US Army - Lockheed Martin Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF)

If Scud launches could be observed by DSP satellite in ‘91, it wouldn’t shock me if a modern low altitude sensor like what the MDA is looking at had some capability against artillery systems that were actively firing. Whether it was rocket or tube based, there would be a pronounced IR bloom during projectile launch.
I was thinking more about the Army being able to loosen the Intelligence Community's grip on satellite based ISR.
I fear that the U.S. Army may be overly optimistic there.
You are correct the services are overly optimistic.
NSA NGA,NRO, DIA IARPA, are largely self licking coneheads. They need to be split back down to the services and the CIA.

Strategic, Operational, Tactical distinctions have been blurring for a long time, but careerists and the swamp are deaf to it. JROC service discussion should genuinely divy up ISR as well operational capabilities so to define each services contributions and thus operational delineations. . The alternative is to have the dysfunction of German Command when the allies invaded on D Day. Even w/o H man the command hierarchy was laughable.
What about the vast array of satellites, drones, spy planes, and command-and-control networks that both air-launched and ground-based weapons depend on to find their targets in the first place?

Amidst all these variables, it should be obvious that Army math will under almost no circumstances equal Air Force math — even when the question of trade offs comes in front of Congress during budget debates.

again as stated, the svcs are and will be from now on at each other's throat, and until much of the IC is split back to svcs, ISR and operational roles and missions can not be delineated.

SLRC launched SRAM/rkt assisted rds are still likely the most survivable SEAD option.

Network and AI are reasons why the Nat'l's need to be split back to the Svcs JADC2 and LRPFs.

sooo much $ saved while ops improved.
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More reasons the Nat'l's need to be split back to the Svc's and CIA.

Regardless, all intelligence should have the same aim: helping leaders make better choices.

This requires a shift in how we think of intelligence. Instead of “products” to be delivered, we should see intelligence as an intangible, continuous, user-focused service
(JADC2) that expands its users’ mental map of the world and helps them to navigate it more easily by building context and understanding, with them, rather than dictating judgments at them.

This shift would enable the sort of strategic sensemaking that helps organizations to see beyond immediate challenges and recognize strategic threats before they metastasize. In short, we should start to view intelligence officers themselves as the product, collaborating with users to create value for the national security enterprise.

By one admittedly rough estimate, this armature of acquisition produces 50,000 finished intelligence reports every year.

Unfortunately, many of these reports go unread by anyone but other intelligence officers, because the “sources and methods” from which they’re derived require such strict security measures that only a small handful of people ever actually get to see them.
(CIA) The vast majority of the national security workforce—to say nothing of the wider government—are effectively priced out, unable to access the fruits of the intelligence community’s labor.

In national security, intelligence agencies should, first and foremost, inform the formulation of policy on the strategic level and create the best conditions for decisive victory in conflict on the operational and tactical levels. But on top of that, they should practice competitive intelligence — that is, they should constantly identify competitors’ vulnerabilities, assess potential outcomes of actions to exploit these vulnerabilities, provide operational and tactical intelligence to degrade emerging threats, and assess when one’s own strategies and concepts of operations have become obsolete. This is an intelligence “mindset of campaigning,” similar to the military’s “mindset of campaigning” and “integrated campaigning” concepts.

Competitive intelligence should combine “anticipatory” intelligence, which seeks to assess the evolution of competitors’ intentions and capabilities; and “current” intelligence, which aims to provide real-time understanding of competitors’ actions and the implications of one’s own actions. It must provide tactical intelligence – such as targets for an airstrike – in a strategic context. It must provide strategic intelligence – such as assessing methods competitors use for the conduct of competition – and translate this into tactical and actionable intelligence.

Only the Svcs can be trusted agencies for this type of predictive, operationally oriented, competitive strategic, operational, tactical intell not the self licking Nat'ls.

An opinion released earlier this week from the court overseeing foreign surveillance found “apparent widespread violations” by FBI agents who improperly accessed NSA-obtained material. Judge James Boasberg scolded the FBI for what the agency described as errors but said its practice of querying NSA data could continue with “ongoing monitoring and auditing.”

The CSS alone, as a joint military org, could be better trusted to oversee shady swampy careerists. Military organizations and service folks are better focused on National Security goals rather than individual professional goals. Most non team players dont do well in military orgs. Civilians are often team players just enough to further their career. Likewise, tour rotations and competition between services discourage fifedoms. Particular language groups would be the exception, but they do not hold leaderships roles.
Precision Strike Missile Completes Longest Flight To Date
400-km flight proves reliability as missile advances closer to early Army fielding of new long-range precision fires capabilities

DALLAS, May 12, 2021 – Lockheed Martin’s (NYSE: LMT) Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) successfully completed its fourth consecutive flight test with the U.S. Army today in a 400-kilometer demonstration at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
The PrSM was fired from a HIMARS® launcher and flew with expected precision to the target area where it once again demonstrated a highly accurate and effective warhead event.
Test objectives included confirming flight trajectory, range and accuracy from launch to impact, as well as warhead lethality, HIMARS integration and overall missile performance.
“PrSM accomplished all of the Army’s test objectives again today in its longest flight yet,” said Gaylia Campbell, vice president of Precision Fires at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “The missile’s impressive performance to date reflects the dedication of the joint-industry PrSM team to advance this capability with speed, efficiency and precision.”
The 400-kilometer flight is the first of three demonstrations that will take place this year as part of the Enhanced Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (ETMRR) phase of the development program. This series of flight tests follows three successful TMRR demonstrations culminating last spring. Additional ETMRR flights are slated for the second half of 2021 and will include a maximum range flight test and participation in the U.S. Army’s Project Convergence this fall.
Lockheed Martin continues to successfully validate the design and performance of the baseline tactical missile and is working with the Army on Engineering Design Testing, production readiness and fielding requirements to support multi-domain operations and future needs of the soldier.
The next-generation precision-strike, surface-to-surface weapon system will deliver enhanced capabilities for attacking, neutralizing, suppressing and destroying targets at depth on the battlefield. It further provides field artillery units a new long-range capability while supporting brigade, division, corps, Army, theater, Joint and Coalition forces.
For more than 40 years, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control has been the leading designer and manufacturer of long-range, surface-to-surface precision strike solutions providing highly reliable, combat-proven systems like MLRS, HIMARS, ATACMS and Guided MLRS to domestic and international customers.

What is the mission of the Nat'ls if these capabilities are reached? Instead of expanding these orgs they need to be split back to the svcs and the CIA. The amount of resource DoD the IC could save would be massive. If LRPF is to be achieved layers need to pruned.

In the area of C2, our DIAMONDShield system uses AI algorithms to automate the mission planning process – generating Air Tasking Orders in hours rather than days.

For ISR, we are training AI/ML applications to assist operators and decision makers in intelligent preparation of the battlefield. We can alert the operator to changes and predict future events. Our “Global Automated Target Recognition” processes large data sets finding targets in seconds, which historically would take analysts a day or more. With these AI-assisted applications, decision makers can close the kill web faster thanks to sensors deployed on tactical satellites, UAVs and other platforms from multiple domains.

For any system, we understand that trust is paramount as decision-making starts moving away from human operators in the loop towards human operators on the loop.

If the Army depends on these shallow magazine long range missile batteries and if there is no SLRC than the Army's contribution to the Pacific theatre will be quite limited. The lack of USAF provided airlift and their own short range helicopters further identifies the Army as limited contributor.
As for competing with the Air Force on long-range, precision strike, McConville said land-based strategic counter-fires and precision strike to hit targets at sea or on the ground “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” that can be a deterrent.

LaCamera said the idea is to create “a kill web” with all the services, allies and partners for resiliency of command and control, and then “going after the archer” to fight when necessary.

As stated, the best means to “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” is a San Antonio class size ship or larger ship equipped w/ anti-hypervelocity msle-PBWs, other DEWs, VGS for bombardment, large numbers of multi-mission VLS (including slow Cruise missiles and Hypervelocity msles), armed UAvs, Amphibious armored vehicles, STOVL aircraft, tiltrotor transports.

“going after the archer”..more like stopping the saturation salvos.
As for competing with the Air Force on long-range, precision strike, McConville said land-based strategic counter-fires and precision strike to hit targets at sea or on the ground “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” that can be a deterrent.

LaCamera said the idea is to create “a kill web” with all the services, allies and partners for resiliency of command and control, and then “going after the archer” to fight when necessary.

As stated, the best means to “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” is a San Antonio class size ship or larger ship equipped w/ anti-hypervelocity msle-PBWs, other DEWs, VGS for bombardment, large numbers of multi-mission VLS (including slow Cruise missiles and Hypervelocity msles), armed UAvs, Amphibious armored vehicles, STOVL aircraft, tiltrotor transports.

“going after the archer”..more like stopping the saturation salvos.
How so? Stuffing a humungous San Antonio class ship with a lot of weapons and systems is putting lots of eggs in one basket, the opposite of creating multiple dilemmas
As for competing with the Air Force on long-range, precision strike, McConville said land-based strategic counter-fires and precision strike to hit targets at sea or on the ground “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” that can be a deterrent.

LaCamera said the idea is to create “a kill web” with all the services, allies and partners for resiliency of command and control, and then “going after the archer” to fight when necessary.

As stated, the best means to “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” is a San Antonio class size ship or larger ship equipped w/ anti-hypervelocity msle-PBWs, other DEWs, VGS for bombardment, large numbers of multi-mission VLS (including slow Cruise missiles and Hypervelocity msles), armed UAvs, Amphibious armored vehicles, STOVL aircraft, tiltrotor transports.

“going after the archer”..more like stopping the saturation salvos.
How so? Stuffing a humungous San Antonio class ship with a lot of weapons and systems is putting lots of eggs in one basket, the opposite of creating multiple dilemmas
Thank you for responding. You are quite correct such ships are alot of eggs in one basket. Therefore, although covered in another posting, EM armor for ships (which has been proposed). Yes nextgen nuke reactors for sure. PBWs would require also.

In addition, active protection systems (APS) for ships which include mini missile interceptors, fast guns and DEW would be required.

Lastly, continued development of large scale so called "unsinkable" composite hulls must be pursued.

PS: a counter torpedo system where the contractor is held accountable for the performance of their system would also be a start.
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As for competing with the Air Force on long-range, precision strike, McConville said land-based strategic counter-fires and precision strike to hit targets at sea or on the ground “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” that can be a deterrent.

LaCamera said the idea is to create “a kill web” with all the services, allies and partners for resiliency of command and control, and then “going after the archer” to fight when necessary.

As stated, the best means to “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” is a San Antonio class size ship or larger ship equipped w/ anti-hypervelocity msle-PBWs, other DEWs, VGS for bombardment, large numbers of multi-mission VLS (including slow Cruise missiles and Hypervelocity msles), armed UAvs, Amphibious armored vehicles, STOVL aircraft, tiltrotor transports.

“going after the archer”..more like stopping the saturation salvos.
How so? Stuffing a humungous San Antonio class ship with a lot of weapons and systems is putting lots of eggs in one basket, the opposite of creating multiple dilemmas
Thank you for responding. You are quite correct such ships are alot of eggs in one basket. Therefore, although covered in another posting, EM armor for ships (which has been proposed). Yes nextgen nuke reactors for sure. PBWs would require also.

In addition, active protection systems (APS) for ships which include mini missile interceptors, fast guns and DEW would be required.

Lastly, continued development of large scale so called "unsinkable" composite hulls must be pursued.

PS: a counter torpedo system where the contractor is held accountable for the performance of their system would also be a start.
That solves nothing, you're just gold plating your egg basket and making the imbalance towards ever more capable and unsustainably expensive ships even worse
We need turn all of Pacific to a base , put different weapons , sensors , radar in it . And we need ships , aircrafts , missiles and satellites under Joint all Domain Command and Control .
As for competing with the Air Force on long-range, precision strike, McConville said land-based strategic counter-fires and precision strike to hit targets at sea or on the ground “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” that can be a deterrent.

LaCamera said the idea is to create “a kill web” with all the services, allies and partners for resiliency of command and control, and then “going after the archer” to fight when necessary.

As stated, the best means to “present an enemy with multiple dilemmas” is a San Antonio class size ship or larger ship equipped w/ anti-hypervelocity msle-PBWs, other DEWs, VGS for bombardment, large numbers of multi-mission VLS (including slow Cruise missiles and Hypervelocity msles), armed UAvs, Amphibious armored vehicles, STOVL aircraft, tiltrotor transports.

“going after the archer”..more like stopping the saturation salvos.
How so? Stuffing a humungous San Antonio class ship with a lot of weapons and systems is putting lots of eggs in one basket, the opposite of creating multiple dilemmas
Thank you for responding. You are quite correct such ships are alot of eggs in one basket. Therefore, although covered in another posting, EM armor for ships (which has been proposed). Yes nextgen nuke reactors for sure. PBWs would require also.

In addition, active protection systems (APS) for ships which include mini missile interceptors, fast guns and DEW would be required.

Lastly, continued development of large scale so called "unsinkable" composite hulls must be pursued.

PS: a counter torpedo system where the contractor is held accountable for the performance of their system would also be a start.
That solves nothing, you're just gold plating your egg basket and making the imbalance towards ever more capable and unsustainably expensive ships even worse
Dispersion is great and mini- combatants barely large enough to be called ships which meld into commercial shipping as proposed in this forum, but not this thread, are what is unfortunately unsustainably expensive. The more concentration the less the cost, of course. Imperviousness is the 21st century, all it takes is intent.
And in meanwhile russians are poking powered 203mm shell with expected range within 220km mark...
Sadly only in russian. That's only math modelling tho, unknown if anything on this topic was already done in metal or if it will be at all.


  • Pion 2S7 Extended Range.pdf
    1 MB · Views: 27
Sadly only in russian. That's only math modelling tho, unknown if anything on this topic was already done in metal or if it will be at all.

this one is very unusual. basically using the "through" combustion chamber.

I can see it will constrain space even more for payload or any form of guidance.

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