Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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12 February 2017
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Happy Covid-19 plinking days!


In order to inform and help forum members to get easily through the uncertainty of a global mass vaccination, I think we could have a thread dedicated to this.

Please on top of every post, indicate Geographical information of relevance and vaccine brand name. Add then a quick description of your main point in Tweeter way.

For example, today:
USA, Moderna
Dr Fauci ascertains that Moderna vaccine (94% of infected case /100% over "severe strain") should be Available 2nd half of December.

Help others in your area with relevant info (don't need to be geographically understandable to all if you don't want to, can be put in a way than only locals will understand. Share your experience when relevant (nausea, too high cost, reservations if any, waiting time, service...).

Obviously, it might be that most of the information you read here won't be relevant to you but then the minimal chance it does could justify the 5 min other spent here.

Best luck to everyone through this process,


I have no idea how mods will see this and please understand that heavy moderating efforts will certainly lead to the thread being locked. Be consistent.
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New Zealand
Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine expected first quarter 2021 pending further results. Rollout plan TBC, but no cost to the public for vaccination.
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Figures I've seen suggest -
Oxford - £3 / shot
Pfizer - £23 / shot
Moderna - £25 / shot
(Pfizer and Moderna may be transposed - my memory...)

Pfizer has quite demanding storage restrictions (kept at -70, de-frosted, diluted and then distributed. IIRC 5 days life refrigerated at that pt but the Oxford one - no different to the usual flu vaccine).
In the US, Pfizer will go first, followed by the Moderna vaccine. Moderna has applied for FDA approval today. The goal is to begin by mid-December.
Here the cost of the vaccine to the nhs is about £17 per shot but we did subsidise the research well prior to the breakout to the tune of £10bn.
The Moderna vaccine is expected to receive approval on Friday in the US. The Pfizer vaccine is being distributed in Canada as well as the US.
Meanwhile it is fortunately looking as though the prematurely approved Russian vaccine will also prove to be viable, once they finish dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's. In fact, AstraZeneca are looking at using it in combination with their own, i.e. one of the two injections AstraZeneca, the other Sputnik V. As they are conceptually very similar (vector vaccines using modified Adenovirus strains), I guess it makes sense to give it a shot... er... take a stab at it... I mean... take a jab at... you get the idea ;)
New Zealand has now secured 4 different vaccines in sufficient numbers to vaccinate everyone in New Zealand plus our Pacific neighbours in Tokelau, Cook Islands, Niue (the Realm of New Zealand territories) plus Samoa, Tonga, and Tuvalu.
President elect Biden/USA:
free vaccine + free covering of complications
"Free". :rolleyes:
It's obviously not 'free', but will be made available at no cost to everyone regardless of their healthcare situation. Which is a good thing regardless of politics, one would assume.
It's obviously not 'free', but will be made available at no cost to everyone regardless of their healthcare situation. Which is a good thing regardless of politics, one would assume.

Which was the Trump plan. Somehow I suspect the vaccine won't be labeled the "Trump Vaccine Against the Commie Cough." The bigger question is whether the American forum members will get the vaccine before the ATF arrests us...

Yeah, yeah, I know, the dreaded p-word... "UNCLEAN!" But that's what this whole thread boils down to.
I will probably not be getting it, prior bad reactions to vaccines which is a protocol for "Not getting it mate".
Frack, Macron has tested positive. We won't hear him for a week at least. He is young and vigourous, he should be fine...
I will probably not be getting it, prior bad reactions to vaccines which is a protocol for "Not getting it mate".

All the more reason for everyone who can safely get the shots to do so. Getting immunized protects not only yourself, but other vulnerable people as well. That's how herd immunity works -- the majority are immunized so there are few opportunities for a disease to infect the people who cannot be.
Here in the U.K. vaccinations are really happening;- two health care workers I know are done, my wife’s elderly father gets his first shot tomorrow and my elderly mother gets hers next week. The aim is to build up a million a week, with 180k done in the first week. I’m in priority group eight of ten so I reckon April ish.
I will have that shot the moment it is offered. Won't be too much of a journey anyway.
I will probably not be getting it, prior bad reactions to vaccines which is a protocol for "Not getting it mate".

All the more reason for everyone who can safely get the shots to do so. Getting immunized protects not only yourself, but other vulnerable people as well. That's how herd immunity works -- the majority are immunized so there are few opportunities for a disease to infect the people who cannot be.
Basically hoping lots do so I can actually go out sometime. Limiting myself to the stupor market is not doing much for me really but that's life folks.
That's how herd immunity works -- the majority are immunized so there are few opportunities for a disease to infect the people who cannot be.

Seems likely that vaccines and herd immunity will do only just so much for the Pinko Pox, since this one looks like it works like the regular flu. It'll keep mutating and immunity - granted via either surviving and infection or getting the vaccine - seems like it lasts only a number of months. Beijing's gift to the world is likely to be with us for a very long time. But it'll probably end up being just another annual annoyance, like the flu.

Really looking forward to the *next* pandemic. Should be a hoot.
Wasn't this thread for practical vaccine info , price/when... ect , only ?
I deleted my previous posts. Just very annoying all the abuse going on around the subject. It's bad enough the population has to deal with it without the powers that be kicking us while we're down. /rant
Netherlands: vaccination of medical personnel to start on January 8 - BioNtech/Pfizer, to be expanded in the following days to the general public.
No charge for recipients.
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The Moderna vaccine has been approved for distribution. The US government has secured 200 million doses with the option to buy more. Storage and transport will be easier than the Pfizer vaccine. The temperature range is that of an average refrigerator. Once those in the highest risk categories are vaccinated, it will be distributed to the general public at pharmacies and other locations where vaccines are usually available. Distribution begins tomorrow.
A lot of countries started vaccination, including Argentina (Sputnik-5) that took a hard hit, Israel or the non-UK EU.
In the european union, vaccines are distributed across all member states simultaneously.
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UK to roll out Oxford COVID-19 vaccine from Jan. 4, Sunday Telegraph says​

If it [as is expected] gets MHRA approval, this will really help things because it can be easily delivered in a GP practice setting with no more hassle than a 'regular' (but obviously there is new version of this every year) flu jab.

It'll still be the 'back end' of 2021 before we really get anywhere though....
Ah remember, as always nature is running its course. The total of people with anti bodies is those vaccinated and those naturally infected/recovered. With the U.K. Office of National Statistics (ONS) estimating that about a million people are becoming naturally infected every seven days from the randomised (pillar four) tests, thus we’ll have the 60% susceptible population with anti bodies by about by April without doing anything (assuming approx maybe 10m are already post infection from Spring/Autumn/Winter and a million vaccinations already in progress). If they hit the target of a million vaccinations a week, which seems to be on track, then this should be largely over by end of February.
Ah remember, as always nature is running its course. The total of people with anti bodies is those vaccinated and those naturally infected/recovered. With the U.K. Office of National Statistics (ONS) estimating that about a million people are becoming naturally infected every seven days from the randomised (pillar four) tests, thus we’ll have the 60% susceptible population with anti bodies by about by April without doing anything (assuming approx maybe 10m are already post infection from Spring/Autumn/Winter and a million vaccinations already in progress). If they hit the target of a million vaccinations a week, which seems to be on track, then this should be largely over by end of February.
Does that take into account the antibodies arising out of infection only last around 4 weeks? If so, it would be wonderful :)
Past stats, it's the fight agaisnt the generational white washing that should lead any metering of success.
When Great Britain engaged in the fight against the Nazis, the safeguard of their territory was not the objective that sized their efforts.

Antibodies is the name of a battle.
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Ah remember, as always nature is running its course. The total of people with anti bodies is those vaccinated and those naturally infected/recovered. With the U.K. Office of National Statistics (ONS) estimating that about a million people are becoming naturally infected every seven days from the randomised (pillar four) tests, thus we’ll have the 60% susceptible population with anti bodies by about by April without doing anything (assuming approx maybe 10m are already post infection from Spring/Autumn/Winter and a million vaccinations already in progress). If they hit the target of a million vaccinations a week, which seems to be on track, then this should be largely over by end of February.
Actually because of the increasingly adapted strains of the virus with improved abilities of transmission in humans the likely herd immunity percentage of any population will likely increase from 67% to 80%. Also you can’t see any one country in isolation you have to look at it as a global matter and many in the developing world will not start to be vaccinated until 2022. Plus naturally generated immunity isn’t the same as that conferred by vaccination I believe people who have had it will also be required to be vaccinated. Plus you don’t want to rely on gaining immunity by allowing natural spread as that’s how you get collapsing health systems and vast numbers of dead. The U.K. is already one of the worst in the world for mortality as a percentage of the population.
Plus naturally generated immunity isn’t the same as that conferred by vaccination I believe people who have had it will also be required to be vaccinated.
Wouldn't naturally generate immunity be BETTER than a vaccination? :confused:
Plus naturally generated immunity isn’t the same as that conferred by vaccination I believe people who have had it will also be required to be vaccinated.
Wouldn't naturally generate immunity be BETTER than a vaccination? :confused:
No. I believe it fades much quicker than confirmed immunity. I’ve seen quotes of six months for natural immunity and hopes of up to eighteen months with vaccination or longer but obviously that’s only hopes at the moment. I know they add things to the flu vaccine so it’s more effective in older people with weaker immune systems. But the big plus is you not ending up in a pine box or seriously ill...
Not according to this US study:-

Although it does speculate that mild infection antibodies might be shorter lived.

Also after a first infection, your T cell response is far more robust for life.

Do you have a ref for your information?
Vaccines simulate much higher rates of infection than you’d actually want to really to encounter. The more secretly your infected by the stronger the immune response. But also the vaccination doesn’t cause your body immune system to go mad which is what often kills people.

UK to roll out Oxford COVID-19 vaccine from Jan. 4, Sunday Telegraph says​

If it [as is expected] gets MHRA approval, this will really help things because it can be easily delivered in a GP practice setting with no more hassle than a 'regular' (but obviously there is new version of this every year) flu jab.

It'll still be the 'back end' of 2021 before we really get anywhere though....

"... back end of 2021..." There is no basis for that. The number of vaccinations is increasing daily. Air travel is being limited based on negative tests. The EU has begun all countries vaccinations.
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Plus naturally generated immunity isn’t the same as that conferred by vaccination I believe people who have had it will also be required to be vaccinated.
Wouldn't naturally generate immunity be BETTER than a vaccination? :confused:

No - the vaccination approach doesn't come with the risk of death...
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