Advancedboy's Designs Topic


ACCESS: Secret
3 February 2011
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hi, i am a new guy here, I will post here my designs of aviation technology. the designs and upcoming ideas are solely mine. Comments welcome. Forgive my designing mediocrity, I am still at the beginning of the journey. I am a 23 years old , from Latvia, small rural town Kuldiga. My dream is to bring back manufacturing to United States , because I believe only complex, added value manufacturing could save America , and it must be resurrected. Basically I am training more on car designs and innovations, but I like aviation as well, as it represents human ingenuity and achievement.
Welcome onboard!

No need to ask Jesus Christ help to post pictures. He has most important affairs out here.

The ability to post pictures is disabled for new members until you reach 5 posts. Just that. So you can post a few comments wherever you want or send a private message to overscan, the forum administrator, and ask him for permission to post pictures.

All composite nex gen Lockheed-Martin concept XX-X.


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My design of the next generation multipurpose attack helicopter with a Nitinol(r)( nickel titanium alloy) safety frame RAH (xxx)Navajo. Currently it is under reworking. It has exhaust dissipation through vents at the main propeller. Nitinol is a memory metal that leaps back to its initial shape if heated. The main pilot cockpit has nitinol safety cage. Wires are connected to each safety beam, and similar to airbag, electrical current is sent through those beams after a crash landing. The nitinol frame after the crash will bend back at its initial shape.


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here is the next heavy Lift Transport for Sikorsky. HELITRA. Sideview will come later.


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Great looking pictures, looking forward to your take on the next generation bomber.
Here is the sideview of HELITRA. The tail rotor has the first in the world twin turboprop fenestron integrated in tail section. I have also finished another medium chopper sketch with twin hubless fenestron with counterrotating propellers. Also in the works- yaw vectoring research aircraft.


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Bell Twin-x concept with twin counterrotationg integrated fenestrons with turboprop. Each rotor has opposite angle of blades as they are conected by outer cogs of the hubless fenestrons.


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pometablava said:
No need to ask Jesus Christ help to post pictures. He has most important affairs out here.

...Note that we don't let him moderate the forums, lest he go off on a power trip :p :p :p
Cool stuff!

I'd love to see more.

I guess I need to look up what a fenestron is.

Cool fighter at the top.

So what are your plans? Going to a design school like CCS or ACCD?
(if your focus is on autos).

Welcome !
Thanks for appreciating my sketches. My dream is to design cars, and put Detroit back on track by actually building cars in -house. I also dream to design the biggest airplane in the world and surpass An-225 Mrya, and return the title back to USA. I wish that some university would take me and teach me how to design in 3d, . Here is a sketch of next generation medium cargo plane Boeing Cargox. I am also in progress on iso view. The idea is that the plane would have a removable middle section of wings, that could be attached when heavier loads are carried. That section would be attached to gain additional lift. Well, i hope I can post yaw vectoring airplane in a week.


  • Boeing  Cargox.jpg
    Boeing Cargox.jpg
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Here is the sideview of HELITRA. The tail rotor has the first in the world twin turboprop fenestron integrated in tail section. I have also finished another medium chopper sketch with twin hubless fenestron with counterrotating propellers. Also in the works- yaw vectoring research aircraft.

I really like your concepts. It's a lot harder to design something that looks like it will be flying 20 years from now than 100 years from now. Every aircraft and Helli you've posted has the important "yeah we could see really this flying" feel, probably because you put so much thought into them. Keep up the great work. As others have said, I too would like to see your take on a next generation bomber. Civil commercial aviation has had too many boring designs maybe you can figure out some solutions to that as well.
Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me! Here is the front of RAH-68 Navajo next generation large multirole attack helicopter. I tried to advance some stealth features on it. for example, canon is in a seperate bay, exhaust is dissipated through vents in main rotor and air intake nozzle is curved in a way that from the front it is hidden behind canopy curvature, the air is simply dragged in using Coanda effect. Although, who knows where the life will take me, I have this love within me.........


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Here is a teaser of Boeing 797. Not fully developed yet .


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Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me! Here is the front of RAH-68 Navajo next generation large multirole attack helicopter. I tried to advance some stealth features on it. for example, canon is in a seperate bay, exhaust is dissipated through vents in main rotor and air intake nozzle is curved in a way that from the front it is hidden behind canopy curvature, the air is simply dragged in using Coanda effect. Although, who knows where the life will take me, I have this love within me.........

Wow, that thing just looks scary, it's almost dinosaur like with the large front facing "eyes".
The idea of the chopper fascia comes from an ancient pliosaur- liopleurodon ferox, which is believed to be the fiercest predator that ploughed prehistoric seas. The massive jawline and `face` is inspired from that animal.
Thanks for appreciating my sketches. My dream is to design cars, and put Detroit back on track by actually building cars in -house. I also dream to design the biggest airplane in the world and surpass An-225 Mrya, and return the title back to USA. I wish that some university would take me and teach me how to design in 3d, . Here is a sketch of next generation medium cargo plane Boeing Cargox. I am also in progress on iso view. The idea is that the plane would have a removable middle section of wings, that could be attached when heavier loads are carried. That section would be attached to gain additional lift. Well, i hope I can post yaw vectoring airplane in a week.

More Cool stuff ADVANCEDBOY!

I have some knowledge of ACCD (Art Center Collega Of Design) in Pasadena. They have a 8-term Bachelor of Science
degree in "Transportation Design". The dept. chairs' name is Stewart Reed. They teach what you are interested in,
and are one of the most famous auto design schools in the world. We're talking exterior and interior
design here. We are not talking auto engineering. You have to submit a portfolio for entrance, and if they like
you're portfolio, you're in. If you are not ready yet, they also have a prep school availabe where they will
help you get to the level you need to be at.

I am no expert at this, but from what I have seen I think you have a talent for this. As far as 3-D skills, it's going to
take practice, practice, and practice.

Next step might be, if you are in the LA area, arrange a 1-hour session with one of ACCD's admission counselors. If
you don't live in that area, you can also mail your work to them and then conduct the session over the phone as they're
looking at your work. You also could maybe call Stweart Reed and talk to him. He is a very nice guy. I've met
him. He's there for his current and future students. Just tell him what you want to do. They have a web site to find phone

After the meetings above, I think you could actually develop a plan, or at least know more.

There are other design schools as well. CCS (Center for Creative Studies) in Detroit. The benefit of that school
is that the Detroit auto companies are more tightly involved with the school. You can also do a session with CCS like
I recommended with ACCD.

There are other schools as well. I recall a school in San Francisco run by a famous ex-auto designer.

Anyway, if I can help further, PM me.

This is another view of Boeing Cargox regional cargo plane. It differs from front view as I tried to change some details. Basically a technological innovation is the aileron behind the engines . It is directly where the exhaust of engine is, when the airplane is changing pitch, the aileron not only changes the air stream direction on the wing , but it also changes the direction of exhaust in the engines. As it basically uses the same aeleron that is on the wing , but is prolonged to go along the engine exhaust, this would allow to save weight and installation of additional motors and actuators.
And thank you so much for giving me inspiration to work harder an come up with new ideas. I would really gladly apply for this university. I have so many car sketches, that I will have to filter through them which ones to keep, and which ones to discard,. I will start thinking on details how exactly to try to apply for studies there, as it is a very crucial, probably a life changing event...


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This is the next generation of stealth bomber B3. It has a new principle of yaw control. It has no rudder,but it uses front wing edge drag to achieve steering. The wing edge is electrostatically charged, which reduces drag by about 40 per cent. The steering( yaw control) is achieved by switching electrostatic charging off in one of the wings, thus increasing drag, which will allow the aircraft to change direction. This is just a sketch, I will post soon another sketch , which will have a rudder , and could be built to check this type of steering using rudders as back up for the technology demonstrator. The aircraft uses negative delta wing in order to have a maximum length available for electrostatic charging up front. The edges of the inner rim of the wing can be charged as well. This is not the final version as it is only a rough sketch, but it gives a hint where I would like the future to go:) Talking about crazy, alright here it goes. The inner empty rectangles within each of the wings can be used for bombs. The bombs would have a shape so that they would perfectly fill in the wing and their shape would give additional lift once they are installed in the wings. Once the bombs are dropped, the lift of course is reduced, but so is the weight of the airplane!


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Sikorsky Skya concept. Next generation of medium helicopters. It has a new type of windows, similar as used on buses. It also has a turboprop engine at rear, with ailerons going in the fenestron to control pitch. I am still practicing and I have no specific education or good skills or tools, but I have my passion:) Hope you like it. I am still working on b3 and Yavex.


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Alleged Aurora. Prelimenary sketch. It has a new type of air intake, so that stealth wouldn`t be reduced by intake vents. I might do detailing later. ( Mach 2.6. ;Max. alt. 32k m,.)


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This is Lockheed -Martin Corvus UAV. The first UAV going Mach2. Length 29m, TOGW- 23T., Alt. ceiling-26 000m.


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This is next generation of planes - Boeing 80-8. It will start a new numerical series. it is a cargo plane for lifting up to 90 tons.


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This is a the next one in series 81-8. It is a passenger plane for up to 200 passengers.


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The project got inspiration from a folk tale about the crow and the cheese. Remember the crow was sitting in a tree with a large piece of cheese,? ..etc. The experiment is as follows. Corvus UAV is piggy-riding Boeing 80-8. At certain altitude the engines of 80-8 are shut off, while the steering input is still from 80-8. The thrust is then activated from Corvus. So basically the duo would fly using aelerons and rudders of 80-8 but thrust from Corvus. This would be the first phase in creating next generation UAVs that could be used in far future for carrying large aircraft to runways, or saving aircraft that have engine problems. And thanks for the kind comments, it gives me inspiration:)


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This is a luxury seat for 81-8. Not econo class:)


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As I also do car designing sketches, I get some inspiration from aviation to cars, and vice versa. Here is the idea of a retractable sideview mirror which originates from retractable gears on aircraft. it is designed for a purpose of saving fuel on drag.


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This is another view of Boeing Cargox regional cargo plane.
G'day Advancedboy
I find your Boeing Cargox design very interesting!!
Is this intended as a military aircraft?
I particularly like the fact that the main wing-spar does not go through the fuselage! Meaning no interference with the main cargo compartment!
If I my.......I think your design's main landing gear might need beefing up :-[

Keep up the great work, and best of luck with your future and aspirations ;D

Thanks. I will need to revisit Cargox. The wing angle is too much forward and the downward tips should go upwards. if I have more time I will try to fix it. Probably the wings will come slightly downwards.
Next gen Multirole chopper has landed. I know I am still a lame duck in design, especially considering I am not using even any good programs or stylus pen, just a mouse. I believe in small steps and hard work... Don`t worry once I improve I will get to sketching the largest airplane evar:)


  • MRAH-68.jpg
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This is the fist time I checked this topic in a long while and needless to say, you've kept up the amazing work. Save up for a stylus pen if you can. I'm still in awe that you're able to do all of this outstanding work with just a mouse, I'm sure your work quality will reach new heights. In the meantime you've built up a significant portfolio of great work and should look around at furthering your education.
ADVANCEDBOY, I think you're really doing a fantastic job here. And I like your attitude too: hard work ALWAYS pays off.

Would you mind if I feature your helos on STINGRAY'S ROTORCRAFT FORUM, which I happen to administrate?
Yes, you can use my sketches . Thanks for your kind words, it means a lot to me. here is 6th generation of fighter jet.Proriger. It has a new afterburner experiment. Basically the fuel is injected directly in the exhaust plume igniting the fuel. The rear part is extended, and injection nozzles are far from exhaust.( in 2 protruded extensions, 6 nozzles on each side). It allows to play with injection distance and experiment can be conducted at what distance afterburner injection works the best, probably at higher speed we can inject fuel farther and farther away from the exhaust nozzle. besides, the thrust vectoring is inaffected, because at hihg speeds when the afterburner kicks in, you can not use thrust vectoring anyway. Thrust vectoring at high angles would veer away the jet plume alignment with afterburner nozzles. Now I am working on the front view of the same aircraft. it will have another new feature previously not used on airplanes. the kind words. It means a lot. P.S.- I am seriously considering to applying for designing program in a University, I would like to study in US, besides aviation I have a car department, I have to practice for that one too:)


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Front view. I have always pondered why would one waste material and potential strength structure, such as intake manifold or intake vent and have it seperately from the fuselage or wing. I decided to join intake vents together with wings, thus the wing interior rails go through around the vents. The wing now has a steeper angle at the place of attachment to the fuselage thus giving more strength to the wing. Inside the vents you can see winglets or controllable aelerons which would work along exterior winglets. Those winglets can bee used for dogfight supremacy and low speed landing .


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I have always pondered why would one waste material and potential strength structure, such as intake manifold or intake vent and have it seperately from the fuselage or wing.
Are you talking perhaps about the boundary layer diverter? It's supposed to keep the sluggish air that lies close to the fuselage from being ingested into the engine. Modern designs like the diverterless supersonic inlet (DSI) can avoid that without a diverter, however (Look at the F-35 and J-10B).

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