Question about flares dispensers size and Perdix drone


ACCESS: Top Secret
19 July 2019
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I heard that Perdix drone can be fit inside the aircraft flares dispenser but after I checked the size of various type of flares, their width range from 1 inches to maximum of 2.5 inches which are all smaller than Perdix propeller span and body width of 2.6 inches. So how can Perdix fit inside a normal flares dispenser ?
Secondly, is there a fixed size for each slot inside a flares dispenser or is it customizable?

Flares size
common flares.jpg

Perdix drone size

perdix drone.PNG perdix.PNG perdix drone.jpeg
The standard ALE-4X series is extremely flexible; they can take various inserts for different sized payloads. I believe this specific drone fits in an MJU-10/B sized tube, based on the journal article linked below (sorry, I can only see the abstract, but the citations suggest this is about Perdix). That's usually used on large aircraft, not most fighters (F-15 seems to be its only fighter usage) The folding process is obviously tricky, but the prop seems to rotate/fold in half and then tuck under the drone body. Everything else folds and rotates to stow along the body. Worth noting that the dispensers for these trials seem to be in pods, not the fuselage-mounted dispensers , which makes it easier to customize the dispensers.

I've seen Perdix tests on video before, but I'm not quite sure what such a small drone could even do that would be helpful? Can they reflect radar and operate more or less as smart chaff?
I've seen Perdix tests on video before, but I'm not quite sure what such a small drone could even do that would be helpful? Can they reflect radar and operate more or less as smart chaff?
They could act like smart chaff especially for stealth aircraft
i thought they had been suggested to perform BDA - drop ordnance and one of these, get a picture of the results while you get the hell out of Dodge
Perdix specifically is supposed to be for ISR. Each drone won't carry a huge sensor, but you could put together a decent situational awareness picture from a bunch of drones with really small sensors (think cell phone camera quality) operating in coordination over a wide area.
The standard ALE-4X series is extremely flexible; they can take various inserts for different sized payloads. I believe this specific drone fits in an MJU-10/B sized tube, based on the journal article linked below (sorry, I can only see the abstract, but the citations suggest this is about Perdix). That's usually used on large aircraft, not most fighters (F-15 seems to be its only fighter usage) The folding process is obviously tricky, but the prop seems to rotate/fold in half and then tuck under the drone body. Everything else folds and rotates to stow along the body. Worth noting that the dispensers for these trials seem to be in pods, not the fuselage-mounted dispensers , which makes it easier to customize the dispensers.
Thank you, I checked it, turn out it is indeed Perdix and fit inside MJU-10/B slot. MJU-10/B currently used by F-15, C-130 and F-22. MJU-10/B can be launched from ALE-40, ALE-45 and ALE-52 flare dispenser.
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There doesn't seem to be any mission equipment in it, or really any room for equipment. I know this is still an experimental drone but still wondering what the utility is of dispensing this from a fighter aircraft; it seems more like something you'd give to an infantry squad traveling on foot.

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