Y-12 inventor working with Navy on new radar


Senior Member
21 April 2009
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Lee Bzorgi, director of the National Security Technology Center at the Y-12 nucear weapons plant in Oak Ridge, said he's working with the U.S. Navy on development of a new radar tracking system that's undetectable and can differentiate between humans and animals.

"You can actually see a three-dimensional shape," he said. "It's very, very interesting."

Bzorgi said he couldn't discuss many of the details, not because it's classified but because a formal memorandum of understanding for the project hasn't yet been signed. There have been some discussions for the past couple of years, with both sides working toward the same type of technology, and a collaborative team may start working in earnest next month, he said.

Initial efforts at Y-12 were sponsored by plant's in-house research fund, known as the Plant Directed Research and Development (PDRD) program, Bzorgi said.
Undetectable radar married to a super stealthy platform = unbeatable air to air combat aircraft?
From the sound of it, I would say that it is a Battlefield (ground) radar system rather than an airborne radar.

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