List of reference books: aircraft produced in the Baltic states


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20 October 2009
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Here is a list of reference books about aircraft produced in the Baltic states: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Additions and comments are most appreciated.

List of similar threads for other countries:,22054.0.html

Baltic states

  • Military aviation and aircraft production Air Forces of the Baltic States 1918-2001, by Richard Humberstone, Insignia Air Force Special, 2001, available in electronic form only
    Updated republication of three former separate books about Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian air forces (see below).
    Good first approach, contains some drawings but no 3-views.


The website is an excellent reference about Lithuanian aviation from 1919 to 1940. It is wholly in Lithuanian, and has an extensive section about books and magazines:
All the books listed in this section are in Lithuanian language unless mentioned.

General books on Lithuanian aviation

  • Lithuanian aviation Lietuvos aviacija, by Gytis Ramoška, Šviesa / Pažinkime Lietuvą, 2009, ISBN 5430047449

  • Lithuanian aviation 1919-1940 Aviacija Lietuvoje 1919-1940, by Algirdas Gamziukas, Lietuvos Technikos Muziejus / Plieno Sparnai Biblioteka n°7, 1993, ISBN unknown
    General summary of interwar Lithuanian aviation, see

  • Lithuanian civil aviation 1927-1940 Lietuvos aero klubas 1927-1940 metais, by Viktoras Ašmenskas, Lietuvos Aviacijos Muziejus / Lietuvos Respublikos krašto apsaugos ministerija, 2007, ISBN 9986738857
    See and

  • Lithuanian civil aviation 1940-1989 Aviacijos sportas Lietuvoje 1940-1989 metais, by Viktoras Ašmenskas, Lietuvos Aeroklubas, 2009, ISBN 6099508007
    Companion volume to the above.

  • Lithuanian military aviation 1919-1940 Lietuvos karinė aviacija 1919-1940, by Algirdas Gamziukas & Gytis Ramoška, Lietuvos Aviacijos Muziejus / Plieno Sparnai Biblioteka, 1993, ISBN unknown

  • Lithuanian military aviation 1919-1940 Lietuvos karo aviacija (1919-1940), by Algimantas Liekis, Lietuvos mokslų akademija / Lietuvos mokslas n°21, 1999, ISBN unknown

  • Lithuanian military aviation 1919-1940 Litewskie lotnictwo wojskowe 1919-1940, in Polish language, by Waldemar Rezmer, Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, 1999, ISBN 8323110964

  • Lithuanian military aviation and aircraft production Lithuanian Air Force 1918-1940, by Richard Humberstone, Insignia Air Force Special no.1, 1996
    Republished as a chapter of Air Forces of the Baltic States 1918-2001, see above.

  • Lithuanian aircraft production "Les inconnus de la Baltique – L'industrie aéronautique lituanienne", in French language, article by Malcolm Passingham & Jean Noël in Le Fana de l'Aviation no.271, 1992
    Good first approach, with 3-view drawings of Anbo aircraft.

Books on specific Lithuanian aircraft

  • Anbo Antanas Norėjo Būti Ore, by Algirdas Gamziukas, Lietuvos Aviacijos Muziejus / Plieno Sparnai Biblioteka n°12, 1997, ISBN 9986557097

  • Bronius Oškinis Žmogaus sparnai, by Jonas Dovydaitis, Vaga, 1971, ISBN unknown


The website is an excellent reference about Latvian aviation. It has an extensive bibliography on the subject:

General books on Latvian aviation

  • Latvian aviation Of Struggle and Flight – The History of Latvian Aviation, by Karlis Irbitis, Canada's Wings, 1986, ISBN 0920002366
    This is certainly the best reference available in English, written by a prominent Latvian aircraft designer. It seems to contain technical details and drawings, and probably gives excellent coverage of the author's own designs.
    The book was later translated to the Latvian language: Latvijas aviācija un tās pionieri, Zinātne, 1997 and 2004, ISBN 5796611909

  • Latvian aviation 1919-1940 Latvijas aviācijas vēsture 1919-1940, by Edvīns Brūvelis, Jumava, 2003, ISBN 9984055809
    It is said to be the best current reference about Latvian aviation, available in Latvian language only.

  • Latvian military aviation and aircraft production Latvian Air Force 1918-1940, by Richard Humberstone, Insignia Air Force Special no.5, 2000
    Republished as a chapter of Air Forces of the Baltic States 1918-2001, see above.

  • Latvian aircraft production "Les avions construits en Lettonie", in French language, two-part article by Malcolm Passingham & Jeannine Noël in Le Fana de l'Aviation no.283 & 284, 1993
    Good first approach, no drawings.


General books on Estonian aviation

  • Estonian aviation before 1940 Aeg, mehed, lennukid – Eesti lennunduse arengulugu kuni 1940 aastani, by Frederik Gerdessen, Toivo Kitvel & Johannes Tilk, Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, 2001, ISBN 9985700864

  • Estonian aviation before 1940 Eesti lennukroonika – Tekste ja pilte aastani 1940, by Toivo Kitvel & Johannes Tilk, Aviopol, 2003, ISBN 9949103037

  • Estonian military aviation and aircraft production Estonian Air Force 1918-1940, by Richard Humberstone, Insignia Air Force Special no.3, 1999
    Republished as a chapter of Air Forces of the Baltic States 1918-2001, see above.
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