Dornier P222/9-08 Stuka

Two thoughts....

While I don't argue that the Mk 108 30mm gun would have suited this aircraft eventually, if the 1940 date per the drawing above is correct, then the Mk 108 would not have been an option yet. Perhaps something like a pair of MG151 and maybe a pair of MG 17s would make more sense for this date?

On the bombs, I wonder if the two central ones would require bomb crutches to clear the prop in a steep dive?
Yep, the central ones would have swinging bomb crutches (German: Abweisergabel) to clear the prop in a steep dive just like on the Ju-87.

Superb drawing, Flitzer!!! :)
AFAIK up to 1941 the only 20 mm gun available for German aircraft was the MG FF.
From 1940 the MG 151 (with 15 mm calibre) was used, superseded from 1941 onwards
by the MG 151/20 with 20 mm calibre.
But external differences are limited to a conical muzzle, I think.
:) :)


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Jemiba said:
AFAIK up to 1941 the only 20 mm gun available for German aircraft was the MG FF.
From 1940 the MG 151 (with 15 mm calibre) was used, superseded from 1941 onwards
by the MG 151/20 with 20 mm calibre.
But external differences are limited to a conical muzzle, I think.

Please see the long barrel version


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As Mole wrote, the Mk 108 would have been a choice only for later versions, from
1943 onwards, as it wasn't available earlier.
But why not, a version with Mk 108 (or better MK 103, as it had a higher muzzle
velocity) as "tank buster" would be an interesting addition ! ;)
This lot should keep me busy. :)

Still pondering the exhaust route though. Starboard side of engine would not be a problem but port would with the cockpit in the way. (?)

from it appears that nose-asymmetry is not good only for view forward but also for balance:
raafif said:
BTW in the real world one particular airplane had a trim problem fixed by making the nose-cone asymetrical !! This was discovered after the fleet "pig" hit a bird & the sheet-metal guy ended up with a spare stiffener after the rebuild -- so he just threw it in the bin & said nothing. :)
Pilots later wondered what had happened as that "fleet pig" was now the best neutrally-trimmed plane they ever flew ......... told to me by the guy who did the repair ..... he thought he was in real trouble when the maintenance chief asked him about that "asymetric" nose-cone & where had it come from :-\
Maybe you can do something with the nose as well as a veerry off-set fin ?
Nearly there.
A bit more on side cockpit etc.
Maybe add an antena post to top of cockpit ala Ju87(?)

Many thanks for again such amazing help and inspiration.
P :D


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Flitzer said:
Maybe add an antena post to top of cockpit ala Ju87(?)

I think s, as there was no combat aircraft with radio set. As you wrote, an antenna post
on the cockpit roof (the only place due to the gun turret) and two wires between this post
and the fins, as in the Me 110.
Congratulations Peter, another type added to your great album !
Great work Flitzer!!! :D :D :D :D

It's great to see this design "coming to life".
Excellent, one of your best profiles to date! B)
One suggestion is to slightly lower the contrast on the crosses, so they're not black but very dark grey. It'll look more natural.
Thank you all, but its definitely a combined effort as are most of these profiles.

Thanks Justo, antena/wire as you indicate will be added. I think I should add also a periscope too.

Ronnie you are right. Crosses will be faded a touch.

P :D
Flitzer said:
... I think I should add also a periscope too...

What for ? I think, to give a backward view to the pilot, mainly rear view mirrors in the cabin
were used in German aircraft. And periscopes I only know for aiming fixed rearward weapons,
as we discussed in the Ju EF 82 thread. Here I would suggest an aiming device installed in the
rear cabin, similar to that in the Me 410, no periscope . ;)
Jens correct as usual, my mistake ;) I will comply....
Additions and adjusted crosses etc.

Many thanks.
P :)


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Hi Ronnie
I was wondering myself. The colours have changed, you are right.
I didn't touch anything, so I'll have to investigate.


Just reloaded and it seems okay now. The bind moggles?
Well done, Peter! Just a hunch: wouldn`t the guns protruding from the remote control turret lie flush with the fuselage, or at least closer to?
You could well be right Wurger.
Not a hard job luckily. The guns are on the side view bottom layer so it just needs a tap on the arrow keys.

It was one of those 'I'll fix it later' jobs... ;)

I see you managed to fix the colours meanwhile. Layer accidentally set to "multiply" or something like that? Anyway, it looks great now! Really cool plane! B)
Apparently it was a lazy mouse click on convert to RGB. But fixed now.

Many thanks Ronnie.
P :D
One question: When the thread started the original wingspan was 16.50 m and the length 15,35 but in the very nice profile from Peter if we consider the length is 15,35 meters the wingspan is near 16,17 meters.

I can see the original drawings match with the Peter's profile so we can consider the dimensions information was wrong?
Here the patent.
Patent Nr / Veröffentlichungsnummer: CH235905
Title: Flugzeug
Inventor: Dornier-Werke
Year: 30.05.1942

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