
  1. isayyo2

    Polaris tubes stay on Cruisers?

    Before Polaris was put out to sea, submarines weren't their only host platform; the USN had their Long Beach and Albany cruisers "fitted for, but not with" with eight Polaris tubes. Also, the Italian Navy and their Cruisers held provisions for Polaris tubes. Still, these plans were dashed after...
  2. XP67_Moonbat

    Unknown Polaris Missile Variant

    I was just curious as to what version of Polaris this is. Both articles featuring these pics say they're early Polaris tests. But I've never seen a Polaris like that before. http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/nukevault/ebb275/ http://lewis.armscontrolwonk.com/archive/7631/dprk-slbm-test
  3. Michel Van

    Lockheed Polaris Missile 1958 Wind Tunnel Tests

    holy glory at youtube Lockheed Polaris Missile Wind Tunnel Tests in 1958 at NACA Langley Research Center's Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel the Video show a fist the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel and good look how they work. the Polaris Wind tunnel model got one surprise: fins ...
  4. Triton

    US Navy Polaris SSBN concepts

    Early design concepts for the US Navy Polaris SSBN also used variations of the Skipjack-class (SSN-585) nuclear attack submarine design originally intended for the Jupiter SSBN. The Polaris missile was so much smaller than the Jupiter that twice as many missiles could be carried in the hull...
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