How to Post Images


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1 April 2006
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As all of us hope to keep this forum alive and healthy as long as possible, I beg you to post images as attachments, not a hyperlinks to other sources or image upload services on the net. Would be rather disappointing to come here in a year and found that many great posts lack illustrations with red crosses and links leading somewhere to dead end at, say,
hyperlinks to other sources or image upload services on the net showing
red crosses and links leading somewhere to dead end

I agree, I don't like this kind of forums. :mad:
Not tonight I don't, need to dig around and find where the hell they are on my harddrive, so you get the linked pics for now.
How to...

Once more - check with other will find zillion broken links to unexistent images.
Do you really want to find broken link to super-puper interesting drawing uploaded to Imageshack or something, that you occasionally have lost and desperately trying to find now? Internet is fast-changing place, things are appearing and disappearing quickly, and will not always help you. Wish I could have my ADSL now and went back in 2001 to grab hi-res X-32 photos from the Boeing site - but it's impossible now!

Please use damn attachments, please, care of others and yourself, too.


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A question concerning images. [Moderator please move if I am posting in the wrong location on the forum]

I suspect this question has come up before - I used the search engine with the words How to Post Images and could find no clear instructions.
Does this mean that I must use a iimage hosting site? If so which is the recommended one? Any other suggestins?

[apologies but I've never posted an image from my PC hard drive to a forum before]


This has been covered before but its actually *easier* now.

When you create a post you will see a box to type your message in, and below that it a line where it says in bold "Attach:". You click the "Browse" button and choose the picture to upload from your computer. If you want to attach more images click on "more attachments" and another Attach: line will appear allowing you to add another image. You can add up to 8 images per post, each image up to 768kb.

Yeah. Got the same problem in the begining.,5229.msg41443.html#msg41443
overscan said:
This has been covered before but its actually *easier* now.

When you create a post you will see a box to type your message in, and below that it a line where it says in bold "Attach:". You click the "Browse" button and choose the picture to upload from your computer.

When I click the "Browse" button and I choose the picture, what is the next operation to upload it to the forum.
Thank you in advance for the help

If you want to attach more images click on "more attachments" and another Attach: line will appear allowing you to add another image. You can add up to 8 images per post, each image up to 768kb.

Would it be possible to add the ability to attach images with names ending in .jpeg? I realize it is a simple rename to drop it back to .jpg but you can't rename files before posting in some browsers, and if your image folders are too large, just finding and renaming a file is an exercise in patience.
Would it be possible to add the ability to attach images with names ending in .jpeg?

That's a question for the administrator but you can easely rename any amount of files with a "renamer app". They are many of that apps free for Windows, Mac or Linux.
I think that some mention should be made about cropping images. I have seen a lot of image attachments lately that have a lot of white space or reproduce an entire or a partial page out of a book or magazine. Posters should be aware that all that white space or unreadable text makes images larger and wastes valuable server space.

In addition, higher quality, higher resolution, and color artwork or photographs are found of projects. Perhaps moderators should delete previous attachments of low resolution, low quality, or monochrome artwork or photographs when higher quality images are attached later in a thread? Should we use the Report to Moderator function to have earlier lower quality attachments deleted?
Should we use the Report to Moderator function to have earlier lower quality attachments deleted?

I think it's a good idea.
Can we get .TIFF images allowed? I have a few documents that were saved in .TIFF format, and can't figure out how to turn the damn things into JPEGs or GIF images.
What software ya got? Just about any photo package will changes those these days (Paint Shop Pro, PS, Painter, etc.)
Did you try to open it in the program that you are using to view them and find the "save as..." option? It should be the simplest way.
Matej-yeah, that didn't work. It's ok though, I have found a different solution: collate the images into one PDF file.
Thats also a good idea. I expect that the TIFF format is not allowed, because even with the LZW compresson the images are still very big in file size compared to .jpeg or .gif and we are not working here with the 300 dpi printable resolution or higher, so such a quality is not needed. If the TIFF is saved as the Black/White format, it has smaller size, but the B/W .gif do the same job as well.
The TIFFs I was working from were not small files! I was actually suprised that the PDF managed to retain the clarity of the documents while massively reducing the file size. Anyway this seems to work, so I'll stick to PDFs when needed.
TIFs don't always thumbnail well. You can easily convert with the freeware Irfanview viewer.
Converting TIFs into jpg not always works well, as a TIF file actually can contain more
than one picture. Converting them often just give the very first picture only. But Paul
is right, Irfanview actually can handle those files, you just have to convert each page
separately (see screenshot). But .. not all viewers can do this !


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Dear Boys, Girls and Moderators, I have a vast collection of old Les Ailes from 1945 to 1960. There are some interesting articles that I want to scan and post in to the forum. The problem is Les Ailes was actually a newspaper, larger than A3 size, so I can scan whole page articles and save them as jpegs.

I can scan to pdf at may office, can large pdf images work on this forum?

If not, can I convert a pdf to a jpeg (somehow) and would you be able to read the text still?

Terry (Caravellarella)
Yes, you can post PDFs, they just don't thumbnail. PDFs can be converted to JPGs easily too.
Sorry for what's probably a silly question, but as images are included as attachments what are the 'img' & '/img' mark-up tags for?

If the answer is RTFM(!) a pointer to TFM would be appreciated :)
The img tags allow you to link to pictures stored on websites as you imagine.

Some forum administrators don't allow you to attach images to save on server space for example. In Secret Projects we encourage you to attach images so they don't get lost - the downside being we have more than 8GB of images stored on the server!

However, the facility to link to pictures is a core part of the SMF forum software and won't be removed. Certain users may still want to link to images they've stored eleswhere. Equally I use it sometimes to put a picture posted in one topic into a different topic without attaching a second copy.
I want to make a suggestion concerning image naming guidelines. Sometimes I have difficulties separating aircraft designations from image numbering in a post. One way to address this would be to use square brackets after the designation to number images and parentheses in cases when we only know the year when the design was made.
Boeing B-52B[1]
Boeing B-52B[2]
Boeing B-52B[3]
Boeing B-52H[1]
Boeing B-52H[2]
Lockheed SST(1968)
Dornier float plane (1931)
That's a good idea, but not enforceable. So it would be up to everyone to adopt it manually.
A perfect example. No, no more info on this ever


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Please let us know before if someday Flickr goes bankrupt. I just posted a picture link from the SDASM Flickr archive. :oops:

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