstration culminated in early 1994 with the off-boresight launch of a Box Office
Sidewinder. The missile was fitted with Raytheon's high angle-of-attack/low mach (HALM) seeker slewed by a helmet-mounted display (HMD). It was launched by an F-16C with
slightly modified fire control software and minor hardware modifications. For the demonstration, the F-16C attempted to position itself so the Beech MQM-107
target drone was 2 nm (3.7 km) away and 60 degrees to the left, flying at 350 kt (645 km/h). The firing actually occurred when the drone was at 1.3 nm (2.4 km), 67 degrees
right and flying at 388 kt (715 km/h), providing slightly greater challenge than planned, although no IRCM flares were used. As the missile was fired, the drone began a 3g turn to the right. As a safety measure, the missile flew straight for three seconds (when Box Office was fitted with the HALM seeker, it extended the length of the missile by 5.37 in/13.6 cm beyond the previously tested configuration, or about 12 in/30 cm longer than the AIM-9M. It also added about 13 lb to the nose, causing a significant CG shift. This was why the missile flew straight for the first three seconds.) The missile then pulled 30g for two seconds and 25g for nearly four seconds as it reached 27 degrees AoA (10 degrees more than
planned) before passing within lethal distance of the drone. The seeker achieved a maximum deflection of 72 degrees as it tracked the target. Total flight time was 9.2 seconds, but
would have been two seconds less without the safety buffer. The Honeywell HMD used a magnetic head tracking system to follow pilot head
movement and slave the missile seeker to it. This allowed the pilot to look and cue the missile anywhere in the front hemisphere. Because of the narrow field of regard of IR seekers, the HMD made it easier for the pilot to quickly help the seeker acquire the target by simply moving his head slightly instead of maneuvering the whole aircraft.

The HALM seeker was developed when the USAF was interested in the AIM-9M+ as an interim step before acquiring the AIM-9X. It was designed for low cost by adding two
gimbals to the AIM-9M's existing free gyro assembly, which moved in azimuth and elevation while tracking a target. The seeker provided up to 90 degrees of pitch and 360 degrees of roll, with the free gyro providing yaw. It also allowed the seeker to track the target while the missile rolled, avoiding gimbal lock, a situation where it did not have the
freedom of motion to maintain track. Because it could detect two to three times further in the entire front hemisphere, the volume of airspace the HALM seeker could acquire a target in was actually about 60 times greater than AIM-9M seeker. The AIM-9M seeker could be cued by radar to acquire a target up to 27.5 degrees (and continue tracking up to 40 degrees) off boresight before breaking lock. However, seeker sensitivity decreased as it moved off boresight because the assembly that contained the primary and secondary mirrors for focusing IR energy were positioned at oblique angles to the single-element detector. The HALM seeker was designed to keep the mirror assembly within 10 degrees of the two-hue detector to better focus the IR energy. Ten of the detector's 13 indium antimonide elements were keyed to tracking target hot spots. The other three elements were designed for decoy rejection. This detector provided better resolution than the AIM-9M's, giving it two to three times the range while slewing twice as fast.


Aerospace Weapon System Acquisition Milestones: A Data Base, 1987


History of the Navy at China Lake, California Volume 4 THE STATION COMES OF AGE
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The first combat kill, 24 September 1958

over Wenzhou Bay, China, the Chinese Air Force's MiG-17 was shot down by an AIM-9B missile launched from the Taiwanese F-86.
Three trails of the MiG-17s can be seen in this a photo and a Sidewinder missile, which has just left rail launcher.


the first shot down aircraft by a self homing air-to-air missile
great day!

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Another interesting book on the Sidewinder is this one:

Project CHECO. COMBAT SNAP. (AIM-9J Southeast Asia Introduction)


  • a486826-ilovepdf-compressed.pdf
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16 September 63 AMC directed MICOM to conduct studies and tests on the feasibility of adapting the Navy's SIDEWINDER 1C air-to-air missile for surface-to-air use.

30 September 64 The FAAR program was approved. The system was designed to provide early warning target information to CHAPARRAL and VULCAN fire units as well as REDEYE teams.

December 64 The Secretary of Defense approved the possible CHAPARRAL for further study & military potential tests.

27 January 65 MICOM forwarded the SIDEWINDER 1C/CHAPARRAL study & test results to AMC. The results indicated that such a system was feasible, but MICOM recommended that limited firing tests should be conducted to verify the predicted performance.

August 65 A MICOM report concluded that the CHAPARRAL system concept was feasible and could be fielded within the required time frame. The basic system concept consisted of a tracked vehicle, mount launcher & SIDEWINDER missiles.

25 April 66 Sanders Associates was selected as the contractor for the FAAR development program. This effort officially began on 13 May 66.

3 April 67 MICOM was notified of the Army Chief of Staff's decision to defer CHAPARRAL deployment by 15 months.

1 August 67 By this date, all five of the CHAPARRAL engineering models had been delivered to the Army and been put into an intensive test program.

15 August 67 Full production release of the CHAPARRAL system was made.

October 67 The first CHAPARRAL production unit was delivered.

January 68 The first prototype FAAR system was completed.

8 February 68 DA changed the name of the VULCAN/CHAPARRAL system to CHAPARRAL/ VULCAN. This rearrangement occurred because of the possible confusion between the acronyms V/C for the system and VC for Viet Cong.

October 68 The FAAR system was type classified as limited production.

January 69 The first school CHAPARRAL battery was activated.

May 69 The first CHAPARRAL tactical battalion was activated.

8 September 69 DA approved the extension of limited production type classification for the FY 70 quantities of CHAPARRAL fire units, missiles, and test equipment.

FY 71 During the third quarter, the CHAPARRAL system was classified Standard A.

November 71 Sanders Associates, Inc. began delivering production models of the FAAR.

21 August 72 The first FAAR platoon was activated, with two more following on 18 September and 16 October.

January 73 The first FAAR unit was deployed overseas.

February 73 The FAAR system was type classified Standard.

22 November 74 The MICOM Commander approved type classification Standard for the improved MIM-72C CHAPARRAL missile. The MIM-72C provided additional capability for forward hemisphere engagement, improved system effectiveness, and reduced the inner boundary.

November 75 To further improve the system's effectiveness, a development program for the CHAPARRAL smokeless rocket motor was started.

March 76 After the MIM-72C was type classified Standard, the Army decided to procure the CHAPARRAL through a prime contractor rather than from the Navy. Ford Aerospace, Aeronutronic Division, received the first contract for the missile on this date.

April 76 A joint conference report of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees directed the Army to proceed with the in-house development of an All Weather CHAPARRAL missile.

4 March 77 Ford Aerospace and Communications Corporation (FACC) received a letter contract for the All Weather CHAPARRAL demonstration program.

23 November 77 The first MIM-72C improved CHAPARRAL missile was fired at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) during initial production testing.

FY 78 The Army decided to develop a night firing capability for the CHAPARRAL.

FY 78 The final tactical batteries of the CHAPARRAL system were deployed, bringing the total number fielded to 35.

March 78 The All Weather CHAPARRAL missile scored its first intercept against a high-speed MQM-107 drone. This was also the first smokeless rocket motor launched against a target.

June 78 Full-scale development of the CHAPARRAL smokeless rocket motor was completed.

6 June 78 DA approved the product improvement program (PIP) for the Night CHAPARRAL. Texas Instruments, Inc. under subcontract to Ford Aerospace, developed the forward looking infrared (FLIR) to provide this night firing capability.

31 July 78 FACC completed the 10-round All Weather CHAPARRAL demonstration program.

November 78 The first improved MIM 72-C CHAPARRAL missiles were deployed to the U.S. Army, Europe (USAREUR).

30 November 78 The Missile Readiness Command (MIRCOM) Commander approved a full release of the MIM-72C improved CHAPARRAL missile, the first of which were deployed to USAREUR this month.

FY 79 The CHAPARRAL Project Office developed a program for incorporating the STINGER rosette scan seeker (RSS)-or passive optical seeker technique (POST)- into the CHAPARRAL missile. The RSS had the capability for spatial, spectral, and amplitude discrimination. Integration of this seeker and the associated electronics into the CHAPARRAL system would counter all the infrared countermeasures then known, provide performance equal to or greater than the current seeker, and allow future updating by software changes rather than hardware modifications.

26 February 80 FACC received a development contract for the Night CHAPARRAL PIP.

30 April 80 Hercules, Inc., received a contract for the initial production of 600 smokeless rocket motors.

FY 81 Deployment of the improved CHAPARRAL MIM-72C missile was completed at all locations during the year.

FY 81 Effort began on the development of a lightweight towed CHAPARRAL launcher as a result of an urgent Army requirement to equip the 9th Infantry Division (ID). This was necessary because the self-propelled CHAPARRAL was too heavy for effective use in the Rapid Deployment Force.

January 81 FACC, Aeronutronics Division, completed production of the MIM-72C configured missile.

December 81 The contract for limited production of the FLIR subsystem was awarded. The FLIR device provided night firing and reduced visibility capabilities for the CHAPARRAL weapon system. It also enhanced system performance in daylight smoke and haze conditions and more than doubled the system's on-line time.

15 December 81 The MICOM Deputy Commander approved a limited procurement type classification for the Night CHAPARRAL hardware set.

April 82 FACC delivered a prototype Towed CHAPARRAL to the Yakima Firing Center, Washington, for demonstration and evaluation. The 9th ID successfully fired four missiles from the towed launcher.

September 82 FACC received a contract for the development of an RSS guidance section, which would result in an MIM-72G missiles for the CHAPARRAL air defense system.

August 83 The contractor began delivering FLIR sights.

24 September 83 Congress approved the Towed CHAPARRAL configuration.

January 84 FACC received a contract to fabricate 13 Towed CHAPARRAL fire units for the 9th I.D., Fort Lewis, Washington.

6 March 84 During the first New Mexico Army National Guard (ARNG) CHAPARRAL training firing at Fort Bliss, Texas, the missile scored a direct hit.

September 84 The 1st Division, 200th Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Battalion of the New Mexico ARNG became the first guard unit to receive the CHAPARRAL system as part of the Army's modification of air defense capabilities.

13 September 84 The MICOM Commander approved the reclassification of the CHAPARRAL FLIR from limited production to standard type.

January 85 Delivery of the XM85 Towed CHAPARRAL fire units to the 9th ID began.

21 January 85 The MICOM Commander approved a full release of the CHAPARRAL M48A2 system to U.S. Forces.

FY 90 Ford Aerospace Corporation (FAC) began full-scale production of the MIM-72G (RSS) guidance section.

March 90 DA decided to retire FAAR from the U.S. Army. This directive was partially accomplished before FAAR became involved in Operation Desert Shield/Storm (ODS).

September 91 After the FAAR was retired from the Army inventory, the system was offered for foreign military sales (FMS) and to other government agencies under the MICOM Reuse Program.

September 91 An improved FAAR, along with an integrated weapons display (IWD) equipped CHAPARRAL FLIR, was demonstrated against typical drug trafficking scenarios in Palm Beach County, Florida. This was a joint effort with the Florida ARNG, supported by the Palm Beach Shores Police Department and the Palm Beach County Sheriff Department. The system's performance in this potential surveillance and detection role was excellent.

December 94 The decision to downsize the ARNG ADA force structure by the end of FY 97 resulted in the planned phasedown/elimination of the CHAPARRAL missile system from the Army inventory by 31 September 97.

January 95 The Hughes RSS production contract was terminated for convenience.

FY 96 DA declared the CHAPARRAL system to be excess.

August 96 ARNG units began deactivating the CHAPARRAL system. New Mexico ARNG turned in four battalions during this month, while the Florida ARNG turned in two during September 96. The Arkansas ARNG was expected to turn in one battalion during the first quarter of FY 97.




The AGM-87 Focus infrared guided missile is one of the little known weapon systems developed in the second half of the 20-th century. It was developed by the U.S. Navy China Lake Weapons Center in California and built by General Electric on the basis of the AIM-9B air-to-air missile. Very little known about this model, except that it was developed and tested in the late 60's, early 70's and took part in combat operations in Vietnam, where it seems to have gained some success.

The site

AGM-87A were used in Vietnam 1969-70 for night-time attacks infrared sources such as truck headlights. The program was terminated by unknown reasons.

In the images you can see missile test on the Bell HH-1K Huey. This helicopter was used many years at China Lake to test various weapons.

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Starting together a little tenuous with the link there. The last one is actually a development of the Soviet Vympel K-13, which whilst a reverse engineered development of the Sidewinder, is actually a different missile.
Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, was awarded a $9,224,337 modification (P00074) to exercise an option to previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract N00019-15-C-0121 to procure a Digital Focal Plane Array prototype for the Navy and Air Force. Work will be performed in Tucson, Arizona, and is expected to be completed by September 2021. Fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation (Navy) funds in the amount of $1,800,000; and fiscal 2020 research, development, test and evaluation (Air Force) funds in the amount of $800,000 were obligated at time of award, none of which will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Naval Air Systems Command, Patuxent River, Maryland, is the contracting activity.

four documents

  • Standard Missile Characteristic AIM-9B
  • Standard Missile Characteristic AIM-9L

  • Munitions systems specialist HANDBOOK vol 6. Sidewinder, Sparrow, Maverick, Shrike missile systems and guided bombs



  • AIM-9B_Sidewinder_1A_SMC_-_January_1972.pdf
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  • AIM-9L_Sidewinder_SMC_-_November_1974.pdf
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NAVWEPS OP 2309 AIM-9B GUIDED MISSILE Description and Operation

Wow! Where did you get those from? Also do you have the manual for the AIM-9G and AIM-9H? I'd love to see a more detailed block-diagram of the G&C control systems maybe even a circuit diagram.

Anyway check this out -


  • Qualification of Detector and Sync. Filter Modules (A-3) copy.pdf
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"solid State sidewinder" is presumably the in-development designation of the AIM-9H.

From the Sidewinder entry over at the Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles (
To increase the reliability of the AIM-9G, the Navy developed the AIM-9H. The main difference to the AIM-9G were solid-state electronics in the guidance and control system. The seeker tracking rate was also increased to 20°/s to complement the more powerful actuators. Only a few AIM-9Hs were fired over Vietnam, but they were credited with a higher kill rate than any other AIM-9 version in Vietnam. About 7700 AIM-9Hs were produced by Philco-Ford and Raytheon between 1972 and 1974. The ATM-9H was a training version for captive flight target acquisition.

EDIT: Looking back through the report, the other and more formal in-development designation was YAIM-9H.
For example, the next prototype missile that was planned to be in line in the series was the ZAIM-9K.

Emphasis on planned, the Z prefix is used for something that is planned with the Y prefix being either a service-test/preproduction or prototype if based on an existing in production design otherwise the X prefix is used for a prototype.
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Since we have the operational manual for the AIM-9B and AIM-9D does anyone know what the name of the manuals for the AIM-9G and AIM-9H are? Because i'd love to have a look at them.
View attachment 650611
View attachment 650613

NAVWEPS OP 2309 AIM-9B GUIDED MISSILE Description and Operation

Wow! Where did you get those from? Also do you have the manual for the AIM-9G and AIM-9H? I'd to see a more detailed block-diagram of the G&C control systems maybe even a circuit diagram.

Anyway check this out -
I obtained them from the US National Archives, specifically the Archives 2 building in Maryland, second floor, Research Group 74. They've got the first ~3,000 Ordinance Pamphlets available. I have more of the manuals at my page

I'm not aware of any manuals for AIM-9G/H, however. It wouldn't really matter as they preform identically to -9D save for the SEAM mode and being more reliable. F-8 Tactical Manual and F-4B/J/N tac manual have a little info on them though. F-8J Supplemental Manual has some info on SEAM.

On that note, has anyone seen anything solid on what AIM-9N was supposed to be? I think its a J/P variant, but the few official sources to mention it never say what it actually is and secondary sources have empty speculation with nothing backing it up.

IMO the -9N is probably a P-3, as the P-3 has a different fuze, motor, and warhead than base -P and has strengthened components, at which point its basically a new missile. The new warhead is an insensitive-explosive version of the old Mk8 known as Mk54, (page 36 of the linked doc, Ctrl-F for it)

Personally I'd like to find manuals for AIM-9E or J
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Thanks! After going through the F-4B/J/N user manual i'd love to get my hands on NAVAIR 01-245FDB-1T(A).

On another note are any of the manuals for the AIM-7C/D/E available?

Personally I'd like to find manuals for AIM-9E or J

I'd love to look at them too along with the AIM-9F (FGW.2) manual.
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Thanks! After going through the F-4B/J/N user manual i'd love to get my hands on NAVAIR 01-245FDB-1T(A).

On another note are any of the manuals for the AIM-7C/D/E available?

Personally I'd like to find manuals for AIM-9E or J

I'd love to look at them too along with the AIM-9F (FGW.2) manual.
AIM-7 manuals? Didn't see any in the archives, there is a manual for the motor I was going to get on my trip last March, but, well...March 2020.

AIM-9F manual? As if American manuals weren't already hard enough to find, you want European manuals?

I'd like to hit up the Air Force Armament Museum next year, they might have an archive. Naval Aviation Museum does, I plan on checking that out as well.
AIM-7 manuals? Didn't see any in the archives
Are the USN archives open to the public? If so you might find AIM-7 manuals there.
Website seems to indicate so
So do you think you'll ever visit it?
I'm seriously considering an extended road trip early next year. Naval Aviation, Air Force Armament, and Army Aviation Museums are all an hour or two from each other, so once I'm there I can see all three
AIM-7 manuals? Didn't see any in the archives
Are the USN archives open to the public? If so you might find AIM-7 manuals there.
Website seems to indicate so
So do you think you'll ever visit it?
I'm seriously considering an extended road trip early next year. Naval Aviation, Air Force Armament, and Army Aviation Museums are all an hour or two from each other, so once I'm there I can see all three
So lots of research at the museums archives then?

I've just started reading the AIM-9D manual (OP 3352) and i've noticed something odd, page 2 of chapter one is missing.
Hoping to, yes

And yeah, I missed a page. I'll scan it whenever I get back there
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I've just finished reading the AIM-9D manual, Magi and chapter five is missing pages 5 and 10.
I've finished reading the AIM-9C manual (OP 3351) and chapter five is missing pages 3, 4, 7 and 8.
You know, I'm pretty sure the missing pages were fold-outs showing weapons movement through carriers. I remember skipping the foldouts because I had no real way of scanning them, let alone stiching them together.
Is there any hint of any of the manuals for servicing the seeker-heads (Including the electronics) of the AIM-9B/C/D being declassified and available?

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