First tests of '130mph' lawnmower


It's turtles all the way down
Senior Member
6 November 2010
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Just like it says on the tin.
You can mow your lawn with it, AND it reaches 130 mph. Though possibly not at the same time.

The high-powered motorbike engine gives the mower a 130 decibel roar - and creates flames from the exhaust.
Cut the grass then burn it with the exhausts.

You gotta love these guys!

(and matter-of-factedly Top Gear IS my favorite TV show...)
Loved their Shuttle. Top Gear is one of my favorites.
As a man who is battling against lawn at mom's house (cutting grass every two weeks, and every two weeks its back, aaargh) I say: I NEED THIS MACHINE !!!!
Archibald said:
As a man who is battling against lawn at mom's house (cutting grass every two weeks, and every two weeks its back, aaargh) I say: I NEED THIS MACHINE !!!!

Certainly must have if you want to mow every neighbor's lawn in one go!

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