China Successfully Completed Hypersonic Engine Test


Senior Member
3 June 2011
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"China's home-grown turbine-based combined cycle (TBCC) engine system has completed its design and development stage and entered the aircraft-engine integration test phase, a major step toward the development of the country's next generation hypersonic drone.

An article published by the WeChat account of Chengdu Aircraft Research and Design Institute, a design facility of the Chengdu Aircraft Industrial Co, on Thursday said the TBCC engine flight test project is led by the institute's chief architect Wang Haifeng, who also led key national defense projects, such as the development of the J-20 and J-10 fighter jets.

. . .

The SR-72 is the successor of the fastest aircraft the world has seen, the SR-71, a Cold War reconnaissance jet that the US Air Force retired in 1998.

As Chinese firms rapidly develop their own TBCC engine, a Chinese version of the SR-72 will not be far off, Wei predicted."

I predict China's will fly first. I doubt Lockheed's will ever even get to metal cutting.
Airplane said:
Are you familiar with the plans for the bigger scaled up version?

You mean the Mach 8 design that was also ROCKET powered?


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sferrin said:
fredymac said:
I am trying to imagine an operational X-15 with the range to conduct strategic reconnaissance. Not much luck. An X-15 with the fuel and landing gear to handle the weight at takeoff and still able to get up to M6 is also a stretch.

But, but. . . somebody painted this:

Please go find a bathroom and keep the self gratification private. No one wants to see you do this in public.
Airplane said:
sferrin said:
fredymac said:
I am trying to imagine an operational X-15 with the range to conduct strategic reconnaissance. Not much luck. An X-15 with the fuel and landing gear to handle the weight at takeoff and still able to get up to M6 is also a stretch.

But, but. . . somebody painted this:

Please go find a bathroom and keep the self gratification private. No one wants to see you do this in public.

The lack of self-awareness here is hilarious.
sferrin said:
Airplane said:
Are you familiar with the plans for the bigger scaled up version?

You mean the Mach 8 design that was also ROCKET powered?

What is your IQ? 75? My comment was airplane. Did I cite an engine type? No.

Gosh I really hope you go into law because you won't last 5 minutes in court with your... ahem... "logic"

And what is this fascination with phallic symbols you feel the need to post? Hmmm?
Airplane said:
sferrin said:
Airplane said:
Are you familiar with the plans for the bigger scaled up version?

You mean the Mach 8 design that was also ROCKET powered?

What is your IQ? 75? My comment was airplane. Did I cite an engine type? No.

Gosh I really hope you go into law because you won't last 5 minutes in court with your... ahem... "logic"

Since you're obviously too smart to figure it out on your own I'll spell it out for you. Your X-15 reference is irrelevant BECAUSE it's rocket powered. Do you understand, or do I need to use smaller words?
Sferrin was commenting on his belief that China would field a TBCC engine powered aircraft before the US based on this article showing Chinese progress in doing exactly that.

I fail to see the relevance of X-15 to the topic. Did it use a TBCC engine? Nope. Are there any known TBCC engine demonstrators flying in the US? Nope.

The tone of posts here by Airplane in particular is unacceptable. Further behaviour of this type will result in banning.
As an aside, citing “friends” who work at a classified site is not a good way to establish credibility. People with clearances know better. Or have problems. Like this guy.


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And banned.

For what its worth, I know sferrins background and he is perfectly qualified to have an opinion on aerospace topics. "Airplane", no idea who you are, but your posts are obnoxiously rude. I suggest you think before posting in future if you want to continue to participate in this forum.
Sheesh. I turn my back for five minutes...

Rocket powered aircraft can of course attain Mach 8. But *attaining* Mach 8 is insufficient for strategic range recon systems. If you want an "operational"system you need to either:
1: Cruise at Mach 8, which a rocket system cannot do. Only an airbreather theoretically could, and a Mach 8 airbreather that can survive is so far undemonstrated.
2: Attain *greater* than Mach 8, so that you can either skip across the upper atmosphere for strategically valid range (probably meaning something in the range of Mach 12-16), or get close to Mach 25 so you can do a suborbital exoatmospheric hop all the way around, or go straight to orbit.

If you want a global range rocket powered vehicle, you're probably best off going straight to SSTO. Getting *close* to orbital is almost as hard, but it leaves you screaming through the atmosphere for an extended period.
2: Attain *greater* than Mach 8, so that you can either skip across the upper atmosphere for strategically valid range (probably meaning something in the range of Mach 12-16), or get close to Mach 25 so you can do a suborbital exoatmospheric hop all the way around, or go straight to orbit

As in the stuff that allows you to see through your beer.
You put a periscope in your beer?

That's weird. Although the traditional British pewter tankard has a glass bottom. The legend was always that the glass let you see if the recruiter who had bought you the pint had slipped the King's shilling in there. I think that's probably a load of dingo's kidneys and it was so you could see if the beer was cloudy.

But as for rockets, I'm thinking of something fishy.
LowObservable said:
Although the traditional British pewter tankard has a glass bottom. The legend was always that the glass let you see if the recruiter who had bought you the pint had slipped the King's shilling in there. I think that's probably a load of dingo's kidneys and it was so you could see if the beer was cloudy.

I don't know if yer f'n with me. That all sounds like gibberish, son.

Sorry if I'm being obscure... maybe my drink is too strong and I need more ICE IN my GLASS...
Nerd punz are the werst punz. :p


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ISINGLASS. Jesus people, stop being obtuse. Yes, I am well aware this will trigger the famous Orionblamblam Shawshank meme.....
This thread has given me such a laugh today (btw I didn't think it was at all obtuse) however does anyone really think China has hypersonic airbreathing capability yet?
Nigelhg said:
This thread has given me such a laugh today (btw I didn't think it was at all obtuse) however does anyone really think China has hypersonic airbreathing capability yet?

Nobody said that they do.
I need to catch up, give me a few minutes to sink a dozen pints and I might be in the ballpark. You can get these little plastic things that freeze nicely but don't dilute the booze.

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