Is there a counter against submarine launched anti ship missile?

Is there a counter against submarine launched anti ship missile?

  • There isn't any

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • There are a few but they are rather ineffective

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • There are many effective counters

    Votes: 7 63.6%

  • Total voters


ACCESS: Top Secret
19 July 2019
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There are many type of anti ship missile that can be launched from submarine such as Brahmos, Moskit, 3M54K Club, Sea dragon. Submarine are not affected by radar horizon like surface ship, while their still retain the range and speed like the version launched from surface ship. a Brahmos launched from submarine can still fly at Mach 3 and reach 300 km. Secondly, because of their low noise signature a submarine can't be detected from long range and because they are underwater where drag is high, all weapons that can be used against them such as torpedo, mine don't have long range either.
Even the ASROC which is essentially a torpedo on top of a rocket also have very short range and much lower speed than a submarine launched anti ship missile, commonly ASROC range is only 24 km at speed of about Mach 1



An aircraft carrier can carry anti submarine helicopter, but these things for sure doesn't fly as quick as submarine launched anti ship missiles and I don't think they can detect submarine from as far as submarine can detect an aircraft carrier.

To sum up, submarine can detect surface ship from much longer distance, anti ship missile can fly much further and much faster than anti submarine rocket and torpedo, mine.
So, does surface ships have any way to counter submarine + antiship missile threat?
Shirley the reason we rely on the abilities of submarines to kill other submarines.
How reliant are such subs with these longer reach weapons on targeting information from other sources?
While they may now have excellent passive acoustic detection capabilities does that really amount to sufficiently specific targeting information for an accurate long range shot against an aware manoeuvring target?
Or is there still a need for a UAV or something/ somebody else (real-time satellite info?) to close the tracking-loop?
Passive sensors like sonar can give you bearing information but not range, especially at longer ranges. They are dependent on offboard ISR platforms for any long-range missile shot. Take out the ISR platform and now the sub has to come into range of your own ASW helos, escorts, and weapons. Thats why torpedoes are still very viable anti-ship weapons, its also harder to "shoot down" a torpedo than an anti-ship missile.
Depends, do you want to destroy the submarine or do you want to destroy the missile? If it is the former, then detection is the key and because of thermoclines the range is rather limited. If is the latter then all the usual counter-missile systems are available. How useful they are, is a matter of debate but at least you have a fairly high chance of destroying the missile/luring it away/preventing it detecting you, before it hits you.
How reliant are such subs with these longer reach weapons on targeting information from other sources?
While they may now have excellent passive acoustic detection capabilities does that really amount to sufficiently specific targeting information for an accurate long range shot against an aware manoeuvring target?
Or is there still a need for a UAV or something/ somebody else (real-time satellite info?) to close the tracking-loop?
Submarine can track target from very long range, SOFAR channel allow them to tracks targets from thousands mile away with low frequency sound.
Targeting information can be generated by passive sonar and motion analysis, no third party information is required.

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