X18 Tank Boat Concept


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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Interesting concept doubt it will get beyond this stage??


Could you imagine boat on boat "Sea to Sea superiority missions" with these protecting carriers like fighters covering bombers? :eek:
The idea of a small boat with tank turret is old. For instance, soviet project 1124 was used on Danube during the Belgrade operation in 1944.


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bobbymike said:
Could you imagine boat on boat "Sea to Sea superiority missions" with these protecting carriers like fighters covering bombers? :eek:

Small boats are too small to operate in the world's oceans. The aircraft analogy would be trying to escort a B-29 through a thunderstorm with Sopwith Camels. Ain't going to happen. Fine but for inshore escort like port security.
Abraham Gubler said:
bobbymike said:
Could you imagine boat on boat "Sea to Sea superiority missions" with these protecting carriers like fighters covering bombers? :eek:

Small boats are too small to operate in the world's oceans. The aircraft analogy would be trying to escort a B-29 through a thunderstorm with Sopwith Camels. Ain't going to happen. Fine but for inshore escort like port security.
And anything that can take a bite out of a 100,000 ton carrier is going to be pasted by the air wing and major surface combatants well before coming into range of that cat's gun.

But, Bobby, it might have utility as an escort to landing craft or as a bigger-gun fire support compliment to the Navy's Mark VI.
Honestly looks like a boat without a mission. Against small surface threats it surely couldn't be as useful as typical gunboats. And as a river monitor the catamaran would surely make it less damage resistant than a monohull.

If it's about fire support for special forces (the article mentions SEALs), well it has missed the boat (pun intended) and is less versatile than its competitors.
Has anyone got a better link to the concept? When I followed the OP's link I just got the pop sci main page with a lot of science pap and no easy to find tank boat.

Oh hang on maybe I should use Google? Still couldn't find a decent link in the first few Google responses. But their cached imagery shows the design and that it is the Swedish-Indonesian North Sea (Burning) Boat builders. Looks like a pirate hunter.

The Brits did some work with naval use of tank guns in the 50s to 70s. Ironically in the second phase to hunt Indonesian penetration boats in the very waters where these boats would be built.



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PopSci Auatralia also has it -- might be easier for you to access:


Here's the text:
North Sea Boats' new X-18 Tank Boat feels like it should be a G.I. Joe toy. The 60-foot long catamaran can travel up rivers, carry a small inflatable boat on its back, and deliver either 20 Marines or Navy SEALs to shore. It also has a tank cannon in a turret on top of the main cabin, and if that isn't enough, it's possible to put an automated heavy machine gun turret on top of the tank turret.

Designed for a crew of four, the Tank Boat punches well above its weight. The smaller turret can be outfitted with guns ranging from 7.62 machine guns to 30-mm light cannons, and the bigger guns punch through armored targets up to 3 miles away. The 105-mm cannon can also angle up to 42 degrees, letting it lob explosives over 6 miles. Landing on beaches is never easy, but a landing craft with deadly firepower makes it a lot easier.

Right now, the 18 appears to be just a concept, with small mock-ups appearing at defense trade shows. When asked for more information about the boat, Indonesian defense firm PT Lundin, which owns North Sea Boats, sent along a brochure, so it appears they are at least marketing the idea.

The X18 would hardly be the first tank boat. Starting in the 1930s and going into World War II, Soviet Russia experimented with heavier armed river boats, using already-made tank turrets as the turrets for their riverine vessels. Not just experiments, these ships saw battle, participating in fights on the Black Sea and the Baltic sea. During WWII, the U.S. Navy tried putting tank turrets on landing craft, but found the guns were too heavy and the boat engines too weak. With modern construction techniques, and 70 years of development since, it's unlikely the X18 will have these problems.
I could imagine numbers of such boats safeguard waters like the Strait of Hormuz,
and around Somalia, or other areas, where the thread is more a paramilitary one,
or just piracy. Much better weapons range and accuracy, than machine guns or RPG.
Jemiba said:
I could imagine numbers of such boats safeguard waters like the Strait of Hormuz,
and around Somalia, or other areas, where the thread is more a paramilitary one,
or just piracy. Much better weapons range and accuracy, than machine guns or RPG.
has a tank turret really got better range and accuracy than a 76mm naval mount. If have thought the stabilization required of tank turrets is less than regular naval mounts. Plus taking pirates out at long ranges isn't a reality. The anti-piracy forces are supported to deter and capture not kill.

The straights of Hormuz are not really paramilitary threat in my view. The speedboats of the IRGCN might appear that way but they are just part of a complex military system.
Aren't they going to run into similar navalization issues that they did with MONARC?

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