A suggestion to Trait d'Union Magazine


Senior Member
26 May 2006
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after the Trait d'Union magazine enjoyed us by its article about; Les Constructeurs
Francais 1919-1945,and it is nearly depleted by reaching to No.291 and "S",so I
suggest that,it can continue by a completing subject, Les Constructeurs Francais 1946-1990.
I swear by my God,

that I think there is a proper time to make some corrections and additions for Les Constructeurs
Francais 1919/1945 articles,I thought about that from a month,specially me and some members
here discovered many new entries, and thanking God,they did it.

the magazine goes to early Wilbault aircraft,and as I expect its article "Les Constructeurs Francais
1919/1945" will be disappeared in no more anther two issues,so I have anther suggesting to them
and as they said before,the Musée de l'Air has a hundreds of unknown Projects to many famous
and un-famous designers ,so if they make many visits to it and get most of them,they will have
a grantee to publish more 10 to 15 issues from this article.


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I emailed Trait d'Union recently about the possibility of producing a collected edition of "Les Constructeurs Français 1919-1945" either as a book or on a DVD. The reply I received was quite encouraging as far as the DVD was concerned (I've included the reply in full below). Anyone else who is interested in this DVD being produced, could perhaps contact Trait d'Union to show them that there is plenty of support for this project. The contact link is http://www.bfab-tu.fr/crbst_1.html
The reply from Trait d'Union:

Thanks for your interest in Le Trait d'Union.
Regarding Charles Claveau's monumental work, I have to say that we receive the same question as yours very often.
Due to the volume printed (+1500 pages) it's impossible for our small association to make and pre-pay an enormous book for which we aren't sure to find buyers in sufficient numbers. To add, we don't have the printing files of the first 20 years, nor the photos. The quality of printing at that time was sub-standard.
For these reasons and some others, we have decided to discard the idea of any printed version.
Nevertheless, we recently knew that Charles Claveau has already scanned all his work. In addition, another French Branch historian did the same with incorporation of all Additions & Corrections at the right place.
So our chairman is currently investigating these works in quality and global weight, then test the feasibility of producing a DVD including a master index. Decision will be discussed during our AGM in March (fingers crossed). Keep an eye on our website www.bfab-tu.fr
A very good news Woodville,

and I have already a DVD for all issues from 0 to 122,and if they do that,
it will be a nice dream for me.

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