Emerson Electric WASP Missile

Mark Nankivil

ACCESS: Top Secret
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13 June 2007
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Greetings All -

Interesting model of a missile that I have yet to find anything about:


Anyone have info on this program/proposal?

Enjoy the Day! Mark


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I'll bet. . .

thought I remembered it from somewhere. From Warbird Tech(AH-56 Vol.):

"A wide variety of weapons were proposed for use on the vehicle. The normal complement included two side turrets
with either XM-134 7.62-mm machine guns or XM-75 40-mm grenade launchers. Each turret was provided with
either 12,000 rounds of 7.62-mm ammunition or 500 40-mm grenades. A center turret carried an XM-140 30-mm
cannon with 1,000 rounds of ammunition. The center turret could also mount 500 WASP rockets, or a second 30-
mm cannon. Each of the turrets could rotate and elevate and was capable of being fired while sitting on the
ground, in a hover, or during high-speed forward flight."

This was for the Convair Model 49 AAFSS.

Attachments were found here:


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fightingirish said:
Front part of a mini missile / bomlet like the Hughes AGM-124 Wasp or Vought Assault Breacker programm?

Same name but unrelated. This WASP is an unguided rocket not a guided a missile.

sferrin said:

I'll bet. . .

thought I remembered it from somewhere. From Warbird Tech(AH-56 Vol.):

And discussed extensively in the Convair Model 49 thread:



Including those same images you just attached but four years ago.

Abraham Gubler said:
fightingirish said:
Front part of a mini missile / bomlet like the Hughes AGM-124 Wasp or Vought Assault Breacker programm?

Same name but unrelated. This WASP is an unguided rocket not a guided a missile.

sferrin said:

I'll bet. . .

thought I remembered it from somewhere. From Warbird Tech(AH-56 Vol.):

And discussed extensively in the Convair Model 49 thread:



Including those same images you just attached but four years ago.

Would it be better to consolidate the threads or just leave this one as is?
Greetings All -

Thanks for the info and leads. A friend came across this patent which appears to be one and the same.

Enjoy the Day! Mark


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As developed by Emerson Electric for the U. S. Army Missile Command, the spin-stabilized WASP rocket motor incorporated separate spin, boost , and sustain propulsion systems. The initial motor design used two end-burning grains of a non-aluminized polysulfide propellant for the spin motor, a five-point "star" configuration of the same propellant for the boost motor, and an end-burning alkyd-resin styrene composite for the sustain motor. Company. All propellants were supplied by Bermite Powder As zeported in (l), boost thrust measurements obtained at radial acceleration levels decaying from about 7000 G's to zero at burnout gave no positive indications of any significant effect of the spin environment on motor performance. The revised WASP motor design incorporated a cylindrically perforated grain of 1% aluminized polyvinyl chloride propellant (Arcite 386M) for the spin motor, a 6-point "star" configuration of the same propellant for the boost motor, and an end-burning non-aluninized polyvinyl chloride composite (Arcite 377A) for the sustain motor. section, patterned after those developed at the Naval Weapons Center (NOTs). propellan3s were supplied by Atlantic Research Corporation. The sustain motor also incorporated a vortex spoiler in the nozzle entrance All As reported in (2), the effects of radial accelerations increasing from 0 to approximately 16,000 G's on spin motor performance were found to be primarily a result of propellant/case structural interactions, with some burn rate amplification due to combustion effects also likely, but undefined (4). In order to achieve simultaneous burnout of both the struts and periphery of the boost grain at 16,000 GIs, the peripheral web thickness was increased about 30% during this development program. under spin was primarily due to alumina centrifugation (4) or preferential peripheral ignition of the grain under spin (2) was not resolved. Whether the apparent 30% increase in burn rate With the vortex spoiler incorporated in the sustainer nozzle, the end-burning sustain motor was essentially neutral burning (2), (4). However, a concurrent test program conducted at Redstone Arsenal (3) with the same non-aluminized propellant indicated severe centerline coning of the grain at radial accelerations of only 3500 G's when the vortex spoiler wa$ not incorporated in the nozzle. -1 I a, 1 1% "e/ I


(1) T. F. HOEKEL and L. J. MANDA: "The Influence of the Spin Environment on the WASP Booster Performance?'; Symposium on the Behavior of,Propellants Under Acceleration Fields; Naval Ordance Test Station; NOTs TP377Q; June 1965; AD-363903; (C).
(2) "Final Report - WASP Advanced Development Program"; Volume I; Eherson Electric Report No. 2030; February 1966; AD-373484; (C).
(3) D. R. ULLOTH and W. D. GUTHRIE: "A Study of Vortex Effects in Spinning Rocket Motors"; Report RK-TR-66-8; April 1966; AD-374624; (C).
(4) P. W. SERBU; ET AL: "WASP Motor Development Program"; presented at ICRPGIAIAA Solid Propulsion Meeting , Washington, D. C ; 19-21 July 1966 ; - CPIA Publication No. 111; Volume 11; pp. 485-507; AD-373908; (C)



Prime Contractor; Electronics and Space Division, Emerson Electric


The WASP is a 40 millimeter, unguided, spin-stabilized, zero-launch rocket. It carries an anti-personnel, high-explosive warhead. The WASP can be launched in a variety of ways; including light-weight, highly-mobile, jeep-mounted or even backpack-carried launchers. Another type of launcher is a component part of a helicopter armament system, aimed and fired by the pilot. The WASP is being developed under an Army contract. Additional details are classified.

WASP Launcher.jpg


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