Karl Stöckel part 1 : projects 1944


ACCESS: Top Secret
1 May 2006
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Karl Stöckel worked at the DVL in Berlin , and after the war at Bölkow .

Here , some of his proposals during the war . (Next post for the post war projects)

My source is "DER FLIEGER" January 1968 .


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Grzesio said:
Hmmmm... The number 4 strangely resembles the so called "Blohm & Voss MGRP"...

DVL was something like the NACA in U.S...The Blohm-Voss was probably the Stöckel proposal reviewed by the industry ...
But there's one more thing - the 4th project is just a "Torpedotraeger mit Lorin Antrieb", not the MGRP as it is known today - MGRP is depicted in the 5th drawing.
This leads to a conclusion, that someone in the past mixed these two designs. I've always had suspicions about MGRP being fake, as there was no trace of a rocket in a design called "Raketen Projektil" - but it is all clear now. The real, Stoeckel's MGRP is not the MGRP we know, and it is rocket propelled indeed. :)
Hi all,
I did a few profiles a good few years ago. I've done a collage of them.

Hope it helps.
Peter :)


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patvig said:
Is it same project as the Rammschussjäger ?

My dear Patvig,do you mean this ?,

I don't know if it was a real project or not ?.



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Justo Miranda said:
From "German Jet Genesis" by David Masters ,JANE´S 1982

Just in case anyone still thought that the MGRP had anything to do with Blohm & Voss...


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newsdeskdan said:
Just in case anyone still thought that the MGRP had anything to do with Blohm & Voss...

What is that mean my dear Dan,it was not from its designs ?.
hesham said:
newsdeskdan said:
Just in case anyone still thought that the MGRP had anything to do with Blohm & Voss...

What is that mean my dear Dan,it was not from its designs ?.

That's Karl Stöckel's original outline description of the MGRP - the smaller rocket with the aircraft on its back. The drawing, the same as posted elsewhere in this thread, is on the next frame of the microfilm reel. It's his own independent design - nothing to do with Blohm & Voss.
Blohm & Voss documents are typically on B&V headed stationery but even if there was no other mention of Blohm & Voss on the document the Allied intelligence file code would be 'BV' to indicate that that's where it came from. In this case the code is the non-specific 'PM' which simply stands for 'Propelled Missiles' and the 'MGM' is specific to this document because Stöckel didn't warrant his own code. The code on the Stöckel rammers document is PM/Rkt/Re/4.

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