Modern Mechanix -- Helicopter Cavalry


ACCESS: Above Top Secret
Senior Member
16 April 2008
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So, in 1956, Modern Mechanix had a pretty bonkers article (which MM articles weren't, though?) about "helicopter cavalry" showing a one-man tip-powered rotor ultralight helicopter as a sort of horse replacement for cavalry. The question is, was this based on any actual design concept or was it totally an artist's fantasy?


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I suppose some of the Hiller concepts/developments (such as that shown below) might fit the bill but I suspect the exact one shown in that article is just a concept.


Another similar concept is this:

Thanks! The Hiller design was clearly a major inspiration here, despite the very different rotor system.
Don't forget that this is Frank Tinsley artwork.
Although he based his artwork in real or plausible concepts, there was often an element of fantasy in his work.


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I'm not familiar with Tinsley's other work. Based on this article, "fantasy with an element of reality" might be closer to the mark.
Autogyro Cavalry

While the West made pretty pictures and precious little practical hardware, elsewhere they developped a practical autogyro.
The Shaanxi "Hunting Eagle" gyrocopter was in field tests in 2014.

Just imagine swarms of those in your logistics areas...
Or a dozen spec ops operators with silent-engine versions of it.


  • China Shaanxi Hunting Eagle Gyrocopter military autogyro Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Co.jpg
    China Shaanxi Hunting Eagle Gyrocopter military autogyro Shaanxi Baoji Special Vehicles Co.jpg
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James Bond had one of those half a century ago:

Re: Autogyro Cavalry

dan_inbox said:
While the West made pretty pictures and precious little practical hardware, elsewhere they developped a practical autogyro.
The Shaanxi "Hunting Eagle" gyrocopter was in field tests in 2014.

Just imagine swarms of those in your logistics areas...
Or a dozen spec ops operators with silent-engine versions of it.
frightening for real
Is this really practical? Would they fire the AT rocket or bazooka, whatever it is in flight?. I can image the blast interfering with the tail rotor and main rotor if they did and I would not want to be the crewmember on the other side. Also no armor protection. Is it meant as a troop transport or some kind of light attack vehicle?

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