Jeff Quitney deleted from YouTube?


Big Wingy Thingy
15 July 2018
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The other day I found a nasty surprise: Jeff Quitney's channel was deleted from YouTube.

The reasoning was supposedly copyright infringement, I believe.

I know that I've used some of his videos for reference on various projects, so I'm kind of angry this happened.

Anyone else got a word on this?
It happens all the time. Quite often if its public domain material some crappy stock library will assert copyright over it. There's no right of appeal. Its all automated, and irretrievably broken.

Vimeo seems to have some stuff :
PaulMM (Overscan) said:
It happens all the time. Quite often if its public domain material some crappy stock library will assert copyright over it. There's no right of appeal. Its all automated, and irretrievably broken.

Vimeo seems to have some stuff :

What's worse is if you want to dispute the claim the initial claimant gets to decide if you infringed or not. There is the expected poor behavior going on as a result. People holding channels ransom (pay up or I'll make three claims, which means three strikes, and boom, channel is gone with little recourse).
RIP. that's why i feel something was lost from my YT feed.

You know how i enjoy the old video about radar documentation.. It's the FIRST time i know that PPI scope was once rotated along with the antenna.
Orionblamblam said:
That's why I download the videos I want to make sure I can watch in the future.

This. (Just don't ever accidentally delete your archived video folder. Did that about 15 years ago and lost some clips that still makes me cry to think about. )
sferrin said:
This. (Just don't ever accidentally delete your archived video folder. Did that about 15 years ago and lost some clips that still makes me cry to think about. )

I always buy my external hard drives in pairs and follow the three rules: (1) Backup. (2) Backup. (3) Fucking backup!

Even that hasn't always worked.
Re: Jeff Quitney deleted from YouTube

Just saw this the day before. YouTube and it’s copyright issues are just plain fucked up... :mad:
I’m glad he’s back on Vimeo though, and Here’s to hoping he moves the rest of his videos over to there.

Frankly, it’s disgusting some of the policies YouTube has in terms of Copyright stuff we KNOW IS BS! YouTube would rather cater to the lower common denominator of 30 second entertainment than actual educational stuff...because it GETS THE CLICKS.
Rhinocrates said:
sferrin said:
This. (Just don't ever accidentally delete your archived video folder. Did that about 15 years ago and lost some clips that still makes me cry to think about. )

I always buy my external hard drives in pairs and follow the three rules: (1) Backup. (2) Backup. (3) Fucking backup!

Even that hasn't always worked.

I have a NAS now.
Orionblamblam said:
That's why I download the videos I want to make sure I can watch in the future.

Hell yes. I didn't knew that youtube videos could be dowloaded... but that was some years ago. Now I have found the trick, I'm downloading like crazy. No way that things like Hazegrayart channel ever goes missing.
Be aware that most video downloading tools are not very good. The best program is youtube-dl, which is open source and potentially the core of some downloaders.
Winston said:
Be aware that most video downloading tools are not very good. The best program is youtube-dl, which is open source and potentially the core of some downloaders.

This one is excellent:
Sounds like he may have fallen victim to what's described in these two videos
I use Clipgrab on linux for downloading clips. Can be used on mac and windows too.
Quite often if its public domain material some crappy stock library will assert copyright over it.

I found this with the Welkin photo that I shared the other day. In this case, there was a legitimate owner (the Mary Evans library, apparently the licensee for the RAeS collection) but all the Google searches went to a different stock image company.
sferrin said:
Winston said:
Be aware that most video downloading tools are not very good. The best program is youtube-dl, which is open source and potentially the core of some downloaders.

This one is excellent:

I use the add-on to my Firefox browser. It automatically adds a little "download" button to Vimeo and YouTube videos, don't have to call up another pager. Just hit the button and it automatically downloads the video file. Limited to 720p, but most videos don't go beyond that.
LowObservable said:
Quite often if its public domain material some crappy stock library will assert copyright over it.

I found this with the Welkin photo that I shared the other day. In this case, there was a legitimate owner (the Mary Evans library, apparently the licensee for the RAeS collection) but all the Google searches went to a different stock image company.

Well, the thing about that is the RAeS doesn't own the copyright to the materials licensed to the Mary Evans Picture Library either. It simply owns the original photos which were scanned.

You appear to be buying a license for the specific scanned image of that physical copy. This seems to be to be snake oil. If the original photo was copyrighted by Westland, then you still need to potentially pay Leonardo (as the successor company to Westland) for the actual rights to reproduce it, or get permission to reproduce it. Some photos issued by companies for PR purposes are stamped with a declaration of "permission to reproduce", so I guess those might be OK.

9.2 We give no warranties whatsoever as to the use of names, trade marks, logos, uniforms, registered or unregistered designs, artistic works or other material depicted in any Image which may be subject to intellectual property rights or other restrictions.
9.3 You must satisfy yourself that all releases, consents, licences or permissions as may be required for use of the Images have been secured. You are solely responsible for obtaining all such releases, consents, licences or permissions and the Licence is conditional in each case on your obtaining them. You must not rely on any representation in this connection which may be made on our website and may only rely on an express representation given specifically to you by us in writing.

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