American Jet Industries T-76A


Former Aviation journalist/writer
Senior Member
31 July 2013
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Hi, I'm hoping that someone out there may be able to help me. I was flicking through the September 1978 issue of Air International, and I came across a reference to a proposed new PT-6A engine trainer, the American Jet Industries T-76A. I have tried a search for the type in these illustrious pages to no avail. Has anybody got any info on this? In case anyone thinks I am having some kind of hallucination, I attach a copy of the text!


  • American Jet Industries T-76A.jpg
    American Jet Industries T-76A.jpg
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Seems like I remember something like that based on their Hustler.
Hard to find dear Victor,but I will search,

and here is the designation system of Brazilian Air Force.
Maybe this one;,1265.msg117108.html#msg117108


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Interesting - the offspring of T-6B meets PC-21...

Thanks - Mark
Interesting to see Allen Paulson's interest in developing military aircraft (i.e. the Peregrine 600 and T-76B) at the early formation of what would become Gulfstream, which of course is primarily a corporate aircraft manufacturer, until its more recent history of Special Mission Gulfstream modifications.
The AJI jet trainer proposal looked like most of a Hustler airframe with the turboprop removed. The cockpit was redesigned to semi-bubble more like T-37 Tweety Bird or Canadair Tutor.

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