Romanian Lesser Known Airplanes and Designers


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26 May 2006
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as I spoke about two lesser known designers from Romanian in Invisible Aircraft topic (Dimitrescu & Stanescu),we can talk here about little known airplanes and Projects.

Mr. Stroescu designer a cyclogyro VTOL airplane in 1925,followed by a jet biplane,unfortunately there was not more Info available to them.



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also a designer call Mr. Bostan,which created a circle-wing airplane,does anyone know it ?.
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there was also a designer called Mr. Braesky,created a flying wing Project,maybe some hear about it ?.
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Mr. Stefan Lonescu designed an civil airplane,military airplane and a flying wing ?,who hear about him before ?.
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here is a drawing to a Vlaicu I helicopter.


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hesham said:
... Mr. Stroescu designer a cyclogyro VTOL airplane in 1925,followed by a jet biplane ...

Does anyone have info on Ion Stroescu's pulse jet engine design?
Thanks for that toura. It would interesting to see that model of his pulse jet-powered aircraft
My dear Apophenia,

here is the source from my dear Toura.

Stan Mateescu was a professor at the Polytechnic University created a gyrocopter with one propeller and two bearing rotors,in 1923,has anyone a picture to it ?.
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Stan Mateescu was a professor at the Polytechnic University created a gyrocopter with one propeller and two bearing rotors,in 1923,has anyone a picture to it ?.

The institution you're looking for was/is the Universitatea Politehnică din București. Professor Mateescu patented his giropter in 1923. So, at least patent images should be available. Unfortunately, the Romanian version of Espacenet only goes back to the mid 1980s. The Oficiul de Stat pentru Invenții și Mărci seems to be only interested in modern patent applications. Perhaps a Romanian-speaker SPF member could check with OSIM?

From Romanian Aeronautical Constructions 1905-1974, Ion Gudju, Gheorghe Iacobescu, and Ovidiu Ionescu, Military Publishing House, Bucharest, 1974, pg 32

"In 1923, college teacher Stan Mateescu of Bucharest designed and built an interesting machine which he patented that year. Called Giropter, it had two lifting propellers (on vertical axles) powered by an 80-HP Gnome engine, and a tractor airscrew powered by a 35-HP Anzani engine. The length of the giropter’s fuselage was 10 m and its height 2.80 m. The field diameter of the two lifting propellers was 10 m and 6 m respectively. The weight of the machine amounted to 850 kg."

Thank you dear Apophenia,

I have this book from long time ago,and Stan Mateescu also designed another gyrocopter in 1952,but no more details are known ?!.

does anyone hear bout Neculai Amza Airplane ?.
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In my files,

there was another unknown designer,called Petru Andronic,and if someone heard
about him or his airplane ?.

the Grigore Briscu helicopter;

1909 Brişcu was the first engineer to begin experimenting with the cyclic variation of rotor blade pitch to ensure horizontal flight and stability in helicopters. He invented a prototype "air-carriage" with all the features of a helicopter-like flying-machine: horizontal, vertical and lateral movement and fixed-point landing. It was equipped with two coaxial propellers rotating in opposite directions. This was flown experimentally by the French aviator Paul Cornu, who built a prototype with an Antoinett engine. The Brişcu rotary engine was patented by the Romanian Office for Inventions (patent no. 2323/2046 of 1912).


in 1910,George Arion built in Bucharest the first airplane with variable geometry in the world,no picture to it ?!.
in 1910,George Arion built in Bucharest the first airplane with variable geometry in the world,no picture to it ?!.

Are you sure about the "built" and "variable geometry" parts?

In most histories, George Arion is noted for his 1909 patent for a delta-winged flying machine. Arion claimed such an arrangement would provide both higher speed and improved manoeuvrability. But a lack of funds prevented the construction of a prototype.
in 1910,George Arion built in Bucharest the first airplane with variable geometry in the world,no picture to it ?!.

Are you sure about the "built" and "variable geometry" parts?

In most histories, George Arion is noted for his 1909 patent for a delta-winged flying machine. Arion claimed such an arrangement would provide both higher speed and improved manoeuvrability. But a lack of funds prevented the construction of a prototype.

Maybe it remained a project ?,I will check.
also Mr. Henry August monoplane ?.

" In 1907, after university studies in Paris, Romanian engineer Henry August returned to Bucharest with the desire to transform his passion for aeronautics into practical achievements. This began with the construction of biplane and monoplane model airplanes of his own conception, in order to arrive at the best solution through comparative tests. August conducted his trials from July 1907 to June 1908, before he moved on to the construction of a 1/1 scale glider.

The flight tests took place in March 1909, in a field neighbouring the brick factory in Pantelimon commune, near Bucharest, using a 30 m tow cable connected to a car driven by the builder's wife, doamnă Aurelia August. Hops of 4 m were made but with repeated breaks of the tow cable. In the end, Henry August opted for the monoplane version for his new project.

August started construction in October 1909, being aided by his friend, the journalist Constantin Apostol Orășanu. The aircraft was powered by a 25 hp Anzani three cylinder 'W' engine. Construction of the device was completed in December 1911, but trials were postponed until the spring of the following year. In the month of March 1912 August received approval from the Ministerul de Război [Ministry of War] to train and carry out trials with his monoplane on the grounds of the flying school at Cotroceni. A few successful, straight-run flights were made but, during such an attempt, the machine crash-landed due to windshear, damaging the landing gear. Now out of funds, Henry August abandoned further research in the field."

Rough translation from: Istoria tehnicii şi a industriei româneşti, coord.: Dorel Banabic, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2020, pp 286-287


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also who heard about Victor Nicolae Breazu aircraft ?.

this aircraft was before 1917,Matei Chioreanu Monoplane ?.
Also,did anyone hear about Brumarescu "Columba" biplane, of 1911,
it had a two-seat ?.



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From: Romanian Aeronautical Constructions 1905-1974, page 83

COLUMBA (1911)

Dumitru (Tache) Brumarescu named his plane Columba because it looked like a pigeon in flight. The machine had certain novel devices, for instance a supplementary horizontal airscrew in front of the fuselage, whose purpose it was to facilitate the take-off. Also on the forward side of the machine were the elevator, and the tractive propeller. Two air tanks were provided to pressure the aircraft’s floatability, when necessary. The design of this original combination of aircraft, helicopter and amphibian was patented at the Romanian Office of Inventions under No. 1,844/1909 and its scale model was on show at Liberty Park in Bucharest, where it aroused the
lively interest of specialists and newspapermen.

With the backing of the Romanian journalists’ trade union and of scientists such as Dr. C. I. Istrate and Dr. Mina Minovici, Brumărescu left for Paris where the model of his machine was on show at the International Aeronautical Salon, at the same time as Coanda’s aeroplane. After returning from Paris, where he attended the courses of a flying school, Brumărescu succeeded in building his machine. It is worth noting that the 50-HP Gnome engine of Brumarescu’s machine
was bought with money resulting from a subscription and a subsidy given by the Minister of Public Education, Professor Spiru llaret.

The flight test was carried out on the field of Cotroceni on May 27, 1911, the machine being piloted by its builder. After a run on the ground, the plane made several hops of about 2 m each, and then struck the soil and was damaged. Because of lack of funds and official support, Dumitru Brumarescu was unable to repair his machine and discontinued his aviation experiments.

Other sources say that upon this crash-landing, a propeller was destroyed and the Gnome 7 Omega engine seized. Brumărescu also injured one of his legs.

also who heard about Loan Copcea double biplane ?.

also Pompiliu Creiveanu Air Stable plane ?.
This aircraft doesn't not mention in Romanian two books;

Loan (Jon) A. Dimitriu LAD-1 biplane.

- Romanian Aeronautical Constructions 1905-1974
- Istoria Aviatiei Române
Loan (Jon) A. Dimitriu LAD-1 biplane.

Our transliteration problem is back ...

As mentioned in reply #32, the Romanian equivalent of Jon/John is Ioan not 'Loan'.

So, that designers name is Ioan A. Dimitriu (1897-1975) and his first aircraft was the 1915 IAD I (destroyed by bombing in 1916). His second design was the unrealized IAD II ornithopter of 1919.

Ioan A. Dimitriu was a Romanian inventor and engineer. In 1915, he invented an airplane called IAD I (his initials) with a two-stroke, double-effect, 60 HP engine.

The Zeppelin bombardment after 1916 of the hangars at Baneasa destroyed the prototype of this plane. A new variant from 1919, named IAD II, of a flapping-wing plane (ornithopter) remained only in the project phase.
Thank you my dear Apophenia,

and here is the flying boat,which designed by Ion Paulat.


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Also the mystery,Stel Ian Dumitrescu airplane ?.
Also the mystery,Stel Ian Dumitrescu airplane ?.

That would be Stelian - not 'Stel Ian.'

Searching for more info may be tricky. Stelian Dumitrescu seems to be a fairly common Romanian name.

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