Ukraine missile/rocket/PGM projects


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18 May 2019
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Concept of a supersonic air-launched missile "Lightning" from the exhibition "Arms and Security 2019".
Yuzhnoye Design Office: missile can be used against ground targets from Su-27 and Su-24M aircraft, which are in service with the Ukrainian Air Force.

reminds me the ASMP


Aerodynamic guidance kit for bombs BNB-015IZ is used to increase the effectiveness of conventional aviation bombs combat application against stationary and low-dimension targets. It is designed for bombs of 200lb (~100kg), 500lb (~250kg) and 1000lb (~500kg) caliber.
  • Bomb hit accuracy increase;
  • Fast conversion of conventional bombs to correction;
  • Planes/Flights/Bombs reduction for stationary low-dimension targets hitting;
  • Platform (base) for different guidance systems.
  • Application on 200, 500 and 1000lb bombs;
  • Combined guidance system (GPS+inertial);
  • Two pairs of control surfaces (canards) for bomb flight control at calculated trajectory;
  • Possibility for other types of guidance system use such as TV(CCD), IIR, inertial, etc.;
  • Target hitting accuracy is comparable with value for specialized correction aviation bombs.
In case of BNB-015IZ application the target defeat probability grows 1,5 to 3 times and munitions (bombs) rate drops 6 to 30 times depends on target type.
In combination with conventional bombs BNB-015IZ allows to reach effectiveness comparable with value for special aviation correction bombs of KAB-500L.

Applicable altitude (m)
Readiness time (s)
Continuous working time in autonomous flight (s)
Guidance system onboard continuous work time (hours)
Power supply
Operating temperature (ºC)
Operating pressure (mm Hg)
Operating altitude drop (m)
Operating humidity (%)
Weight (kg)​
«Adros» BAU-01K
500 – 6000
not more than 3
not less than 60
5V and 27V
-50 to +70
up to 15
up to 9000
up to 98 at +35ºC
depends on design solution (up to 10)​

Target hit effectiveness
Railway bridge
Wood/Soil covered control center
Town building
Banked plane
Boat bridge
Munitions stack​
Great starting thread.

I would like to add Neptun and Grom but i guess those two are quite popular and easy to find already.

Topic i am curious about is air to air missile. I wonder why Ukraine can't or havent produce active radar homing AAM's. As far as i browse they only offer support and production for older SARH and IR guided R-27 but not for RVV-AE or other R-77 variant which supposedly assembled there in Artem plant. One would think that being the builder of the missile, it would also be capable of providing support or at least retaining some capability for production.

from Ukrainian Defense Review magazine

Neptune ASM

MANPADS "Колібрі" (Hummingbird)

range 5200 m
max speed of target - 360 m/s head-on engagement, 320 m/s rear aspect
altitude of target 10-3500 m
time to deploy - not more than 13 s
time to fire (with ready launcher unit) - not more than 5 s
probability of kill with one missile >0,45
average velocity of missile 570 m/s
рroportional navigation
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poland's RK-6 and ukraine missile R-10-OF, both based on the ATGM Barrier-V

RK-10 for anti-armor and anti-air applications

range 10 km
calibr of missile 170 mm, tube 190 mm
weight 62 kg in lauch tube, without 38 kg
lenght of lauch tube 2144 mm
operation temp -40 +60
beam riding guidance
R-10-OF - explosively formed penetrator, target proximity sensor
R-10-K - tandem HEAT
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Cверхзвуковая «Молния» КБ «Южное». Авиационная управляемая ракета в деталях (

"The Lightning is a supersonic air-to-surface-to-surface aircraft missile designed to destroy a wide range of ground, sea and radio targets for operational and tactical ranges of up to 110 kilometres.

The rocket appears to use a direct air-jet engine that allows the Lightning to accelerate to supersonic speed. According to various estimates, it can range from 2000 to 2500 km/h.

just behind the engine is a compartment of on-board equipment, where control and navigation systems are placed - inertial and satellite. This combination allows the use of GPS exclusively as an additional system, information from which only "insures" inertia. The R-360 Neptune cruise missile uses a similar combination."

unguided bomb for rotary UAV, based on the RKG-3 anti-tank hand grenade
HI-РКГ-1600 (drill version, smoke and flash effects) and РКГ-1600 (live munition)

according to the statements, the accuracy is 1 square meter from 300 meters of hovering (imho too optimistic)

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modern IIR seeker 203T and legacy IR seeker 36T

termal image received from 203T seeker


203Т 36T
lock range of typical target
head-on engagement30 km16-18 km
rear aspect engagement≥ 100 km60-80 km
techfocal plane arrayphotodetector
max angular speed of tracking40°/second15°/second
moment field of view3.5*3.6°± 1°
angle of tracking± 60°± 60°
lock angle± 50°± 45°
time to ready≤ 2 minutes≤ 10 minutes
probability of flare rejection0.80.7

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The 203T seems to work in longer wavelength, somehow, looking by the color of the seeker window. The 36T seems to use Calcium Fluoride while 203T is Zinc Selenide.
An AAM variant may be planned (it's called a universal missile), but the specs quoted clearly refer to the SAM version. This is stated outright in the text and deducible from the specs - 30km range would be very disappointing for a 300kg AAM with a measly 25kg warhead! It matches the Russian short-stick 9M96 SAM (40km/333kg/24kg) or Aster 15 (30km/310kg/15kg) quite well though. If they make a long-range variant it'll be interesting to see whether they go the big-stick (9M96D) way or put it on a booster (Aster 30).
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well if it were an AAM it would get longer range as it's already flying and have starting speed.

I'm curious however on the state of Ukraine seeker development. With loss of contact from Russian Agat and Altair, they have to develop seeker on their own. The antiship missile one seems to be successfull but will that translate to active radar seeker for AAM too ?.


Yuzhnoye State Design Office is working on the creation of a guided 122mm ammunition to the Grad-type multiple launch rocket system. Militarnyi informs about this.

At the Yuzhnoye State Design Office summed up the results of work for the past 2021.

From the presentation, it became known that engineers and designers of the DO are working on creating a guided version of the “Tayfun-1” 122 mm missile of their own design.

In addition to Yuzhnoye State Design Office, YUZHMASH SE, Pavlograd Chemical Plant SE , Photoprylad SE, State Research Institute of Chemical Products and other performers are involved in the development.

The “Tayfun-1” missile in comparison to Soviet ammunition has an increased range of up to 40 km.

In May 2021, the ammunition tested for medium range and accuracy, and in April 2020, fired at maximum range, and the firing tests was conducted in the Odessa region.

Also during the test, the BM-21 “Grad” MLRS fired with “Tayfun-1” missile at “Shurokiy Lan” training ground. Testing of Ukrainian armament lasted two days – August 17 and 18, 2021.

As you write, if you want to start a new thread, feel free and open it in the appropiated section of the forum.
My recommendation is “Military”
Is that a new SAM or something based on an existing Soviet design?

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