Search results for query: "Naval Group"

  1. V

    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    Some projects reach the point with cost overruns that you can't help but regretting not going the more expensive option up front. Its when value for money starts to appear more appealing than cheap, or more to the point, cheap isn't cheap enough to justify the compromise on capability. I was...
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    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    No the Attack class programs and its issues relate directly to the governments pursuit of developing sovereign industrial capability. Naval group would like nothing more than the Australian government stepping back and saying "design and build x number of submarines for us" rather than forcing...
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    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    You do realise the Collins Class are in service, being life extended well beyond their expected lives, and are still regarded as one of the most capable conventional submarines ever built? The contractual issues with Kockums stemmed from the sale of Kockums to German interests, violating...
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    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    I applied for a role with Naval Group much earlier this year, before I was warned off them. I didn't hear anything and forgot about it. Today I received an email informing the role was no longer being recruited, fair enough, it then launched into a diatribe I have yet to manage to finish...
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    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    Interestingly, while I am sure there must be some Australian submariners who want nuclear boats I have never come across one. I should add the RAN submariners I know include ex RN SSN/SSBN MEOs, i.e. nuclear engineers. Also a former head of ASC Steve Ludlum, was also the former head of RR...
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    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    Its still a newer more advanced option than Japan or Germany offered. The problem is the project was already overdue for kick off when the previous government announced a local clean sheet design was the preferred option back in 2010/11. At that point the evolved Collins, developed with...
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    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    Shipbuilding is very cyclical in Australia. We have a distinctive cultural cringe in that there is an "elite" in Australia who despite all evidence to contrary seem to believe that Australian's cant design and build anything. The want to concentrate on what they understand, primary industry...
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    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    The most succinct summary I have seen so far: Status is reachable Sarah Pavillard• 1stCEO - ADROITA42m • 42 minutes ago This is the most important strategic shift for Australia in generations. Key points from today’s announcement: ☢️ Australia will acquire nuclear submarines ☢️nuclear...
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    Replacement of Australia's Collins Class Submarines

    It depends on which Japanese company, maybe ask Renault what they think of Nissan and vise versa. Mitsubishi were dodgy and got caught, Toyota on the other hand actually drive and lead quality through out any industry they are involved in while remaining modest enough, despite their size and...
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