North Korean Indigenous Missile development (AAM, SAM, ASM)

World B4

my bad y'all
25 June 2017
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The SA-2 Guideline and SA-3 Goa are getting rather long in the tooth.
The SA-2 Guideline and SA-3 Goa are getting rather long in the tooth.

Yes. They can definitely use upgrades. mainly in radar suite. Increasing target channels and improving the minimum RCS they can engage.

The Chinese H-200 radar destined for KS-1A system is a suitable candidate. Russians also made upgrade packages but they're mostly address the RCS issue without actual increase in target channel. Thus the systems remains vulnerable to saturation attack.

For S-200 system. The Russian experimented with actual Phased array 5N62 radar. However this seems not made it to export market. Unlike the Pechora-2A and Volga-2A.
The advantage of old S-75 and S-125 SAM's is, that being command-guided, they stay relevant as long as their control computers are fed correct information about target location. You could just refit the sensors, while using the same missiles and same control equipment.

With more modern, semi-active and active homing SAM it would not work: any major sensors upgrade would require upgrading missile seekers. But old command guided missiles? They work perrectly fine on their 60s vacuum tubes electronic. All they needed is that this electronic was fed with target data from modern sensors, and they could drop anything, up to fifth-gen stealth fighters.
and there is no better "modern sensor" than Phased array radar. Electronic beamsteering can provide not only proper and rapid target tracking but also allows both missile tracking and command transmission function. All in 1 package.

With added benefits of better jamming immunity, True monopulse angle tracking which old S-75 and S-125 lacks. and not to mention increased amount of targets that can be engaged at a time.
and there is no better "modern sensor" than Phased array radar. Electronic beamsteering can provide not only proper and rapid target tracking but also allows both missile tracking and command transmission function. All in 1 package.
Well... I would add infrared optical tracking system - just to make sure)
and there is no better "modern sensor" than Phased array radar. Electronic beamsteering can provide not only proper and rapid target tracking but also allows both missile tracking and command transmission function. All in 1 package.
Well... I would add infrared optical tracking system - just to make sure)
Fools. Pigeon guidance is the only way

I think it's interesting to compare it to Cuba's systems.
Been following the DPRK Shield-2021 expo with the excitement of a military buff.

Are those AAM missiles at 33:03!? First one looks roughly like a PL-10/IRIS-T, the one behind roughly like an AIM-7/PL-12 type.
Even if they can't get or build new jets yet, modernizing and arming their MiG-21/23/29 with these will give them a real new bite.
But i'm half expecting them to soon unveil some type of combat aircraft with all this new stuff coming out!

It really looks like that. It's interesting, but not surprising. Judging from military parades in recent years, it is clear that the DPRK is modernizing comprehensively, not just the "nuclear and missile program," as the mainstream media constantly claims, or "asymmetric solutions," as some analysts claim.

No, the DPRK is clearly trying to keep up in all mil-tech areas. And we know only a small fraction about the development of the local aviation industry. By the end of the current five-year plan (2021-2025), we will see new unmanned strike aerial vehicles and a big reconnaissance drone with an operating radius of 500 km, as set out in the document.

But the newly displayed missiles at the "Self-Defense 2021" exhibition clearly prove that this is not all that happens behind closed doors. Both missiles look relatively modern. In the case of BVR, it is difficult to say whether it has ARH, in any case it is really similar to PL-12 / SD-10. As for the WVR missile, it is very interesting in shape, reminiscent in some respects of various designs, including Denel/SIATT A-Darter.

These are probably weapons in the development stage, in any case, compared to the R-60MK / R-27R, it will certainly be a significant qualitative shift, not to mention even older missiles, which are in the inventory of KPAAF. The first-line KPAAF fighters are really being modernized. Upgraded MiG-21bis or MiG-23ML (maybe analogous to MiG-23-98) with digitalized avionics, improved radar and new ARH BVR and advanced IR missiles can be a very powerful aircraft and a valid player against F-16C or even F-15K . In the case of such upgraded MiG-29, everything is clear... By the way, the DPRK is trying to integrate Kumsong-3 anti-ship missiles into aircraft, which will also be very interesting.

In addition to the mentioned missiles, the exhibition also presented new light modern guided anti-ground missiles, probably for Mi-2 and MD 500 helicopters. It can be assumed that these or similar weapons will be integrated into the modernized Su-25K. The existing KPAAF air fleet still has quite a lot of modernization potential, so that, as a result, the DPRK can acquire relatively modern air forces in the medium term.

And finally…The development of a new North Korean fighter is more than likely - however it may sound like a utopia. The country has no chance to acquire fighters abroad (despite many attempts), while accumulating a huge amount of knowledge in the field of aerodynamics, propulsion, materials (see HGV), electronics, armaments… It has high quality human resources, but a big problem is raw materials. However, if the development has the same dynamics as before (compare weapons at military parades in 2010 and 2020…), we can look forward to the introduction of something like "NKF-21", built on RD-33 engine technology, by the end of the decade. It will all be very exciting.

Too much focus on old SAM complexes and none on new one, Pon'gae-5 aka KN-06:

Refresh of Pon'gae-5 with new SAM.
The Pon'gae-5 aka KN-06 is understood to be a derivative (if not a straight licensed copy) of the Russian S-300P.
The Pon'gae-5 aka KN-06 is understood to be a derivative (if not a straight licensed copy) of the Russian S-300P.
Russia would certainly not license anything to North Korea due to South Korea that is customer of Russian technology.

Anyway timeline:
2010 - Pon'gae-5 unveiled at military parade.
2011 - Pon'gae-5 first missile test as disclosed by South Korea and cited range of 150 kilometers.
2016 - North Korea broadcasted footage of Pon'gae-5 launching SAM on their national television for first time.
2017 - North Korea for second time broadasted footage of Pon'gae-5 launching SAM and proclaimed production of system started.

Iran received S-300PMU2 in 2016 and Syria in 2018 thus neither could provide examples for reverse engineering.

Only perhaps Belarus, but that it is a stretch to suggest that seriously.

Here is detailed analysis of Pon'gae-5 in Japanese, machine translated text using DeepL is attached.


  • DeepL_MTL.txt
    38.8 KB · Views: 16
The Pon'gae-5 aka KN-06 is understood to be a derivative (if not a straight licensed copy) of the Russian S-300P.
Russia would certainly not license anything to North Korea due to South Korea that is customer of Russian technology.
Yeah sure. :rolleyes:

As for the South Korean aspect, South Korea is not really a 'customer' for Russian military technology. The few items they have are only really there because they were given by Russia as a partial payment of debts incurred during the Soviet era.
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Anything that North Korea get hands on may get reverse engineered as it happened with R-17 / SCUD-B when Egypt in late 1970s gave North Korea as thank you gesture when North Korean pilots participated in Yom Kippur war, then Syria has in 1990s provided OTR-21 Tochka and 9M133 Kornet in early 2000s.

There is always aspect of industrial espionage.

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