Michel Van

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
13 August 2007
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ARCA Space Corporation is a New Mexico-based aerospace company
It was founded in 1999 as a non-governmental organization in Romania by Dumitru Popescu

That want to build a SSTO that launch 100 kg (220lbs) of payload to low earth orbit.
it feature a linear Aerospike engine called "Executor" is fueled by hydrogen peroxide and kerosene
mostly the rocket is build from lightweight composite materials.
For launch cost estimated ARCA $1,000,000 with Responsiveness with 24 hours

They presented the Haas 2CA rocket in March 2017
they prepare for moment Demonstrator 3 a suborbital rocket that test the prototype of linear Aerospike engine up to 100 km altitude.
if all goes well to the plans, Demonstrator 3 will be launch in August 2017 in the New Mexico desert
ARCA expect to ready to launch first Haas 2CA rocket Already in 2018 from NASA’s Wallops Test Facility

The Concept of Haas 2CA rocket

the Haas 2CA presentation

Progress report on Demonstrator 3 construction

Huh. That would be awesome. Best of luck to them. :D
Orionblamblam said:
Aren't these the same folks who were flacking a rocket-powered seaplane fighter-lookin' space tourism craft some years ago?

the same folks
Orizont project was canceled do financial problems
Well there's actual hardware now, and if they are getting into serious testing I'm certainly not going to complain. Still a bit mystified why they chose a linear rather than toroidal spike for a cylindrical rocket, but hey let's see how they do.
What I saw was a model shop equipped to produce static displays for industrial customers. Where's the hardware?

At least the Canadian Arrow guys produced hardware.

merriman said:
What I saw was a model shop equipped to produce static displays for industrial customers. Where's the hardware?

At least the Canadian Arrow guys produced hardware.


I guess if they ever test fire their aerospike engine then they would have some credibility. Bummer. :p
merriman said:
What I saw was a model shop ...

What confuzzles me is why they made such a featureless mockup of their rocket. It lacks any of the myriad details that an actual rocket of this scale should have... access panels, rivets, welds, ports for propellants, power, data. It has the detail level I'd expect from a desktop model.
The building of the first flight components looks pretty amateurish;- lots of glass chopstrain matt, no gel finish on the moulds, no breathing mask when sanding GRP (she's going to have a sore throat for a day or two;- I guess it's her first time as you don't do that twice), GRP tools which are very poorly suited to their task and those moulds are unsuitable for high temp carbon prepreg due to diff expansion when you cook it off.

Looking at the facility, someone's obviously sinking some money into this with little regards for the experience level of those involved. From what I understand about the sensitivity of HTP to its storage condition combined with a poorly made/cleaned tanks, by people who are learning by the current trendy "fail fast" philosophy and no appreciation of PPE what could possibly go wrong?

This whole sector seems to be awash with investor capital;- well done Mr Musk
This former Torpedoman (MK-16 certified) also looked on in some wonderment as that GRP high-test H202 tank was taking form.

I sincerely hope that we're still looking at mock-up items here.

yep i wonder also about Mock Up and video building Demonstrator 3

also assembling rocket avionics out of raspberry pi and Sparkfun breakout boards :eek: if it work, why not ?
ARCA want to give regular Update on construction of Demonstrator 3 and it test flight(s)

Interesting on videos are comment section
were some people issue concern about handling fiberglass
also that ARCA response on comment

The crew that build Demonstrator 3 really have to
look Mythbuster or Adam Savage TESTED here he show how to work with fiberglass...
You should look into the history of ARCA, one of the reasons they left Romania was because they had run out of grifting opportunities.
They plan and promise a lot on one project, then they abandon that and move on to the next thing they won't build.
Here part 2 on Demonstrator 3 construction

if give more information
linear Aerospike engine "Executor" is pressure fed
with propellant pressure of 20 atmosphere in tanks

means not much performance for Haas 2CA rocket
because the pressure in combustion chambers must be lower as in fuel tank.
next to that lower the pressure in propellant tanks, so lower goes performance of the Engine.

Either there increase tank pressure or take Turbo pump solution for more Payload.
what is for hydrogen peroxide and kerosene a quite simple solution.
They keep charging along. Can't damn them for that. The model-builder part of me is enjoying this display of fabrication skills.

One rational for the linear (ramped) aerospike over the annular is its ability to produce pitch, yaw AND roll moments without moving the entire engine or engine elements, or use of dedicated roll thrusters.

Spring for the pumps, guy's! Tankage killed the X-33. Don't let the same issue kill this effort.

There's no "combustion chamber" on the demonstrator;- it's a cold rocket using decomposed HTP;- they claim this can get into space? They're also assuming 1g acceleration as well as there's no inertia factor on the tank pressure.

I've not figured out the tank construction yet but it's not following the route I would expect for a filament wound structure but "it's the lightest such pressurised tank ever made"?

Yet to see any sign of carbon or vacuum bag consolidation or auto-clave. It's either staggeringly clever or ........

First commercial payload launch in just under 2 years

At least it's entertaining so I'll await next instalment with interest.
next part on building Demonstrator 3


Thank you for posting the video. It will be fascinating to see how the testing of their demonstrator turns out. The materials being used seem very basic for the application to space flight.
... but most suitable for industrial display/mock-up/client/investor/audience display pieces. Little else.

I don't see anyone (or robot) cutting metal here.

SAustin16 said:

Thank you for posting the video. It will be fascinating to see how the testing of their demonstrator turns out. The materials being used seem very basic for the application to space flight.

Thanks, i look closely on progress of ARCA, there project is quite interesting

merriman said:
... but most suitable for industrial display/mock-up/client/investor/audience display pieces. Little else.

I don't see anyone (or robot) cutting metal here.


Why, do they need it ?
That's Demonstrator for Aerospike rocket engine nozzle
you don't need fancy robots to make that.
after Demonstrator 3 is successful, it's time for robot action on Haas 2CA construction...
It seems to be an aerodynamic test article, essentially a wind tunnel model not for a wind tunnel. For that purpose, simple and low-cost construction makes sense. If this a sham, and hey it could be, this is not the indicator.
With little delay here episode 4 about Logistics.
featuring meeting about Launch side preparation.

Did I miss something? Apparently this is a catalyst break-down only 'cold' steam rocket. It still gets hotter aft of the catalyst than any resin suspended glass/carbon/Kevlar structure I know of can handle. How are they cooling the hot side of this steam engine?


merriman said:
Did I miss something? Apparently this is a catalyst break-down only 'cold' steam rocket. It still gets hotter aft of the catalyst than any resin suspended glass/carbon/Kevlar structure I know of can handle. How are they cooling the hot side of this steam engine?



this episode give a partial explication about that issue
More on engine of demonstrator 3

next part in the story

they gonna make a engine test at Launch site in comping week or two
and if all went well end August they launch Demonstrator 3

Next part about static Test article

next part in series
Bad News Program got 6 weeks delay by supplier of hydrogen peroxide...

Next part 11 and 12

not much news

Part 13: Test-article integration

I find it odd that hot exhaust will ram into Teststand structure.
turning engine axis by 90° would be helpful.

These guys remind me of my father-in-law.
He's obsessed with perpetual motion and free energy systems. He's constantly busy in his workshop, trying out a new idea that he swears will generate more electricity than it uses. Listening to him explain his latest idea always gives me this pounding headache, as I always notice the elementary rule of physics or major flaw in his plan.

We actually humor him now and leave him alone. Because he's happy and it keeps him busy. And if by some miracle he does figure something out - we'll be rich!

These guys are either going to blow everyone's minds, or blow someone up.
two short videos


Note on 1:34 the Graphic show a ARCA rocket in size of Falcon 9
Seem ARCA has plans for bigger Launcher

Completion of test stand
next two chapters
This happen if your not informed about flight Regulation in USA

Testing burst disk and Update on launch height problem form part 15.
Well... these kids keep on chugging along. Inspiring.

next part on on going saga of ARCA

Meet the Romanian Team (Part 1)

Meet the Romanian Team (Part 2)
also visitor of NASA at ARCA New Mexico
Sic transit

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