What does the evidence build up to?

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ACCESS: Secret
3 February 2011
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I would like to start here a new topic on chemtrails issue. I will try to build up evidence here step by step. Firstly you must help me with this video. In this video we can see Airbus a-380. Don`t bother what model is it or what the video is about. Basically it is supposedly a testbed for Airbus. All I ask from you is to refer specifically to 2:02- 2:06 frames. Please help me with your profound knowledge, and explain what do you see.
Chemtrails are total BS. Try peddling this stuff at Above TopSecret.

The "suspicious" tanks in this video are water tanks used to vary the mass and CG location for flight testing. Water is easier to move around than solid weights, making the test process easier. They're described in the text box here:


And this blog shows pictures of similar tanks in the 747-800 flight test aircraft:


And here's a mention of the use of water for CG testing in aircraft in general:

Yeah, not playing this game anymore. Go peddle the conspiracy theories somewhere else.
And here, observe the patterns. You can`t wriggle out of this one. interestingly if someone showed you a video depiction of chemical containers installed inside an airplane, you could always refer to it as, testbed.

And another one. I work for National Armed Forces, and I talk to pilots and traffic controllers daily, and I will provide more evidence, that this is going on. I will decide how to overcome language barrier. And many people here that visit this site are in on it,.I need more time.

I will provide more evidence, that this is going on.

In order to provide "more" evidence, you must first provide "some" evidence. So far, neither you nor anyone else has ever provided evidence of anything other than perfectly normal jetliner contrails.


Now, I'm generally not in favor of c3nsoring idiots, but will someone with the ability to do so *please* end this bullshit?
The title of the thread mentions evidence, but all I see is photos of condensation trails. If anyone has a chemical analysis of said trails, traceable to date and location, we may have something to discuss. Until then, we are wasting electrons.
Overscan needs to have a look and see if these posts are coming from the same IP address as this users older posts or from some newer address.... Could be an account hijack.
Seems unlikely. The same user got a week-long ban last year for moon-landing denial (along with a warning not to repeat on pain of a permanent ban), and the few comments they have that aren't linked to their own fantasy art look pretty conspiracy-friendly.
Well I guess that ban hammer is about to come down then.....
I do not discard conspiracy theories right away but think they must be carefully examined.

Although I was 100% convinced by the videos on the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon (that is, convinced there was NO airliner there EVER), I think the videos shown in this page prove nothing, and what's more, the insulting language of the guy who's shooting is actually counter-productive (if you're to take on the powers that be, at least show you're not a complete moron...). The amount of contrails, their being parallel, all of this shows nothing else than an area of intense airport activity.

In this case, therefore, I will discard the whole thing as "paraganda" (a word I've coined for "paranoid propaganda") until some more solid "evidence" comes along... And the topic, well... this is the Bar section, anyway. Can a mod at least add some quotes to the word "evidence" in the topic's title??
I would like to start here a new topic on chemtrails issue.

no, it won't happen here, sorry
ah, those nasty tanks A380 - those that I was lurking around last summer?

I'm not sure of your engineering background and if you 'believe' in water ballast theory, but...it doesn't bother me
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