Carriers: A radical option

uk 75

ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
27 September 2006
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Now that the CV(F) saga has settled down to a return to no cats and traps perhaps the time has come for some radical thinking.

Brzail needs a new carrier to replace its existing former French conventional carrier and India is having difficulty completing its former Russian ship. Both countries are going to be important international partners in the years to come, and importantly both have a long tradition of working with the Royal Navy and using British equipment. Instead of messing around with the French, the Government and BAE systems should explore co-operation with these two countries. We have two hulls under construction, and the capacity to build or licence build more. The CV(F) design may not be perfect but it represents the culmication of years of experience by the RN and British Industry. Potentially some 8 to 10 hulls could be built in the UK, India and Brazil over the next decade. Other countries, notably Australia might also order the ships.

Brazil, India and the UK could also pool their expertise to generate a carrier born aicraft learning from the LCA/AMS/Typhoon/JCA but being simpler to build and operate. Ideally it should be able to take off from a Stobar ship like the Mig 29 but without the STOVL complexity of JCA. An unmanned version could be developed at the same time. The UK would have to technology transferbut in return we would be in a naval partnership with two growing powers in the world. Throw in Type 45s and Type 26s into the mix and we could be back to the heady days of the 50s and 60s but with a new twist that Brazil and India would be adding money and skills to a programme as well.

I know that you will all find lots of snags but to me this seems a great growth programme with a world peacekeeping dividend as well.
As much as I would love the RAN to have a CVF, I doubt they will change away from the Canberra class LHDs.

Brazilian representatives have been inr the UK during this last month to look at both the Type 26 and the CVF programs, The Indian Navy Kiev class rebuild is complete and scheduled for sea trials now with delivery expected in December, they have also launched their own IAC hull, although this was to allow a comercial ship to be assembled in the dry dock whilst they construct the next set of modules to complete the carrier. Their next IAC design IAC-2 is supposed to be an even larger ship, possibly CVF sized or greater, but they will be using the IAC-1 as a basis, they have also put back its requirement till later in the decade at best.
uk 75 said:
We have two hulls under construction, and the capacity to build or licence build more.

I know that you will all find lots of snags but to me this seems a great growth programme with a world peacekeeping dividend as well.
I dont think the UK does have the capacity to build many more CV(F)s (when will the F change i wonder...), well not if you are ever planning to build anything else in the UK concurrently... The MARS program, for instance has had to be shipped out to south korea and the T26 programme cannot be started until after the CV(F)s are in the water. There is just no spare capacity at present, as far as I'm aware. You would have to look at licence builds.
Technically, it's actually the CV(A), but the CVF name usage has become so ingrained, it'll take a fair bit of time to change.
Thanks chaps for all the info. I was a bit behind on the Indian programmes.

I still think that if India can rescue Jaguar and Land Rover they might also do wonders for BAE systems.

Licence building in India and Brazil, and selling off a hull. There must be more imaginative options than those we have so far.

Brazil might be promising
Grey Havoc said:
Technically, it's actually the CV(A), but the CVF name usage has become so ingrained, it'll take a fair bit of time to change.

Its actually referred to as QEC Queen Elizabeth Class by the ACA as i was corrected by Geoff Searle when i mentioned CVF in a question :-[

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