Manned V2/A4, A9/A10

Welcome Justo.
Good to have you on board .
Hello Scott,

I am happy to hear from you again.
My sources are of two types: there is bibliography that I can mention, as I still have the books, and a number of photocopied works which source is unknown to me.
The bibliography I have is as follows:

- “The birth of the missile” by Otto Merk and Wernher von Braun , George G.Harrap Publisher ,London 1965
- “Rockets , Missiles and Space Travel” by Willy Ley , The Viking Press , New York 1959
- “Rockets and guided missiles” by John Humphries , Ernest Benn publisher , London 1957
- “German explosive ordnance” (declassified) TM 9-1985-2 /TO 398-1A-9 Departments of the Army and the Air Force, March 1953
- “German Secret Weapons” by Rudolf Lusar ,Neville Spearman publisher,London 1959
- “Secret weapons of the Third Reich” by Leslie E.Simon ,WE,Inc publishers Connecticut 1971
- “German secret weapons” by J.B.King BPC publishing Ltd 1974
- “V2 Anfbruch zur Raumfahrt” by Joachim Engelmann , Poznum Pallas Verlag GmbH 1985
- “Spaceport Australia” by Brett Gooden ,Kangaroo Press,Victoria 1990
- “V2 Dawn of the Rocket Age” vol 26 by Joachim Engelmann , Schiffer 1990
- “Faster than sound” by Bill Gunston ,Patrick Stephens ltd ,Somerset 1992
- “Spacefligth” Mach 1993
- “Die Deutsche Luftrustung 1933-1945” band 4 , by Heinz J. Nowarra ,Bernard & Graefe Verlag , Koblenz 1993
- “Deutsche Geheimwaffen und Wunderwaffen des II Weltkrieges” by Christof Friedrich ,Samisdat publishing,Toronto (no year)
- Modell Magazin 5/78
- Modell Fan 1/78
- Modell Fan 10/84
- Scale Models February 1978
- Scale Models March 1978

I can send you copies of the rest if you give me your postal address. You can find my new email address at
Justo Miranda said:
- “Deutsche Geheimwaffen und Wunderwaffen des II Weltkrieges” by Christof Friedrich ,Samisdat publishing,Toronto (no year)

Just as an aside... this "Christof Friedrich" is a pseudonym for Ernst Zundel, a Canadian Neo-Nazi. He sorta single-handedly dumped "Nazi Flying Saucer" into the lexicon. A few years back he wrote that he jsut made all that up (in his book "UFOs: Nazi Secret Weapon?") in order to be able to access other media sources such as radio interviews. The intent was to get on to discus UFOs and the "Nazi connection," but then start yapping about how the "Holocaust was a hoax."

Consequently, I'd be *real* hesitant about using anything from him.

I have little doubt that my ill-advised attempt to contact Samisdat Publishing back during my high school days - back before I knew who they were, apart from a publisher of stuff on "WWII German aircraft projects" - was what first got the FBI to notice my existence. I figured that out when:
A: The letter I got back from them had been opened and then taped back shut
B: And it was filled with rants about how the Zionists were suppressing their publications.


As to the rest of the bibliography, I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to see original source drawings of WWII-era manned V-2s. I've personally only ever seen two... one showing a research vehicle with large wings and underslung ramjet, and the other being a crude sketch by WvB himself showing how to seat three in the nose of a V-2. I'll PM you my postal address.
I regret to hear that you had problems because of this book. I knew about Ernst Zundel but not his nickname. I do not have the whole book, just photocopies of some projects in comic format. Apparently the illustrator got inspired by the texts in the book by Rudolph Lusar without using any images as reference. His work is very inaccurate and better to be forgotten.
The reason I included it in the bibliography is because there is an illustration of the manned A9/A10 and that is what you asked for in your email.
The subject of your interest is very wide and delicate to be discussed in conventional historian’s terms. It is for that reason that interests me and the readers of my publications.

I will send you the rest of the information by post next Monday. I hope you find what you need.
The intention of this post is just to inform on the results to the question posted by Orionblamblam last December 2.
The research done since that date shows that none of the published drawings on the piloted A-9 were made during wartime. The oldest one I have was published by the French magazine "La Revue Aéronautique" in January 1946.
The abundant bibliography published on the subject does not prove (from a historical point of view) the existence of such a project and, consequently, all the drawings published on the piloted A-9 (mine included) must be considered as speculative illustrations, until a new documental testimony proves its rightness or error.

The origin of the issue is that the aim of the research in Peenemünde was the manufacturing of rockets that would do same work than the German Army artillery. If they were transformed in piloted machines, Göring would claim the whole project for the Luftwaffe.
This is the reason why, as von Braun declared after the war ("Project Satellite" by Allan Wingate, K.W. Garland Ed. London 1958) the designs existed in a clandestine way and there is a possibility that he himself transferred them to the USA at the time of the Paperclip project.
I asked Ron Miller and Jack Hagerty some years ago but they did not have any more information than I do.
EMW A6 project


Re: EMW A6 project

Say what you want about the Nazis, but they never had a problem with thinking big.
Re: EMW A6 project

natewillcome4you said:
Say what you want about the Nazis, but they never had a problem with thinking big.

Blessing in disguise ! Just think, what they could have done and build with all the money and materials,
they dumped into the A4/V2 program and its successors, a program without any real military gain back then.
Re: EMW A6 project

Jemiba said:
natewillcome4you said:
Say what you want about the Nazis, but they never had a problem with thinking big.

Blessing in disguise ! Just think, what they could have done and build with all the money and materials,
they dumped into the A4/V2 program and its successors, a program without any real military gain back then.

More thing but thos thing would also consume more ressources/oil I think,so from the ressource side,I don't really think they could've done much for wining a war they can't win;

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