Boris Natanovich Strugatsky (April 14, 1933 – November 19, 2012)


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1 April 2006
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I'm not sure how many of you familiar with works of Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
Whatever, today Earth left without Boris Strugatsky, younger of Strugatsky brothers - sci-fi writers truly of Isaac Asimov and Clifford Simak scale, epoch and legend of Soviet and Russian sci-fi, whose books have raised and made outlook of several generations and whose books you couldn't find easily as they allowed themselves to ask questions and learn things that those in power didn't like. They were and stay Gods of our sci-fi for many.


I still have a bottle of vodka somewhere...
Definitely sad. Roadside Picnic is one of my favorite books.

Tarkovsky's film interpretation of Roadside Picnic, Stalker,
is an amazing film as well (with a wonderful soundtrack).


Many thanks, Flateric.
Gone, but not forgotten !

Had (and still have) several of their books in my shelf, thanks to my relatives in the GDR,
who put in great efforts to get them during the '70s.
Roadside Picnic/"Stalker" had a lasting effect on me then ... or still today, don't know ?

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