Reorganizing Japanese aircraft topics


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25 June 2009
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Just thinking: 37 pages?? Wouldn't it be a good thing to split this into smaller units? If anyone thinks so, I will do it this week.
Good idea Star! Sorry I,m absent until Wednesday.
Well can be a good idea to split the thread. Which criteria for split? years? plane type? I've to say I liked to found some projects again ;)
Still some way to go, but topic's been slimmed down from 37 to 16 pages. All the removed posts were added to existing topics or served as a basis for brand new ones.

Here is a list of the newly created and/or modified topics:

blackkite, I appreciate your posts, but don't you think you just add too many types for just one day? It's a little hard to keep up, and also makes it hard to answer
with more pics because then it becomes complicated to follow the order of the posts... why don't you stick to one type (or maybe one competition) per day? That
would give us time to add and maybe discuss things a bit.
I'm sorry.
Since posting is interesting, I have dashed.
I also thought whether it would slightly be too fast-paced.
I reduce the pace of posting to an appropriate level. ;D
Well, those are very interesting posts, a lot of types are actually shown, I've still yet only had designations
of, if at all ! And nearly all are floatplanes/flying boats, my favourite species ! ;D
Blackkite, perhaps we should get in touch via PM, I don't dare to split and join those posts on my own,
because I'm not sure, that I would get all programs and specifications right. But Skyblazer is probably
that, that worthwhile information may get overlooked and that really would be a pity. ;)
Hi Jens. If you please, you can split and edit all my posts as you like. ;)
One easy way of doing things is keeping together the aircraft that were submitted to the same tender (rather than by company).
For Japanese Navy aircraft, it's easy: The letter code for mission type and the number that follows give you that information (for example, E12A, E12K and E12N were Aichi's, Nakajima's and and Kawanishi's submittals to the Navy's 12th "Recce Seaplane" competition).

I believe the amount of actual projects and prototypes in the thread does not justify either its title or its place.
May I kindly suggest a few adjustments about this topic?

1°) Split all the REAL "projects" from it and create separate topics for them, perhaps by manufacturer for starters.
2°) Rename the remaining thread as "Japanese aircraft before 1945".
3°) Move it to Aerospace.
4°) Remove the "sticky" status for the topic which I think has absolutely no justification.

"IF" the task seems too large (and though I am no longer involved in this sort of thing) I'm willing to give a helping hand.
Good luck moderator. There are many airplanes to which I'd like to post. :D
For example......,661.390.html
Skyblazer said:

I believe the amount of actual projects and prototypes in the thread does not justify either its title or its place.
May I kindly suggest a few adjustments about this topic?

1°) Split all the REAL "projects" from it and create separate topics for them, perhaps by manufacturer for starters.
2°) Rename the remaining thread as "Japanese aircraft before 1945".
3°) Move it to Aerospace.
4°) Remove the "sticky" status for the topic which I think has absolutely no justification.

"IF" the task seems too large (and though I am no longer involved in this sort of thing) I'm willing to give a helping hand.

I have no interest in or knowledge related to this project so I'm probably not best placed to fix it up. Early Projects forum has a lot of prototypes posted in it generally however.
Haven't forgotten this thread and I'll try to clean it up. That just takes a little time and
as quite often there are answers to different themes in a single post, it's not always that
easy. Maybe I'll simply insert quotes to make split threads more readable.
About moving parts to the Aerospace section: That's ok, I think, if a type has reached
service status, even in very small numbers. But, with regards to the 6-shi/8-shi two seat
fighters for example, they remained prototypes and, at least to most of us, more "secret",
than many other aircraft, that never left the drawing board, so I think, they are quite well
suited to this section here. "Prototypes that didn't enter series production may also be
appropriate at the discretion of the moderators" is the sentence, that to my opinion that
applies here.
But the task of keeping threads clearer and so better readable can be eased, of course, by
starting (new) threads with appropriate titles. ;)
I tip my proverbial author's hat to the gentlemen (persons?) who run this site.

I know how difficult it is to organize and edit reams and reams (and reams) of information, drawings, photos, etc. just in my concentrated research. To have to do all that as well as check to see the rules of basic decorum are followed is a massive undertaking, and they do it well.

I salute you!


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