kawasaki ki-66 and their variants


ACCESS: Top Secret
14 October 2007
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It was a dive bomber and there was a fighter variant kawasaki ki-66 II

If anyone have more of this .... ::)


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Hi! Ki-66 pictures.

Type : Dive bomber
Armament : 2 x 12,7mm Ho-103 MG, 2 x 7,7mm Type 89 MG, 500kg bombload
Engine : 2 x Nakajima Ha-115 14-cyl radial 1360hp each
Weight : Empty 4100kg - Take off 5750kg
Crew : 2
Maximum Speed : 535km/h
Year of construction : 1942
Quantity : 6
User : The IJA
Manufacturer : Kawasaki Kokuki Kogyo KK



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Hi ackkite san
this aircraft is a real Kawasaki produckt,it shares many features with its stable mates as the ki-45 Toryu and the ki-96 and ki-102 Randy
I believe they build only one proto type but im not sure.
Its a nice looking aircraft but as dive bomber ? no it looks for me to large to serve as a swift dive bomber.
I personally prefere this role to the Kawanishi Judy ore Aichi D3A Vall,maybe the ki-66 was a better scout or B-29 destroyer
friendly greetings
T-50 said:
... I believe they build only one proto type but im not sure...

There were six Ki-66 prototypes. Does anyone know if the Ki-66-Ic prototype was a Ki-66a conversion like the Ki-66-Ib?
T-50 said:
Hi ackkite san
this aircraft is a real Kawasaki produckt,it shares many features with its stable mates as the ki-45 Toryu and the ki-96 and ki-102 Randy
I believe they build only one proto type but im not sure.
Its a nice looking aircraft but as dive bomber ? no it looks for me to large to serve as a swift dive bomber.
I personally prefere this role to the Kawanishi Judy ore Aichi D3A Vall,maybe the ki-66 was a better scout or B-29 destroyer
friendly greetings
T-50 san!
Thanks for your attension and sharp opinion as usual. :D
Apophenia said:
T-50 said:
... I believe they build only one proto type but im not sure...

There were six Ki-66 prototypes. Does anyone know if the Ki-66-Ic prototype was a Ki-66a conversion like the Ki-66-Ib?
What a detailed and high class question. :eek:
The IJA did not satisfy the maximum speed of Ki-66(535km/h), because it’s only 40km/h faster than existing 99-shiki-1(Ki-48) twin engine light bomber. So Ki-66-, which had HA-315(take off power : 1360hp), estimated maximum speed 600km/h(6000m), was planned. The design of Ki-66-, which had nose Ho-5 cannon, began in April in1944, 3 prototypes were planned to manufacture. But at the time, Ki-48-otsu, which had dive brake, was completed, marked 50 degree dive, satisfied the IJA’s requirement. The IJA decided to terminate the development of Ki-66- and Ki-66- in October 1944.
Source : All the Experimental Aircraft in Japanese Army by Minoru Akimoto


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