The Perils of Launching Rockets in China


Senior Member
21 January 2015
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Overview of the issue of launcher debris in China.

On Friday morning in China, a rocket blasted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in the Sichuan province with a pair of navigation satellites bound for orbit around Earth. As the rocket climbed higher and higher, the four strap-on boosters that launched with it began to fall away. This is supposed to happen; the boosters provide extra lift in the minutes after launch, and when they burn through their fuel, they separate and fall back down to Earth.

The satellites made it safely into orbit. But back on the ground, there were flames.

One of those four discarded boosters had landed near a town in the Guangxi region and exploded. Video captured by onlookers and shared on social media shows the booster falling from the sky and striking the ground behind buildings. Screams are heard as flames erupt when it makes contact. Other footage shows bystanders approaching the flaming wreckage in a grassy area. Flames billow out from one end of the booster, and the ground is littered with chunks of debris.
Suppose cleanup is easier over land and populated areas, better for the environment.
kcran567 said:
Suppose cleanup is easier over land and populated areas, better for the environment.

I guess it is a necessity for the Chinese, given the location of their launch facility. On the environmental side, it would be better if the boosters fell at sea - the ocean is a big place, with lots of volume to dilute any toxic substances released from boosters.
The chinese space program had worst disaster

Long March rocket CZ-3B explodes over Sichuan, China, February 15, 1996

Current accident

Note that odd orange brown coloration on crash sites is result of Toxic UMHD and NTO propellants.
Archibald, please calm down

Saudi Arabia government begin Reforms, they even allow women to drive and visit Football games, even reopens Cinemas after 35 years ban !

China case is not so easy, in fact is more complicated:
On one side you got people who want to get quick rich & powerful and don't care if people get killed.
There countless stories of Chinese government crack down suburbia Warlords, Slave owners or Turbo Capitalist and Sects who want control over China.
On other side the government trying to keep it under control the Hard way, by execute them like, in case of 2008 milk scandal...
That happen across the History of China and Leaders always brutal suppress that, if now the ancient Emperor or today communist party of China.

Next to that is this Asiatic habit not report failures or keep quiet about it, your only successful, failure is dishonors of worst kind.

And Now back to Topic

Since 1996 disaster things have change in China Spaceflight
The Chinese government build new Launch sites at the Coast of China and introduced new Long March that use Kerolox and hydrolox propellants in 2016/17
once they are operational, the old toxic bandwagons Long March are discontinued
again rocket parts fell down



if this Picture is real, i not want be near that Rocket engine !
because it burned nitrogen tetroxide and Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine !

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