
ACCESS: Confidential
31 October 2022
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I've seen a few references to a Supermarine early World War II project called the Type 312. From what I've read, it was a derivative of the Spitfire but with standard cannon armament and a ventral radiator instead of the Spitfire's underwing radiators. Does any photos or plans or other details exist, especially since it was reportedly the last major design that RJ Mitchell worked on before he passed away in 1937?
How detailed is the illustration (if any)? Only thing I've found about the 312 is the illustration in this thread (which isn't very detailed):

That's pretty much all that has survived; the two basic general arrangement drawings from the Supermarine specification. If you want copies of the originals contact the RAF museum at Hendon and request copies of drawings on microfiche catalogued as MAC 5206 and MAC 5207
I've seen a few references to a Supermarine early World War II project called the Type 312. From what I've read, it was a derivative of the Spitfire but with standard cannon armament and a ventral radiator instead of the Spitfire's underwing radiators. Does any photos or plans or other details exist, especially since it was reportedly the last major design that RJ Mitchell worked on before he passed away in 1937?
I should add that it was a 1936 project to meet spec. F.37/35 and was far from the last project upon which Mitchell worked. That would be the Type 316 bomber and just maybe the start of the completely revised Type 317 follow-on
Maybe something to the sketches of the 312 we've already seen?

Not sure what you are referring to here. The 312 was Supermarine's second option to meet F.37/35 with the Type 313 their primary tender. It was submitted as quicker and cheaper option as it utilised a large percentage of Spitfire parts and hence could be accommodated on the production lines with minimal disruption. Any 'upgrades' under consideration for the Spitfire would automatically be appropriate for the 312, including modified canopy and screen designs.
There are quite a few dubious or erroneous comments in that link
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