Bin Laden dead

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I look at pictures all day
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24 January 2006
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Turn on the news. Bin Laden was killed in an apparent drone strike...while staying in a mansion outside of Islamabad. US has the body and DNA confirms that yes, we got him.
Some sources are now saying it was a ground operation rather than a drone strike.
Well damn, I wonder what Al Qaeda has to say about this?
I'm more interested to see what Pakistan has to say about this.
Obama authorized special forces to GO ON THE GROUND in PAKISTAN outside of ISLAMABAD. At a mansion they exchanged small arms fire and BLEW HIS DAMN HEAD OFF.


(note, my birthday is 9/11, so yeah, permit me some vigor)
Classy way to do it, up close and personal, not a drone as was previously reported. Good work by the spooks and the teams.
Various bits:

-MSNBC says US Navy SEAL operation

-Dubya got a call from Obama earlier today to break the news, classy move I think

-Been working this lead since September

And oh, yeah, let this be a lesson to all remaining asshats in the world: so it took ten years. The point is yes, we WILL find you.
America, F*** YEAH!! ;D ;D Fate just caught up with ya, Osama!

Now that that's out of my system, can we pull out of Afghanistan now?
Demon Lord Razgriz said:
Now that that's out of my system, can we pull out of Afghanistan now?

I hear Karachi has a decent port facility.
Gotcha bitch! Now let's all come home!

SOC, agreed, I wonder as well how well the world will react to confirmation of not only that he was nailed in Pakistan, but in the capital area practically out in the open. US has been throwing huge bucks to them to promote affirmative action on their side of the border re: tribal areas. However given the nature of their intelligence apparatus and how closely tied they are to the radicals, US money likely helped paid for protection, not capture/kill of OBL. Tie in the outcry of martyrdom and how does that destabilize internal politics, external relations and the stability of their nuclear arsenal?
It's being reported that the Pakistani ISI turned this information over to the U.S. and the U.S. then confirmed through our own resources. I'm sure it will be some time before we get the full story, but in any case, good bye and good riddance OBL.
Orionblamblam said:
Bring on the YouTube video of ObL gettin' put down!!!

The location is very easy to find on Google Earth, largest residential compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Fenced, multiple layers of security, but a courtyard large enough for multiple H-60s.
Centcom may post something worth seeing tomorrow.
Blue one by the golf course?
Speculation is that the administration delayed the announcement for several reasons:

1.) DNA confirmation of the body and to get it out of Pakistan and to a secure US controlled area at Bagram AFB, Afghanistan.

2.) John Paul II Beautification

3.) Royal Wedding

The last two for obvious reasons -- Al Q is likely to try something in retaliation for us humilating them so publically; so it was good sense to wait for these high value events to be over before we did our victory lap -- OBL was going to stay dead either way.
Sundog said:
It's being reported that the Pakistani ISI turned this information over to the U.S. and the U.S. then confirmed through our own resources. I'm sure it will be some time before we get the full story, but in any case, good bye and good riddance OBL.

There is a lot being reported that is.... questionable. After all, the original press reports assumed a drone strike. In a few days there should be concrete details from DoD, etc.
SOC said:
Blue one by the golf course?

Dunno. But probably more opulent.
Opulent enough that the people who signed the rent check are next on the list.
Nevermind, you won't find it. Reports are that the facility was about a year old-Abbotabad imagery is from either 2001 (north) or 2005 (south).
Map of where he was in relation to Islamabad:


This isn't him hiding out in the mountains, far beyond the reach of the Pakistani government's effective control. It was him hiding out in a tourist trap town about 1-2 hours from the Pakistani capital.[/quote]

A huge compound that burns it's trash and has no phones or internet and is hell ISI isn't gonna check in on that one.

One rumor has it that the ISI built that compound five years ago at no cost specifically for OBL or either some high ranking Taliban official.

So yeah...we finally get an idea of how OBL managed to evade us for so long...
SOC said:
Nevermind, you won't find it. Reports are that the facility was about a year old-Abbotabad imagery is from either 2001 (north) or 2005 (south).

The facility is much older than that, in fact it's old by the standards of the area. It predates most of the other structures in the area.
Info is claiming that the site began construction in 2005. Nothing I'm finding so far matches their desctiptions anyway, although there are a few spots in the 2005 imagery that may show the work beginning.
sublight said:

Way to politicize it so soon ::) Let's thank the real men that have been hunting for him since 9/11 and the entire armed forces for their sacrifice for our freedom. Last week a certain ex-President was on a 100km mountain bike ride with wounded soldiers while a sitting president was on Oprah.
RyanCrierie said:
Speculation is that the administration delayed the announcement for several reasons:

1.) DNA confirmation of the body and to get it out of Pakistan and to a secure US controlled area at Bagram AFB, Afghanistan.

2.) John Paul II Beautification

3.) Royal Wedding

The last two for obvious reasons -- Al Q is likely to try something in retaliation for us humilating them so publically; so it was good sense to wait for these high value events to be over before we did our victory lap -- OBL was going to stay dead either way.

You forget 4.) Finding of AF447 black box
bobbymike said:
Way to politicize it so soon ::)

Actually, I posted that very same image on a board myself. I'm considered by some people to be to the right of Genghis Khan, but I don't have a problem with giving Obama his moment.

Some more information on how we got him:


The operation, according to senior officials who briefed reporters early Monday morning, hinged almost entirely on the hunt for a single man: a courier operating out of Pakistan who had been trusted by bin Laden for years.

Using information from detainees in U.S. custody, U.S. analysts and operatives spent years figuring out the courier’s identity, concluding that he was a former protege of Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-declared mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks who is being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The courier “in particular had our constant attention,” the official said.

Detainees “identified this man as one of the few al-Qaeda couriers trusted by bin Laden, indicated he might be living with or protecting bin Laden,” the official said. But for years, the United States was unable to track him down or uncover his real name, which did not happen until four years ago. Two years ago, U.S. officials narrowed down the region in Pakistan where the courier was working, senior administration officials said.

Then, in August, U.S. officials found the compound that turned out to be bin Laden’s hiding spot. It was described as an extraordinary place, custom-made for him, with 12- to 18-foot security walls, multiple interior walls dividing the property and massive privacy walls blocking even a third-story balcony. Despite being valued at $1 million, the property had no Internet or phone service, the official said.

“When we saw the compound . . . we were shocked by what we saw,” the official told reporters, describing it as “an extraordinarily unique compound,” built perhaps in 2005 and expressly for bin Laden. “Everything we saw . . . was perfectly consistent with what our experts expected bin Laden’s hideout to look like.”

bin Laden died because he was too stupid to hide in a basement.

He wasn't willing to give up all creature comforts and he probably figured the ISI would offer protection or a simple tip off.

It would have taken FAR longer if he hadn't been so ostentatious.

I mean, how are you gonna track a single courier grot to a single random building in the place?

You have to operate under the assumption that the ISI is working cross-wise against you; so you can't use the ISI's small army of spies and informants to tail the courier to whatever small random building with a basement Osama is in.

Him choosing such a mansion made it FAR easier as we could just toss a predator or whatnot overhead and track people leaving the mansion and collate their names and faces against known Al-Q operatives to prove/disprove our theory, rather than trying to sort at random everyone in Abbottabad.

Also he stayed in Abbotbad for far, far too long!

Maybe he was getting complacent almost a decade later. If he had moved like he did in the years immediately after 9/11, we would never have had a chance of nailing him.

For example, you could wait till it's almost midnight, get into a SUV with tinted black windows; and drive to the next town 100 miles away and be there well before sun up.

If you're worried about Predators with LLTVs, you can exit/enter the hideouts through a garage.
RyanCrierie said:
bin Laden died because he was too stupid to hide in a basement.

Bin Laden died because he made himself an enemy of the United States. It did not matter wether he was hiding in a cave, a basement, or a penthouse.
Or within the borders of an "ally".
34.145987, 73.216855
...CNN has the latest available details of the op:

...Also, the op was conducted by my beloved Navy SEALS, with no US casualties. Boo-YAH! ;D ;D

...Only sad part of the whole op: my Choleostatic Hepatitis prevents me from imbibing in *any* alcohol to celebrate what'll go down as a major historical event. So if any of you out there are drinking, please drink one or three for me, would you? :-\
America- f**k yeah.


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latest CNN news
Osama hide in a luxury mansion at Abbotbad, a garrison town of Pakistan military
next Osama were killed: one of his Sons, two couriers
also a woman, osama used as humand shield

the embarrassing Pakistan military face disagreeable question: why the hell can osama hide in a garrison town ?!

You reminded South Park episode with Osama death ?...
"Dubya got a call from Obama earlier today to break the news, classy move I think".
Or maybe not so classy. Telling Bush is appropriate and not surprising, but showing off would be undignified, inappropriate & a sign of insecurity. I'm sure he is sensible enough to avoid that.
Great news. Only downside is that Obama will try to use this to stay in office come 2012.

Ah, well, can't have everything I suppose.
foiling said:
"Dubya got a call from Obama earlier today to break the news, classy move I think".
Or maybe not so classy. Telling Bush is appropriate and not surprising, but showing off would be undignified, inappropriate & a sign of insecurity. I'm sure he is sensible enough to avoid that.

...I actually don't think he called Dubya to gloat "Nyah! Nyah! *I* got him and you didn't!". Note that he also called Slick Willie, but what we don't know is who Obama called first :p

Regardless, we finally got the bastard. That transcends politics for one brief shining moment, eh? :) :)

UPDATE: It didn't take long for the first faked death photo to show up, and M$NBC explains why it's a fake:
first reaction form arab world:
Distinguished politician: NONE
Common people: YEAAAAH BIN LADEN DEATH !!!
Iran: NONE
Israel: a resounding Triumph
France: Victory of democracy
Given that SEALS were involved, this may be appropriate:

I would have paid good money to fire that head shot.
circle-5 said:
I would have paid good money to fire that head shot.

Same here. Today is a beer and bacon day, ding dong the goat f**ker in chief is dead.
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