Remarkable coverage of Tonga volcanic eruption

Of all the super volcanoes, the Yellowstone super volcano will cause the most economic damage because it will wipe out all of the US Midwest.

The rest include - Naples Campi Flegeri complex

- Taupo in NZ

- Macauley Island located halfway between New Zealand and Tonga

-Toba and Tambora in Indonesia

-Baekdu Mountain on the border of North Korea and China

-Aira Caldera, Japan

-Kurile Lake and Karymshina, Russia

-Pacana Caldera, Chile

Cerro Galan, Argentina

Pastos Grandes Caldera, Bolivia.

The last to erupt with a VEI eruption was Taupo 28,800 years ago. Ash particles from that was found in Antarctica ice cores. Taupo is about 2800 miles north of the ice. Great trout fishing there now if you are so inclined.

Very interesting list. New Zealand and Indonesia certainly have a (violent) knack for launching themselves to the Moon on top of giganormous volcanic tantrums.
We really only have one, because the Macauley Volcano is in international waters well outside our continental margin. Indonesia certainly has some bad luck in that department



There's plenty of subduction happening within the region and that creates a lot of magma.



The diagram above shows an idealised view of an oceanic basaltic volcano but the principle is the same regardless of where abouts on the surface a volcano is located.



However from what I understand a super volcano occurs where there is a very large magma upwelling from the upper mantle that makes its way through a thin part of the crust into one or more huge magma chambers. These are mantle plumes, are in a fixed location and these are known as hotspots. This is illustrated in the diagram above which is of the Yellowstone hotspot

However when we look at volcanoes on the surface, we see that over geologic time they move. This is because of plate tectonics and as the plates move they move over the hotspots. This can best be seen in volcanic island chains such as Hawaii, or Indonesia itself. Even in North America the large hotspot can be tracked across the current surface.

Hopefully that and the diagrams helps explain it
It often amaze me Tambora and Krakatoa martyrized the same (very unfortunate) corner of the world only 68 years apart.

In passing, why isn't Krakatoa on the list ? did it destroyed itself into oblivion in 1883 ?
Krakatoa isn't a super volcano because its magma chamber isn't huge enough.
Of all the super volcanoes, the Yellowstone super volcano will cause the most economic damage because it will wipe out all of the US Midwest.

The rest include - Naples Campi Flegeri complex

- Taupo in NZ

- Macauley Island located halfway between New Zealand and Tonga

-Toba and Tambora in Indonesia

-Baekdu Mountain on the border of North Korea and China

-Aira Caldera, Japan

-Kurile Lake and Karymshina, Russia

-Pacana Caldera, Chile

Cerro Galan, Argentina

Pastos Grandes Caldera, Bolivia.

The last to erupt with a VEI eruption was Taupo 28,800 years ago. Ash particles from that was found in Antarctica ice cores. Taupo is about 2800 miles north of the ice. Great trout fishing there now if you are so inclined.

Very interesting list. New Zealand and Indonesia certainly have a (violent) knack for launching themselves to the Moon on top of giganormous volcanic tantrums.
We really only have one, because the Macauley Volcano is in international waters well outside our continental margin. Indonesia certainly has some bad luck in that department



There's plenty of subduction happening within the region and that creates a lot of magma.



The diagram above shows an idealised view of an oceanic basaltic volcano but the principle is the same regardless of where abouts on the surface a volcano is located.



However from what I understand a super volcano occurs where there is a very large magma upwelling from the upper mantle that makes its way through a thin part of the crust into one or more huge magma chambers. These are mantle plumes, are in a fixed location and these are known as hotspots. This is illustrated in the diagram above which is of the Yellowstone hotspot

However when we look at volcanoes on the surface, we see that over geologic time they move. This is because of plate tectonics and as the plates move they move over the hotspots. This can best be seen in volcanic island chains such as Hawaii, or Indonesia itself. Even in North America the large hotspot can be tracked across the current surface.

Hopefully that and the diagrams helps explain it
It often amaze me Tambora and Krakatoa martyrized the same (very unfortunate) corner of the world only 68 years apart.

In passing, why isn't Krakatoa on the list ? did it destroyed itself into oblivion in 1883 ?
Krakatoa isn't a super volcano because its magma chamber isn't huge enough.

When you look at the 1883 eruption it is a little hard to believe :p- but I see your point.
Of all the super volcanoes, the Yellowstone super volcano will cause the most economic damage because it will wipe out all of the US Midwest.

The rest include - Naples Campi Flegeri complex

- Taupo in NZ

- Macauley Island located halfway between New Zealand and Tonga

-Toba and Tambora in Indonesia

-Baekdu Mountain on the border of North Korea and China

-Aira Caldera, Japan

-Kurile Lake and Karymshina, Russia

-Pacana Caldera, Chile

Cerro Galan, Argentina

Pastos Grandes Caldera, Bolivia.

The last to erupt with a VEI eruption was Taupo 28,800 years ago. Ash particles from that was found in Antarctica ice cores. Taupo is about 2800 miles north of the ice. Great trout fishing there now if you are so inclined.

Very interesting list. New Zealand and Indonesia certainly have a (violent) knack for launching themselves to the Moon on top of giganormous volcanic tantrums.
We really only have one, because the Macauley Volcano is in international waters well outside our continental margin. Indonesia certainly has some bad luck in that department



There's plenty of subduction happening within the region and that creates a lot of magma.



The diagram above shows an idealised view of an oceanic basaltic volcano but the principle is the same regardless of where abouts on the surface a volcano is located.



However from what I understand a super volcano occurs where there is a very large magma upwelling from the upper mantle that makes its way through a thin part of the crust into one or more huge magma chambers. These are mantle plumes, are in a fixed location and these are known as hotspots. This is illustrated in the diagram above which is of the Yellowstone hotspot

However when we look at volcanoes on the surface, we see that over geologic time they move. This is because of plate tectonics and as the plates move they move over the hotspots. This can best be seen in volcanic island chains such as Hawaii, or Indonesia itself. Even in North America the large hotspot can be tracked across the current surface.

Hopefully that and the diagrams helps explain it
It often amaze me Tambora and Krakatoa martyrized the same (very unfortunate) corner of the world only 68 years apart.

In passing, why isn't Krakatoa on the list ? did it destroyed itself into oblivion in 1883 ?
Krakatoa isn't a super volcano because its magma chamber isn't huge enough.

When you look at the 1883 eruption it is a little hard to believe :p- but I see your point.
Yep considering the size of it, but it pales in comparison. Don't think that I would want to be around when on of the supers goes off. Be far more angrier and volatile than she who must be obeyed at her most angriest and I have survived a few of those by effective strategic withdrawals by the method of very quick long strides.
This happened where the usa tested hundreds of nukes.
It so happens the rad monitoring systems was down for maintenance.

The status 6 is 100 kiloton, twice as powerful as Tsar Bomba (which itself was 4000x more powerful than Hiroshima bomb)
As you might be aware Russia and US seem to be mobilizing for a war over Ukraine.

Just my opinion that it was a status 6, maybe even antimatter weapon test.

There are probably a few antimatter bombs in esistence also, the Cern accellerator has been putting out antimatter for awhile now.

Status 6 2x as powerful as the the largest weapon Tsar Bomba on the far Right:

Radiation monitoring isn't the only method of detecting whether a nuclear bomb has exploded. Nukes have a distinctive seismic signature, and seismic recorders are in use all over the world. If a nuke had gone off, someone would have published by now.

CERN produces individual atoms of antimatter, far too little to be useful as a bomb. We have no way to contain those safely and transport them halfway across the world.

To expand: right now, the going rate for antimatter is about 1,000,000,000,000USD/gram. Anti-matter bombs are probably (and hopefully) farther in the future than He3 fusion.
Firecracker ! Tambora in 1815 was heard 4000 km away...

Be far more angrier and volatile than she who must be obeyed at her most angriest and I have survived a few of those by effective strategic withdrawals by the method of very quick long strides.

I'm lucky enough to live with the sweetest heart in the known universe - but the rare times she gets angry, you'd better go in stealth mode... and since I tend to be a pighead of character, too: there are times the walls are trembling. Never last very long, but I learned the hard way to GIVE UP shouting matches rather than adding to the mutual VEI (as in: volcanic explosivity index).
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The world is lucky that this is all that resulted from the blast.
There's always next time. Wait till Campi Flegrei does its thing. Wheeeeeee!!!!!
And Santorini

And Yellowstone - with Charlie Frost. Wheeeeeee !!!


(seriously: the movie is absolute shit, but that scene largely redeems it - on comedic grounds).
First bear into space?


  • Escanear.jpg
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I like to think that Deccan Traps were brought about due a convergence of shockwaves from the Chicxulub Impact. Not exactly the anti-pode, but given 60+ million years of tectonic movement, you never know.
Posted Jan 3, 2022

There are other types of side effects that are never talked about: when the asteroid hit Chicxulub, the concentric shock waves spread across the surface of the planet losing more and more energy, until they reached the maximum diameter, but then they regained a large part of their destructive power as they closed the circle at the other end of the planet.

At that time India was an island located northwest of Madagascar, in the antipodes of Chicxulub, the shock wave generated a column of magma that lifted the island from the bottom of the sea moving it north to collide with Asia and form Everest, it is still growing.

He also generated the Deccan Traps ( that polluted the atmosphere for less than 30,000 years doing much more damage than Sagan's famous nuclear winter.
That's bad news for the cruise tourism industry.
How do you make the leap from a report about military relief ships having COVID infected cases to cruise tourism industry?
The entire tourist cruise sector is in crisis because of COVID, the accident of an Australian military ship shows that if the epidemic cannot be controlled in a disciplined environment it will be even worse on a luxury cruise with civilian passengers of all ages and social classes.


  • O_154621_shipyard-desguace-de-cruceros3.jpg
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The entire tourist cruise sector is in crisis because of COVID, the accident of an Australian military ship shows that if the epidemic cannot be controlled in a disciplined environment it will be even worse on a luxury cruise with civilian passengers of all ages and social classes.

If only we could learn to... live with it :)
Sheesh does everything HAVE to be a conspiracy theory these days?

People died and peoples homes and livelihoods have been destroyed and its just grist for the conspiracy mill yet again.
Exactly! People posting such garbage are delusional at best. They should also consider looking for somewhere else to post said garbage since such posts could be considered a breach of Forum Rules:

  • Posts on alien UFOs, speculative Nazi wunderwaffen/flying saucers/atomic bombs, general conspiracy theories, alien crashes, moon landing denial and the like are specifically discouraged and would be better posted elsewhere.
What, we can't have a little fun in the Bar now and then? We should just get rid of the Bar then. Nothing wrong with any of those topics in moderation in the Bar of all places i would hope GTX. Bar would end up being a very boring less interesting place.
Sheesh does everything HAVE to be a conspiracy theory these days?

People died and peoples homes and livelihoods have been destroyed and its just grist for the conspiracy mill yet again.
Exactly! People posting such garbage are delusional at best. They should also consider looking for somewhere else to post said garbage since such posts could be considered a breach of Forum Rules:

  • Posts on alien UFOs, speculative Nazi wunderwaffen/flying saucers/atomic bombs, general conspiracy theories, alien crashes, moon landing denial and the like are specifically discouraged and would be better posted elsewhere.
What, we can't have a little fun in the Bar now and then? We should just get rid of the Bar then. Nothing wrong with any of those topics in moderation in the Bar of all places i would hope GTX. Bar would end up being a very boring less interesting place. Is that how you want it?
"" In other news: Reported in "The Other Way of Knowing" Still no news about what happened on some far off island on the other side of the world. Reportedly something happened in the Big Bad World of Science and they are talking about it non-stop but we don't listen to facts and 'The Real News'. So we are still waiting for people from that faraway island to come and tell it to us... We wait for the wind to tell us. ""

I wonder what kind of story will reach the "Other way of Knowing"-crowd when they get the news about what happened.
The story of the Great flood ( Also known as Noah and his Ark) took about 6,000 years before getting written down ( A flood caused in what is now the Caspian sea, when several lakes and rivers all started flowing again and rapidly refilled that empty basin, after the last Ice-age, some 14-17000 years ago.) That happened pretty much near the cradle of Civilization... So I wonder if this piece of information ever reaches them.... And if it ever does, how much distorted will it be? I think we all played that game as a child were one would start to tell a short story and then by whispering it to other kids it would get deformed a lot but some part would start remain the same ( or not).

I find it almost unbelievable that there are humans that have seen it with their own eyes happen in real-time and could walk away from it with moving pictures and not have a scratch on them because they were in a F******g space-ship looking down on the planet. ( Seen from the ISS). Mind blown :)
What, we can't have a little fun in the Bar now and then? We should just get rid of the Bar then. Nothing wrong with any of those topics in moderation in the Bar of all places i would hope GTX. Bar would end up being a very boring less interesting place. Is that how you want it?
There is a difference between fun and deliberately posting misinformation, unless your idea of "fun" is posting misinformation. There is way too much misinformation and, dare I say, "alternative facts" around today that is confusing people and worse (just look at the lies put out about COVID). We do not need more.
Aww, there's a problem with the article's Space Weather link, neither Firefox nor Microsoft Edge can find and open it,

In the journal Space Weather, a team of space scientists led by RMIT University's Brett Carter not only mapped the extent of the bubble over Australia, but also calculated its influence on navigation systems used in mining, agriculture and construction.

Ohh, played a little bit and found out why,

It is given as "ttps://"
Needs that h at the beginning,

There we go!

Space Weather

Research Article
Open Access

The Ionospheric Effects of the 2022 Hunga Tonga Volcano Eruption and the Associated Impacts on GPS Precise Point Positioning Across the Australian Region​

B. A. Carter, R. Pradipta, T. Dao, J. L. Currie, S. Choy, P. Wilkinson, P. Maher, R. Marshall, K. Harima, M. Le Huy, T. Nguyen Chien, T. Nguyen Ha, T. J. Harris

First published: 24 May 2023

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